Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Article beginning on page 215.
Psyche 3:215, 1880.

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Miss ELEANOR A. ORMEROD has a innn-
ual of economic entomology in the press. THE BOSTON TRANSCRIPT for 9 April 1881
contains an article by Dr. H. A. Hagen, en- titled, "Lawsuits against grubs and grass- hoppers."
A LATE number of Siebold and Koiliker's
Zeitschrift contains an important paper on the dimorphism ot oak gall-flies (ryutpidae), by Dr. H. Adler.
Mr. F. P. PASCOK read a paper on the struc- ture of Pert'fatus navae-zealafidiae at the meeting of the Entomological Society of
London, 2 Feb. 1881.
IT is now considered as beyond doubt that Pft+vZlowra vastatrtx exists in Australia ; and Victoria, New South Wales and South Am-
traiia are to contribute about $ioo,mtowards the expense of exterminating it.
Mr. A. ERNST ha+ found Peripatus ed'
wardsit quite abundant at Caracas and in a recent numero of Ndwe (v. 23, a. 4-16-448) gives a short account of its habits and sts-uc- ture and of the development of claws, of foot- jaws and of sexual organs.
A FARMER in South Devon, England, hav-
ing living specimens of the Colorado potato beetle (Dory/hora decediaeata) in his pos- session and refusing to give them up to the authorities, was fined å£5 The case attracted the attention of the House of Commons.
THE BELGIAN Entomological Society re-
cently celebrated its twenty-fifth anniver~ary. Baron de Selys-Longchamps, the first Presi- dent, to whom the society owes so much of its success, was unanimously elected Hvn- orary President.-Amer. mf., March 1881, v. 15, P- 562.
2'ST"C'HE. 215
THE REGULAR Meetings of the Cambridge
Entomological Club will be held at 19 Folk St., at 7.4.1; p.m., on the days following :- 8 Oct. 1880. 11 Mar. t8S1.
12 NOV. i< 8 Apr.
io Dec. -' 13 May
26 an. 1881. to June 6i
it Feb. l+
B : PICKMAN MANX, Serretary.
THE REGULAR meetings ofthe Entomologi-
cal Section of the Boston Society, of Natural History will be held at N. W. corner of Berke- ley and Boylston Sts., Boston, Mass., at 7.45 p.m.. on the days following : -
27 Oct. 1880. 23 Feb. 1881.
24 Nov. " 23 Mar.
:t Dec. '* 27 Apr. '*
26 Jan. 188t. 25 May
R : PICKMAS MANX, Serreinry'
THE REGULAR meetings of the Entomolog-
ical Section of the Academy of Natural Sci- ences, of Philadelphia, Pa., will be held at S. W. corner of 19th and Race Sts., on the days following :-
8 Oct. 1880. 11 Mar. 1881.
I 2 NOV. " 8 Apr. "
10 Dec. 13 May t+
14 Jan. 1881. ro June L6
ti Feb. '<
MR. W. W. HELL, of Albany, N. Y., offers specimens of lepidoptera, well spread and in fine condition, from his list of over 500 species of North American and 300 species of European and other duplicates, in ex- change for perfect spread examples not in his collection. Lists exchanged.
THE SEMI-ANNUAL meetings of the Amer-
icnn Entomological Society will be held at S. W. corner of 19th and Race Sts., Philadel- phia, Pa., on the days following:-
13 Dec. 1880.
13 June ^I.
THE REGULAR monthly meetings of the
Montreal Branch of the Entomological So- ciety of Ontario, will be held at Montreal, Que., Canada, on the days following :-
6 Sept. 1881.
4 Oct. 6L 7 eb -'
r Nov. '-
Jan. =882.
7 Mar. "
6 Dec. t< 4 Apr. c6
G: H. BOWES, Secretary.
DUE 15 OCT. 1882.-Life-histories of ScHe- rostomit syn amiss and of Stvonfrilws perya- nit's. See PswwE, v. 3, p. 59.


Volume 3 table of contents