Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Article beginning on page 301.
Psyche 3:301-302, 1880.

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Aufhovs and societies are å´r~fqueste to forward their works to the editors as sooft a #ubtis&ed. The date of publicatiew, given i'Ì brackets [I, marks the time at which the work was received, unless an earlier date of publication is kaowa to vecordw or editor. Unless othe~wise stated each yecord is made directly fram the work that is voticed. A colon after inifutl designates the most common given name, as: A: Augustus; B: Ben- jamk; C: Charles; D: David; 2%: Edward; F: Frederic; G: George; H: Henry; I: Isaac; J: John; K: Karl; L: Louis; M: Mark; N: Nicholas; 0: Otto; P: Peter; 3:
Richard; S: Samuel; 7': Thomas; W: William, The initials at the end of each vecord, or wale, are these of the recorder.
Cor~ecfio~i^! of errors and notices of oini.~ion& ape solicited. Applegarth, J : Manna and honey-dew.
(Proc. Cal. acad. sci., 3 Mar. 1873. v. 3, p. 42-43.] [Rec., 540a-]
Both mmnnft and honeydew appear in the fall, the former rarelv the latter regularlv. Honey-bees [ IS tndtificaj tnr~ct bsth, W ~ Y C ~ tiley store in sEpwdte c.$i, Ncitlier arc supposed to be ~tiusetl by insects, Ii'. T. (2626)
B., J.
On British wild flowers considered in
relation to insects.
(Joarn. of hot., 1875,
V. 13, n. S., V. 4, p. 157.)
Rev. of]: Lubbock's work of aame
Balfour, T : Alexander Goldie. Account of some ex eriments on dimam ntufcipslu,
Venus' fly-trap. (Trans. hot. soc., Edin- burgh, -. 10 June, 8 July 1875, v. 12, p. 334- 39-1
Rectwd of a series of experiments on the carnivorous habits of the species mentioned,
Believe3 that the
glatt& of <ff'i>fww and dmswa serve by their %%'E., in attmct prey <v. 351J. Nntes the ~c~atwrr of released insect? (p. 343). Stutm, on the anthnritv of Prof. Dcwnr, that the ..idd of the secretion i< formic sciA IV- 7: (36~81
Bennett, Alfred W. The influence of insect- agency on the distribution of plants.
(Joiirn. of botany, 1%: v. 10, n. s., v. I, P- 334-335.)
Calls attetitiun to the field for observation afforded by the relative diatributimi of plnmta and insects, and tranfllntes a portion of F. HildfibrantPs "Ueber die ~VectiwIbdtirttun~'cti in der Vicrlm?tn'iis' vem IJflanz. Brenchley; T. A. A. Bees as fertilizing a- gents. (Gard. chronicle, 31 Jan. 1880, n. s., v. 13, p. 149, 35 cm.)
States that bees are profitably empio d in early ~DUSSS tor sffwtlnb:" pnlllinattnn in the peach. U': T. (*)
Brown, Robert. Notes on some recent re-
searches regarding dichopny and other
allied subjects. (Trans. hot. soc., Edin- btirgh, Apr. 1873. v. 11, p. 497-499.)
An account of a few of the more interestin hitherto published obscrvitticina. Mentions the fcrtifzation of cIf~'ffdmifm~ t/tffftsyo~iau b insects, thxt of yucca by ro rs~fta pccfiSfS/a: denies that ires e\cv pti-forate &vi crs nnlcis too large to enter them; and remxrks on anpmophilow flowers, and on te'nmnologv, W: T. (2(131)
Bul-ton, F. M. Insects and artificial flowers. (Nature, 27 Dec. 1877, v. 17, p. 162-163, 12 cm.)
States that rnacro~Iossa MCmfaruw has been seen to try tn obtain nectar from artificial flowerson a lady's bonnet. Degcribes the fltran~ actions of a s knx #fro. fiosfiTinginthfsmnksoi*asteainer. 1^7, (z+,aj Cook, Albert J :, St* PACKARD, A. S.,jr., Moths en- h,ipprrl bv an aflclepiad phnt . . . [Rec., 16711, Darwin, C :, set PACKAIID, A. S jr., Moths entrapped by .tn asciepiad plant . . . [R&,
Darwin, C : Fertilization of vincas.
chronicle, is Jtine 1861, p. 552, it cm.) Desc~Thea the atract'nrfi of the flower of v. major, and chows how it miglttbc fertilized by moth^. Inaccts are said never to visit tlie flnwerb in Enffh~nd. W: T, (2633)
Darwin, C ; Nectar-secreting organs of
plants. (Gard: chronicle, 21 July 1855, p. 487. no cm .)
Records the visits of apis to the stipular lands ol vicif~ satim, in sunshine.
W ?. (-1
Darwin, C : On the two forms or dimorphic condition in the species of $rimula . . . [Rec*, W31.
hotice (by D. Oliver?], entitled "On di- morphism in $riwttla."
Nat. hist. rev.,
Jan. 1363, V. I, no. 5, p. IIi, ~cXI.)
Rev. [by W. Oliver?], under title of ar- tide.
(Xtt. hist, rev., Jub 1862, v. I, no.
7, P. 335-243.) W: 2". (*$I


Darwin, C :
On the various contrivances by
wliicli British and foreign orchids are fer- 0
tilized . . . [Rec., 23781.
Rev. [by D. Oliver?], under full title.
(Nat. hist. rev.. Oct. 1862, v. Y, no. 8. p. Delpino, Federico.
Alcuni appunti di geo-
grtifia botanica a propositv delle tabelle fitogeografiche del Prof. Hoffmann. [Es- trntio rial Lase. 3O dei Bollettino della societh geogafca italianal. Firenze, Sept. iSdq. 45 p., 23X 14, t 16~9.5.
Abstract, by F. Hildebrand, entitled
Weber die ~Vechselbezielmngen in der
Verbreitung von Pflanzen und Thieren."
(Bot. Zeitung, 1869, v. 27: 19 Nov., c. 792- 794; ZG 'Nov., c. 809-813.;
Engl. tr, of a portion of abstract, by A. W. Bennett, entitled "The influence of
insect agency on the distribution otplants." (Joum. of botany, 1873, v. 10, n. s., v. 1, P- 334-3354]
Sinws, among other things, that certain plants are so impendent upon certain insects and nthcr tuiimala for olli~iiition that thdr diatributkin is newss.iritv limitcd by thnt of the imectx in question. Tpe pksence of some euch spcci.diwd plant? in hiqli ht~tudcs is made US<; ot us H. rt?;Tinn fir brli~i ing" tlic nccnmnct; of tiw~r p$irttcu[fl:r groups oF twcrts. 117 T, (25.37) Delpino, Federico. Suli' opera "La distri- buzione dei sessi nelle piante e !a S.egge che osta alla perenniti dellit fecondazione con- snnguineil" . . . Note criticbe. (Atti dellu soc, ital. di sci. nat. [Mi1anolr 1867, v. 10, p. 571-303.)
Separate, Milano, 1867. 34 p., 22X 15,
t 16X 10.
Rev. of F. Hildebriind'a " Dili Geschliichter-Ver. theilung bei dun Pllan?.en" . . . [Rec., 2436b: T+ (3638)
Delpino, Federico. Relazione su!!' appa- recchio della fecondazione nelleasclepiadee, aggiuntevi alcune considerazioni suliecause fimli e stilla teorin cti Carlo Darwin intorno all' origine delle specie. [Esti-atto clftlla Gazzetta medics. di Torino, 1865. Torino, 1365.1 24 p., 22x13, t 15.5x8.5.
The influence of Insects is notcd, and a partial litera- ture of the subject given, beside dcmils of the floral iitmctura of plf~dawfhus, per"f?om, gap Ancarpa, ek. 4': T. (26,~)
Delpino, Federiw. Rivista botanica dell' anno 1878 [Estratto dail' Anniiario sden- tidco italiano. Anno I;; : 1878.1 Miliisio, Fratelii Treves, 1879. 148 p., 1gX 13, t 16X 9.
1'mt 3. Bioiogiave tnk (p. 18.36). Reviews papers on in&tivmot~s ydmg; the papers of Francis bxrwin and Fwd. Colin on protoplitsmic [?I protrusions frmn the leaf hairs of di/inormt iifld the annulus of aman*, etc. f~osqiblv connected with thc rtbiriiri'itkm of fflr~amc matt&) ; and four papers :bod :i hi-gt [iimnherof note^i on ttir fcrlifization of plnnts, in part tlironeh the agency 01 in'ser's. 11': T. (23,p)
Delpino, Federico. Ulteriori osservazioni sulla dicogainia . . . Parte la [Rec,! z391]. Germ. tr. of greater part. b F. Hilde-
brand, entitled "F. Deipino's Weitere Beo- bachtungen hber die Dichogamie im Pflanz- enrekh, mit Zusatzen und Illustrationen." (Rot. Zeitnng, (870: 16 Sept., c. 585-594: 23 Sept,, c. 601-609; 30 Sept., c. 617-625; 7 Oct., c. 633-641 ; 14 Oct., c. 649-659: 21 Oct., c. 665-6'75, pi, 10.) T. (26411
Delpino. Federico. Ulteriori oservazioni bulla dicogxmia nel regno vegetale. Parte sa. Fascicolo so. [Dngli Atti SOC. ttal. sci. nut. (Milano), 1874, v. 16; Jan., p. 151-160; JU!,Y, p. 161-349; 187 j, V. 17 : Jnr~.. p. 266- 336; Mar., p, 337-407.
Setlnta del 28 Di-
cembre 1873.1 Milano. Giuseppe Bernar-
doni, 1870 [corrected in copies distributed by the niithor to 1873-18741, 351 p., 22 X 16? t 16X 10.
Treats of zoidirqMlous flowers, or those adiipted to pollinatinn liy aid of uiiirnals; discussing the odors, colors, pohi and nettsir of finwers as means of atmatt- ins: to them insects md other ~inimals, and <howin& how tbi; Tfitt~r nffect ci~^s.!'ftrtili~fil-ion h?twcrn the flovfcw. 1V: T. (2642)
Duehartre. P, Floraison etfdcondation de l'^ifr/fve 4'
otator~91t, Zuccar. (Bull. sdc.
hot. de
ranee, 27 Dec. 1861, v. 8, p. 629-
630. )
Fertilization effected by flits. fr: (26431 Engelmami, G: Notes on the genus yucca,
(Trails. acad. sd. St. Louis, 1873, v. 3, p, . ..
States (p. is) that the flowers are poilinitted by aid uf fimi d><t yucrasi'iia . W. T. (2%)
Ernst, A. Jottings from a botanical note book. f Joiirn. of botany, 1870, v. 8, p. Grieve, P: Bees as fertilizing agents.
(Card. chronicle, 15 Feb. 1879, 11. fi., v. t I, p. 204, 26 cm.)
Does nnt helieve in the introduction of bees into ncnch lioud~s. as fertilization is wcll secured~vithflut their aid. ' W: T. (2646)
Hildabrand, Friedrich. Ueher die Wecbsel- heziehiinseii in dcr Verbreitiing von Pfiiinz- en und Thieren. (Bot. Zeitnng, 1869. v. 27 : r9 Nov., c. 792-794: 26 Nov., c. 809-813.) Partial Engl. tr., by A. W. Bennett. en- titled "The influent of insect-agency on the distribution of plants." (Journ. of
botany, 1872, v. 10, n.s,, v. I, p. 334-335.) Abstract of Pi Delpino's "Akuni iippunti di geo n
fia botanic .. , [Rec., 00791, ahoivinq among othtii things how' the distribution of certain plants may be limikd hv thsit of t11c insects iind other anininis upon which tlicv tIepi.-~nI fir their polliniition. W: T. (47)


Volume 3 table of contents