Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Article beginning on page 295.
Psyche 3:295-297, 1880.

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ite, and each consists of a bundle of
vdimenta of wings. Each of the
the wder part of the sides of the front
extend into the very base of the wing-
the intestine ; the whole has a slightly pads ; they are situated, base downward
avy course, muiiiiig at first near its
and convexity outward, just aliove and
ate on the under side of the body. as
scarcely in advance of the base of the
then, turning abruptly and a little upward and at a corresponding position on the
o above the middle .of the body, it con- second segment ; the membrane is slightly innes its. former direction.
opaque and granulated ; the permeating
Male genercciIt'ue orcfons. The testes vessels are composed of bunches of are situated in the middle of the dorsnni niimerons, minute and perfectly equal
of the fifth abdominal segment, as in
threads, varying in length and in unm-
}Ja,naiÌö they have only a slight rosy
her; they appear to he hollow and are
tinge across the middle. are 1.5 mm. 0.0025 mm. in diameter. A figure will 101)s; by half that width, aud are snfareiii- be found in mj work on Butterflies,
already cited, p. 95.


Muscular system. In general the pockets. The intestine is tortuous, of muscles of the abdomen seem to be considerable length, 0.15-0.18 mm. in situated much as in the larva, but are diameter, and ends in the cAm, a hlad- more compact and almost or altogether der-Iike sac, pyrifom in shape and longitudinal, the oblique muscles dis- &oat 0.8 mm. long, containing a whitish appearing. Those of the under sur- substance : this opens into the rectum, face of the abdomen consist, on each a broad and straight tube, 1.5 mm. long side of the body, of a ribbon, one milli- and 0.2.5 mm, broad. metre broad, composed of two contiguous The salivary glands are composed of strips, the outer slightly the broader,
threacb about; 35 mm. long, and of a mi- running next the integument through the form size throughout ; they first run entire length of the abdomen, the inner straight beside the slender oesophagus, edge at one millimetre'a distance from until near the middle of the mesothorax. the nervous cord.
when they become very strongly crinkled, Digestive system. The oesophagns is
forming by their convolutious a fusiform a slender, thread-like tube, less than 0.1 maas, 3-25 mm. long and 0.5 mm. broad. mm. in diameter ; as it enters the abdo- continuing in the same course to the
men it is at once directed upward and
middle of the metathorax.
suddenly expands into a small bulbous
The malpighiao vessels arise at the ex-
muscular crop, the upper part of which tremity of the smaller part of the stomach, opens into the reservoir, a ~ubfusiform
without the intervention of any basal
blind sac, broadly rounded at tip, 1.5 sac, three branches arising together mm. in breadth and 5 mm. long, reach-
at the a very short distance from the
ing the extremity of the fourth ahdom- base of their common stem and parting inal segment ; immediately on the apical from it at right angles-
contraction of the crop, the stomach Respiratory system. The tracheae arises; this is at once many times seem to he much as in the larva, only broader than the crop, and remains greatly reduced in size, very deli- nearly of thissize! to the tipof the fourth cate, not at all opaque, and not divided abdominal segment (or where the reser- into two sorts ; the lateral longitudinal voir ends) ; from this point on it is only canal of the abdomen appears to be half its former diameter and extends as
larger than any uf the other vessels.
a straight tube to the middle of the fifth Cirmlutory system,. The dorsal vessel abdominal segment. On each side. at is a slender, equal canal, terminating the base, the stomach bears some rounded abruptly behind at the tip of the fourth lobes, nearly Ìö large as the crop, and abdominal segment, lying next the in- besides these, arranged in a row down tegument of the future imago and about each side of the median line, it is pro- 0.15 mm. in diameter in the abdomen ;
fusely covered with small pea-like as it enters the thorax from behind it


PS ?'(-'HE. 297
plunges downward to just above tile
the first abdominal ganglion; this ap-
oesophagus In advance of the crop, then
pearance, however, is produced by the
passes rapidly upward again to the in- fact that throughout the abdomen the tegument, whichitfollowstoth~middle cord isoverlaidbyaninvestmentmainly of th? mesothorax, diminished to half its pellucid, but not pellucid enough to former size, so as to appear a mere thread, allow the true cord to 1)3 seen, except- and then, casting free again. passes for- ing from beneath ; this investment does ward as in the larva, reaching the uot cover the ganglia to an equal extent, oesophagus again in the protborax, where but only as a film ; so that the abdom- it appears to he attached to 8omethiug. inal development of the nervous system which was not made out ; beyond this
is an exceedingly delicate cord, expand- point it was not traced. ing at four di'Terent points into lenticu- Nervous sijsfem. Between the cephalic lar, disk-like gaaglia of a small size, but atid thoracic ganglia the nervous cord many times exceeding the cord in is moderately broad, flattened and diameter, the whole enwrapped in a double ; the thoracic ganglion is situated semi-pellucid investinent which makes iii the front part of the mesothorax ; it it appear of nearly uniform diamster, is oval and evidently composed of two uu- excepting in front of the firat true ab- equal, anterior and posterior, elements, dotniual ganglion, where the investment for slightly in front of the middle it is becomes swollen and lees pellucid, re- pierced by a vertical passage of consid- sembling a greatly elongated ganglion. erable size, and the portion in front of The abdominal ganglia are 2.25 mm.
it lias a slight, independent turnidity ; apart ; the first, which is scarcely broader the whoie is
a little more than 1.5 mm, than the cord, and noticeable mainly by its long and less than haif as broad, taper- whitish color, is situated near the end of ing posteriorly ; from near the middle the second segment ; the second at the it emits lateral nerves. which pass towad beginning of the fourth ; the third at the the wings, and just before the hinder heginning of the fifth, and the last in the cud a lather prominent nerve, which middle of the sixth segment ; the last is runs backward, parallel to the main cord larger than the others and emits four and nearly aslaigeasit. halfwaytothe delicate posterior nerves; each of the abdomen, evidently feeding the legs ; abdominal ganglia is also provided with besides these there is another similar lateral nerves, similar to, but more deli- pair, also rnnning backward "but divari- cate than, those of the larva. eating a little, wliivli originates from the In Newport's observations on the widest past of the posterior portion. changes in the nervous cord of Aglais The cm-d itself is rather siender. and urticau,* he shows a more considerable runs without enlarging until it reaches change between forty-eight and fifty- the abdomsn, when it appears gradually eight hotirs than perhapa between any to thicken and form a pseudoganglion others of the stages he has drawn and of an elongate, fusiform shape, nearly 1.5 mm. long and terminating just before *Phil. trans., 1834, p. 412-416, pi. 15-16.


described, which are successively (after ' represented by Newport at 48 Iiotirs in the ptipal state. is assumed) 1, 13, 18, A. wticne, the fourth, filth nud sixth 24,36,48, and 58 hours. According to his ganglia being completely amalgamated account the second and third (original) into a single long ovate ma^, while the ganglia at this period "approach
and third, though clearly distinct from the coalesce, and the double ganglion thus mass behind it, was separated from it formed ia-only separated from the larger hy only less than half its own diameter, thoratsic mass, composed of the fourth very short, stout ribbons uniting the iind fifth ganglia, and part of the sixth, two ; it was also of the ame size as at
oy vela? short but much enlarged cords." 48 hours, and the second ganglion, in- As the figures given by him do not iu stead of trnvelli~ig toward the thii-d, as themselves show how this amalgamation Newport asserts, retained very nearly of the second and third ganglia is or quite its own place, but was reduced effected, I examined the nervous cord of iu size, being gradually absorbed in the present species, hadryas to, 48,
place by the cord.
This absorption was
51 and 55 hours after pupation, with the entirely effected at 55 hours, as also was following results : The pupa of 48 the complete amalgamatiou of the third hour's qe differs from that of Aghtis
gauglio11 with the mass behind it.
wtiuae only in the separation of the
second ganglion then is not amalgamated
fourth ganglion from the united fifth i d with the third, but disappears in place- sixth ; very short and broad ribbons eon- a point quite iu keeping with the lessen- nected them, but they were mmistak-
ing importance, but continued integrity, ably separated by half the width of the
of the prothorax generally.
fourth ganglion ; while the third and Male gewrative o~pns. The testes fourth ganglia were separated by about
form a globular mass 1.5 mm. in diain-
the diameter of the latter ganglion. At eter. 51 hours the condition was more as ( To h<s contimed os p. 307. j XTLOCOPA PERFORATJKG A COROLLA-TUBE.
perforating the corolla-tube of a salver- shaped flower, somewhat resembling that
of a Petunia. The bee alighted on the
five-lobed spreading top of the flower,
which, as the flowers grew, was situated almost perpendicularly to the horizon,
and immediately crawled over the edge,
between the lobes, so as to 1=ewh the
outside of the tube, which was somewhat
IN October 1881 I noticed a Xylowpa
fluted. Applying its sharp and wedge-
shaped maxillae to the grooved surface
of the tube, it split this open, three or four miliimetres from the base, and con- tinued the split to the base, where the
nectar was situated. It then sucked out
the nectar quickly, and proceeded to
another flower, upon which the opera-
tion was repeated.


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