Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Article beginning on page 298.
Psyche 3:298, 1880.

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described, which are successively (after ' represented by Newport at 48 Iiotirs in the ptipal state. is assumed) 1, 13, 18, A. wticne, the fourth, filth nud sixth 24,36,48, and 58 hours. According to his ganglia being completely amalgamated account the second and third (original) into a single long ovate ma^, while the ganglia at this period "approach
and third, though clearly distinct from the coalesce, and the double ganglion thus mass behind it, was separated from it formed ia-only separated from the larger hy only less than half its own diameter, thoratsic mass, composed of the fourth very short, stout ribbons uniting the iind fifth ganglia, and part of the sixth, two ; it was also of the ame size as at
oy vela? short but much enlarged cords." 48 hours, and the second ganglion, in- As the figures given by him do not iu stead of trnvelli~ig toward the thii-d, as themselves show how this amalgamation Newport asserts, retained very nearly of the second and third ganglia is or quite its own place, but was reduced effected, I examined the nervous cord of iu size, being gradually absorbed in the present species, hadryas to, 48,
place by the cord.
This absorption was
51 and 55 hours after pupation, with the entirely effected at 55 hours, as also was following results : The pupa of 48 the complete amalgamatiou of the third hour's qe differs from that of Aghtis
gauglio11 with the mass behind it.
wtiuae only in the separation of the
second ganglion then is not amalgamated
fourth ganglion from the united fifth i d with the third, but disappears in place- sixth ; very short and broad ribbons eon- a point quite iu keeping with the lessen- nected them, but they were mmistak-
ing importance, but continued integrity, ably separated by half the width of the
of the prothorax generally.
fourth ganglion ; while the third and Male gewrative o~pns. The testes fourth ganglia were separated by about
form a globular mass 1.5 mm. in diain-
the diameter of the latter ganglion. At eter. 51 hours the condition was more as ( To h<s contimed os p. 307. j XTLOCOPA PERFORATJKG A COROLLA-TUBE.
IN October 1881 I noticed a Xylowpa
fluted. Applying its sharp and wedge-
perforating the corolla-tube of a salver- shaped maxillae to the grooved surface
shaped flower, somewhat resembling that
of the tube, it split this open, three or of a Petunia.
The bee alighted on the
four miliimetres from the base, and con- five-lobed spreading top of the flower,
tiuoed the split to the base, where the
which, as the flowers grew, was situated nectar was situated. It then sucked out
almost perpendicularly to the horizon,
the nectar quickly, and proceeded to
and immediately crawled over the edge,
another flower, upon which the opera-
between the lobes, so as to reach the
tion was repeated.
outside of the tube, which was somewhat


Volume 3 table of contents