Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Print ISSN 0033-2615
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Article beginning on page 225.
Psyche 3:225-226, 1880.

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The following unprocessed text is extracted from the PDF file, and is likely to be both incomplete and full of errors. Please consult the PDF file for the complete article.

Edwards, W : H : Capttire of diadrma 60- ! k z , Jim. in Florida.
(Papjlio, 19 Feb.
1R31,no. a,v. 1~p.30.)
Notices the capture of d. boiina for the first time in the Un:t@d St&%.. Meritinns a h the capture of jieri~ iIair4, c~d/idryos quriik8, [wama cmsi~.s and 2. umwnn at Indim River, Fls, H: E. (23~6)
Harvey? I?. L.
Voraciousness nf chodeifea
$o$efue Baird. (Amm. mt., Dec. I%,
v- 14, P. w-1
Found over t k insem in the crop of a night hawk c, topetwe
c. virgiaian~s]) ; reco~nmendm encuurag- Lg t>iA= as an msect-rlestrnyer. G: D. (a3221


Howard, Leland 0. Two new species of
ea~elmw, with remarks upon e- (mti-
gmtc7) mirdiKs, W&h. (Can. entom.,
Oct. 1880~ v. 12, p. ZO~ZIO.}
Describes E. rduvii reared from evgs of ~ ~ M U ~ W S mownorin~, and t. &ridmm, parwmc om a tineid Ian-n from Florib. G: D. (awl
Iumeabde~Woyhg fungi. (Amer. nat., Jan.
m1, v. 15, p. 52-53.)
Rcv. and abstxac? of A. Giard's "Deux espkes d'miomo#~thora muvelles''. . . [Rec,, 16 61. i.; D. (qq)
beat enemies of the rice plant.
nat., Feb. 1381~ v. 15, p. 1&149]
Noh nu chuf@us Wady ygus xjal~cu~xis m&ia (7), ce*frh*$ cmdnnm, #n$ .%?.domyin orywa which injure rice rorym]. G: D. ' (qfi)
Yewett, H : S. Notes on lepidoptera. (Can. entom., Nov. 1880~ v. la, p. 2zE-231.)
Notea on Ixtvae of eacAaeies cd~nrk, and e. egh Food plants of a few othw 1cpidopterous larvae. G: D. (2327)
K[atter]y I?.
Ueber die Lebensweise von
siZyh o$ucfi. (Entom. Nachrichten, I
Feb- 1881, jahrg. 7, p. 52.)
Lama and imago eat vegetable matter.
G: D- (23~3)
List of the butterflies found at Potsdam, N a Y. (A). (Can. entorn., Feh. 1881, v- 131 P- q.1
Enumcrxtcs w species, with brief nates.
G; D- (2331)
Mangardl Maxime. La chasse aux c0160-
pthm en autornne. (Feuille den jeunes
nn+~mlistes, I Nov. 1880, an. I I, p- 14-15.) Recommends wl1ecti11 coleoptera in autumn by the UUID~CII~ process, on woo% pites and dmd wmd. G: D. (nus)
Meehan, T : Bees and flowers- (l3ull- Tor- rey both club, June 1880~ v- 7, p. My 10 cm.] Records the
erfnration of the spurs of aquiie-gia
by l~urnb~e.~es &hus).
G: D. (2.3331
Meehan, T : Fertilization of uqaikgia.
(Amer. nat-, Feb- 1881, v. p. 134435.)
Thinks pdlen-hunting insecta Sertjlize nquiZegiu. G: D. (as*)
[Mixture of carbolic acid and olive oil for mosquito-bites.] ("Southern clinic."] (New remedies, Feb- 1879, v. 8, p. 63, 2 cm.) (Ps\yche advertiser, March x87 , p. 7.)
Germ. ti-. (Entom. ~nchridten, I July
1879, jnhrg. 5, p. 176.) G: B. (2336)
Mom, Rafael. Das Leben nnd die rationelle Zucht der Honigbiene . . . [Rec., 20391. Rev., by Sauppe] under tit!e &Von Koln." (Deuk11. Bknenfreiind, I Feb. 1881. jahrg. 17, p- 45-46.]
G: D. (a337>


Volume 3 table of contents