Article beginning on page 219.
Psyche 3:219-223, 1880.
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3. Pte~ostfgma-hook. This c~~riotis
feature has until now been entirely over- looked. 1t is mostly '' the small black
or dark spot at the basis of the ptero-
stigmay' mentioned in the description of the species. Apparently low magnifr-
ing powers have always been wed in the
study of Psocus. The subcosta of the
fore wings always goes to the mediana,
except in Amplzie?~to?num and related
genera, Perientovnum, Syllisis, Cyalopso- (:us and other exotic forms, where the
snbcosta joins the costa. Son~etimes the subcosta ends abruptly, without joining
one of the two adjacent veins. Whetlier
this vein is analogous to the subcosta,
as McLachlan contends, or whether it is
only a branch of the subcosh similar to
that in Ccdotem~es and other iusects, is still a point of dispute. I im-er saw it accompanied bj- a trachea, nor, as far
as nly observatiou goes, have I seen
a trachea accompanying the costa from
the base of the wing to tlie pterostigma. The mediana is accoinpaniecl bj- a very
strong trachea from the base to the pt~ro- stigma. Ti~is trachea is not contained
in the vein, but runs wrj- near it, below, sometimes indeed separated from it a
little, so that two veins seem to be
present here. At the beginning of' tlie
pterostigma the trachea has a spindle-
shaped, more or less long dilatation, a
tracheal blacicler, with visible lxlt more separated spiral threads. This dilata-
tion lies below a small sac or better a
hernia of the mediana, before it enters
the large sac or blood sinus represented by the pterostigma. This hernia is not
developed in the wing of the nympha,
but just after transformation it is fwnd, as well as the pterostigma, crowded with blood cells. The hernia is fomd, some-
times very visible, in most of the genera, except in a few aberrant groups such as
An?phie~/tonmm and its relatiom, Em-
pl~eria and perhaps others. There the
spindle-shaped tracheal bladder is pres- cnt, but simply follows the end of the
mediana to tlie costa. Where the her-
nia is present, it lies on the tn~der side of the wing, where the mediana enters
the costa, and forms together with it the pterostigma. l'robably the stronger cnr- rent ill the costa somewhat opposing the current of the mediana is the reison of
the formation of the hernia, to overcome the pressure of the current in the mediana. As everywhere in insects where strong
currents occlir, accompanied by strong
tracheae, we find here the tendency to a more prominent chitiuization. There-
fore the hernia shows very different
forms, a ball, a circular or bottle-shaped inflation or a more or less chitinous and dark-colored often sharp hook, as in
Cuedizis, Pemjwoc?cs and others. In
Psocus (proper) it has mostly the shape
of a fleghy cone.
An interesting featme
somcthi~~g present 011 the ohr veins
of this arrangement is that the trachea
ww wanting here. But there is another
mems in Psocm (proper) to enter the
remarkable difference. As said before,
ptemsiipa-sac after the spindle-shaped
all the other vein3 form a double
net of
bladder. We find sometimes that the tracheae, one belonging to the upper end of the trachea does not folhw strictly memhran~ of the wing, the other to the tho lower and tbe external margin of the under mmbrane ; both exactly coveri~ig pterostigma, and such occurrences are one another, and their veins forming a marked in the description, the iL ptero- loop at the hi~d border of the wing. stigma somewhat exceeds the vein below Now tbe anal vein belongs $trictI~- to and exkrwdly," whereas it exceeds not the under side of the wing, and, as it the vein hut. only the trachea. mms, only the branch belonging to the 4.
Tlw lock of the fore-winqs.
under membrane is developed, and this
lt is well known that lepidopwra, hy-
is provided with a spiral thrmd mmh
menopkra, orthopkra, and phyganina
stronger than in the otber veins and pa5- posses@ an arrangement on the hind mar-
sing on each side consifierablj+ bepnd
gin of the fore wings ta clq the front
the trachea, which lias therefore more
margin of the hind wings during flight.
or less denhted rnaqins.
The ant11 win
Thus both wing8 work exwtlj- togekher
of the t111per membrane can not be entirely as if thew was only om wing on each
wantingl md I was able to ohserve that
side. This amaugement- which 1 call it tbrms a very small, perfectly hjaline . the lock -is of very difere~~t &ape and
vessel without any illdimtion of a gpiral form, and is nowhere mmtiomd as tl~efid, and that the trachea of the uucler existing in fhe family of pmcina. As membrane diaed~ogues as a reellwent far as my observations go, it is to he vessel in the adlary vein. The and found in every four-winged genue, just yein originates at the b3se of the wing where the and vein is united to the hind from fi large trachea passing through the margin. Dewriptions of the species posterior cnllus, and connects, beyond remark frequently a dark or black spot the basal articukttion of lhe wing, with in this place, wKich spot. covers the lock. the trachea of the submedianst and with The parts are here? as they fire in the those of the medima tl~rough a Btrong pt,erostigrna-hook, more &rongly chiti- loop. -4 stmight, chitinous rod also ~OIW, and as eve~ywhere~ in consequence mnnecta the ma1 vein diiwtly with the of stronger action impending upon those
bme of the "medim win. Bj- this iii-
parts, darker wlored. The find vein is genim~s arra~~gement the anal V&I can an exception, co~npared with other veins, be cmnpfirecl to a slwoud, which stiwgtli- because it ia not accompanied by any ens the wing and pri~icipdl~ the point blood vessel; at h a t I have not been where both wings are to he connected able to di~cover one even iu the newly
during flight,, bx lwii~ging thm into de- trmaformed imqo. Furthermore the pendenw i~pou the stronger muscles ad vein hm always an aspect different which move the principal yeins originating from all others ; it looks dear and EM if from the anterior callus of the wii~g.
kt is ­ 'iinde+sudd only the and efficienk, bi bhich the hilid vein of the under membrane is strongly wing is caught in the h8ok is just where develq5ed. This aime has to work in
the inte&r rtiinus (Kolbe) df the medim
keeping the bind wing in place.
As the qein origii~a&s, and I have reason to two membrmes of the wing are very
hlievc tbt not onij the fidnt miwgin of
Iooselj connected one to the other, it is the hind wing, but also the mediau vein, an appa~nt advantage thab jush the ia placed in the hook. At lemt aeverd wdrking 17ein is more strengthwd at
specimens of &ocus in a&ei &ow such
ktte &qxwse of its n~t~working partner. a position. The lo& becomes even stronger bj- the The ldck ia about the sauie in Psocu~ Eonnecth of the iwillary vein nt the same ~ b d o ~ i s and diikd qiedes. Ps. uflnis, plae on the hind mfirgin. In Ps. veno- in amber, has numerous transverse im- 51~8 the diameter of the anal vein is itbont pressions above the end of the &xillary
0.176 lnm., and the side projection of
vein, forming a row of teeth to take hold the apid thread ahout 0.039 mm. of he hind wing, Cuecilius and Epi-
Where the am1 vein connects with the
~ O W S pdsse@ a hook similar to Psocm7
killmy vein, which is more cl~itinized
but more poiilted ; Amphientomum has
at its end, there is a strong J-ellow chi- the end of the axilhry vein bent np, and Enow hook, its opening ~ ~ O I I L 0.333 rnm. -a tuber& on the anal vein. Probtibly
iodking to the tip of the wing. At fir& there will lje a di@rence in the lock of the hook looks as if' it was 0111~- the pro- other psocim.
lot~gathi of the spirai threads, as it con- 5. Mmth-pm$s. 6ish of numerous fine threads in near
The moi~th-pa& of BOC~LS were de-
juxttq)osition ; its tip is bent, flat aiid scribed in % s~tisfachq manner generally transversely cut. Hut 8 closer exmina- by Lahcikle nearly century ago. The tion shows that the hook origimtes, with vdtmble details given remnflj-, chieflj- numerous roots, from the ~~pptr margin mumimit~g the maxilla, have not men- d' the axiliar' vein, and me stronger, tioned the most inkresting fact, that the stmight root ha
the inferior maygin. inner lobe (fork, Rurgess) dide~ in the A tramveme row of fwr gmall, hmy
outer lobe s in a v@m. The fact is
teeth in erewent shape i8 placed just easily awertained in lfving specimens, opposite the upening of the hook OII the and, if the preparations are not corn-
end af the milliry vein. It is well prewed 80 much a8 thseparate the parts, mn&~stood that the anterior margin of in aleohulic spe~imen~'. Laheilie sap :
$he hid wing, caught in khe hook, '6 &era (park mandibulae) externa and asshtecl bj+ the teeth, wiIl be held rnemlwanacea, wiginam con~tituena cy- +imIy in position.
But to facilitate the hhicb' compressm, ofitusam, apice pex- catch the ma~gin of the fore wing jmk vio." It should be mhowledged that
opposite ta the hook is bent dowilward, the figures published by Latreille are and fill ow^ the margin of t h ~ hind eng very faulty, and correspond in no way b slide in an easy manner in the hook, with the description. Fd~iciu8 has T& make thing6 strongel* nud, mow described the park Li maxilla cornea,
e1ongrh7 linearis, apim bicreuata in ta form a new genus Ampliiqwontia. vagina membranacea obtusa latens." But the genus cannot stand by the The description given by Latreille in his charactem assigned to it. The last two
Genera Crustmxorum et Insectarum is species have the mmi venae medimae even more corn$& than hi8 previous interni and ~ibmedimae extemi connec- one. The ligament of the fork is attached ted in one poinL, the two other specie8
to the @tipea and i~ its ligament of m- have it not. The North American species ticulation, idlowing the fork t~ be pushed have those mmi either connected in a forwards; the fine membrane attached point, or not. There are specimens i~ to the middle of the fork unites with the which the rani are psrt.1~ united as in
membrane of the fleshy bad part of Paom (proper), and other specimens the maxilla$ permitting the fork to siide in which the ramuli Tens medimae in- backwaxds and fornards through the krni are divergent IM in P~OCW (pxoper) . fleshy part of the maxilla by mean@
1. Pmxs varkgadu~ ~atr.
of a cone of muscles? just like the 1 have hefore me 24 specimens of both . oviposibr in micdepidoptera. The $exes fr2mA Europe? all from Germany. relaxation of those muscle^ brings the They live on linden and chestnut; the fork and the ovipositor back, without- female appears sometimes in swarms. as far as my observation^ go- any help All my specimens &ow longitudinal from retracbr mu8cles.
The tip of the &ipes, acmetimes black ones, on the fork ~Lides in a horny ring of the tip of front, the exiskme of which is denied khe outer lobe, which i~ emily broke11 by M'Lachlan and Kolbe. The yellow
by preparation or compre~sion, There- color of the pterostigtna i8 sometimes
fore the armngement is ~imilar to the wanting. One male from Gilgenau, arrangement in the hernipha, Neyer- Emtern Prusaia, has larger orbicular theless7 1 mnfesu that 1 know no other ej-es tlim $he others, the space between iusect,
in which the inner lobe pmses the ejes being smaller than the $lameter through the base of the outer one and
of the eps. A11 the other males have
is held in position by an apical annuhs. this space larger. The legs are often 80 The formation of the latter can be thought dark, that they might better be called to be produwd by lateral teeth gmwing brown, One specimen with rudimentary, out from the outer lobe and finally amoky wings find II rudimentary vetmtioa surrounding the inner lobe.
But it is is not rt uympba (the owlli present), but wonderful t,ht just thii most remarkable bdongs to the so-called Lad~e&a form. feature, dew-ibed @bout a century ago, (BlyLaehlan sq-8 Lmhesis Westw. and easily t~ be ascertained in fi~ing La&sillfl, Hagen, but he has ~vedok~d specimens, baa been overlooked by all that hchesilh i8 Westwood's amme ; following observers,
cf. Generic Spopsis, Introduction, p. 47, 158.1 I am not able ko separate two
Genm AMFHIGERONTIA. males from Berlin RUs, N. Y., and Mr. Kolbe has separakd four Eum-
fkom Dalbn, Geoi~ia~ flm~ the Eum-
pean speck from the genus P~CW pean species. The detds we given
11nder P#OC?M tnoe8trd8.
marked, forming three brown festoons on
2. Psocm moesw Hag., Sp . N. the tip of the wing ; mknnae paler ; legs Am. Neur., p. 11, no : 8 . ~ 5 ~pecimeiia, ns in P~OCLS moeshs, but pdw ; dis-
male and fernale? MRSS., A~igist. Size, coidal cell quailrmgular. 1 believe they color and p&&r& as in &?ocw tm~ieptt68,
had better be left with Ewtus moe8tw
bnt differs as follows :
till other chfiracters are known.
Vertex ~trongly spotted with black ; 3. Psomts licl~enatw Wdsh, Roc. front almost black, with dark longitndi- Ent. Soc. Phil., 1863, p. 188.
nd stripes ; antennae da~kei-, the ~econd 1 posseEs only two type5, mhle and
ham1 joint with a 3eUow qkd ring ;
fernfile, fiwn Rock Island, 111,
legs bmm, Iightcr rings around the hwe
This species is n~arly related to Pso-
of the femur ma on the knee; tibia
01s variqqafus, bnt amaller, 3-34 mm. ;
darker OR tip, &st tarsal joint j-ellow. the discoidal cell somewhat cpinquang~i- Wings darker ; pterostigma without yel- lar. Head yellow? 1em apotkd with low ; all wins and the marginal vein bhck ; front yeUow, with bhck stripes around the wing with ahmate dark and formed by a ~eriea of hlack dots. An- white dots, both dike in size; n pale tennae shortel* than the whgs, thicker? band, parallel to the apiml margin but piloae; hsal joints yellow? dark at the a little &stant, runs later obliquely to base ; the other joints black ; but on the the bind margin? md i~ findly bent up first joinh the basal half white, on the ward ; the park of the membrane enchtled following a white basal ring. Thorax
by this band is spotted as the rest bat
brown, all junctures yellow.
Legs ye]-
with pder brown spota ; the apical half low ; femur and tibia spoW with ofthe front margin of the hind wings has 111~4~ ; 6rd joint of tamus xellow, second ahrn&ing dark and white dots. The one brown, Front wGgs brown, with middle cell is as iu Psocw quinquangu- three pale, not spotted fields: a large one Iar, sometime8 quadrangular. in the middle, beginning in the upper The two male% mentioned mder Psa- angle of the discoidal cell and dilated cw mriegutw do not piwess the alter- triangularly t~wards the hind margin ; the nating dots on the mar*, nor on the two other one8 on the tip of the wing, veins, nor on the hind w:ngs; the femur ~epar&.ed above and below by ii brown ha no pale ring on the knee? the first band ; veins hrown ; paler yellow elon- tarsal joint is brown; the antennae me gated spoh near the veins, but not not RO dark ; the ptematigma is ello ow, upu them ; pterostipa brown, inner
Three other qecirnem, male and fe- angle Mack ; thee black elongated dots male, from New Xngland, probablj- from in the costal space near the pkmstigma ; the mite Mountains, are vi8ibIj larger. hind wings hyd~ne, front margin not They look very different, and I hlie~ed spotted, The species appears in Bwarms them t~ be a new speeie~.
The wings in fall on smdstbne cliffs.
are LESS dark, the pale band md the
1 know of no other North American
encircled part are paler and more ~tro~gly specie8 belonging t~ AmphiqWfu.
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