Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Article beginning on page 200.
Psyche 3:200-202, 1880.

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200 ["2210-22281 PSTCHE.
Authors and societies are requested to forward their works to the editors a.c neon as published.
The Sate of publication, given {a brackets [I, marks the time at which the work was received, unless as earlier date of jublication is how= to recorder or editor. Unless ofkerw/.se staled each record is made directly from the work that is noticed, Corrections of errors and notices of omissions are soZicifed. Bacon, Austin. Insects destroyed by vege- Bed, W. J. Agency of insects in fertilizing tables.
(Bulletin Torrey bot. club, Dec.
phnts. LAmer. nat., IS@, v. I, July, p.
1R74. V. 5, p. 51-52. 6 CTII.) 2 54-2fh ; ct., 403-408.) Mentions the nccasional inability of #roc/rata to B~cribes the fertilization of rcrnpaitula, ta~vxacuflj octncsit~ their ovipositors from trees which they were amorfhs, fupinut, oenofhrra, digitalis, kohia, surfro- borin-;: the capture of insects in the closing flowers of iwda and ins by various he&.
W: T. (sisi)
ny7,1//m~ odoritta, nnd their destruction when t-hc lat- tcr iwre drawn under wrter for the fniitiiritv of their Bee-farm in New South Wales (A).
fruit; md the m!r:U!ona! ii1nhiIitv of ant]! insects and nies and ~ ~ d i ~ , 30 act. 18&,, p. 10-11, the apple bnrer to escnpc from thdr h-7 plrtnts. V: T. (m6) cm.)
Noten on the hee-farm of W: Dunu, of Sidney. Bailey, W: Whitman. A ocynum (Bull. G: A (aa2.3) Torrey bot. club, Feb. I&+, v. 5; p. 9-10, Bell, James Thompson. Arboreal auscmita- 12 cm.) tion. (Can. entorn., Jan. 1881, v. 13, p. Records the tflpture of small coleo tern by the 1920.)
flniv-s, and yies a passage from Ar. Damin's From observation of woodpeckrrs [jjtBil al work " Lows of the OWM" concerning the siwilnr capture &e w*m ht the a. ,mdim ofa 4+,,orep, i;
of diptern.
I' T.
a tree can be determined with an instrument similar to ;i stethosc~e or tn :m ear-trumpet, and the h then Bailey, W : Whitman. Bees on ~7flr~~@
killed hy pwrcing wth nn :mi.
G: 5? (2~24)
å´fiefttculai'to. L. (Bull. Torrey hot. club, Oct. 1871, v. 2. p. 3, Scm.)
Bergroth, E. Die zwtilfte skandinavische Humble bees tosibus, observed coilectine nectar ~~lt~lr~olqsclier-Versarnrn lung. (Entom. exclusively throug\ perforations in the coroila. N;ichrichten, 15 NOV. 18h, jahrg. 6, p. 256- W: T, (3218) 357.)
Notice of the meeting of *' I
Bailey, W : Whitman.
Perforation of ge*
cntomologicm! papers -ad. ,- 4 WY * ~ k ~ $ ~ l i ~ ; 3 ~ ; ; ~rdia fiedicula~iu by bees (Airier. nat., Nov. 1873. v. 7, p. 689-693, 22 cm.)
Bethime, C: James Stewart, ed., su CANADIAN EK. Finds that humble bees [bomb4 vi^t the flowers T''''leLoGTsT'
but do not niter them from the mouth obtaining nittar [ ~ i b l i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h ~ of economic entomo~ogv~~ through perforationii nearthfihusfi ofthe corolla, which, however, lie has nc~er scen the bee^ miike. (Amer. nat. an. 1881, V. it,, p. 84.) (Psy- IE T. (m19)
the, Xov. &! o [Mar. 188i], v. 3, p. 143.) Preliminary notices of a proposed bibliography of Basket worm (The), A new and dan- economic entomoloqv to be prepared bv the United gerous enemy to the hedges and evergreens states ent0mological'~~miS~int~.
a: A
hereabout. From the New York sun. Bickford, Robert Honey bee killed by silk- (Kansas City LKans.1 journal. 12 AW weed pollen. (Amer. nat., Jan. 1869, v. 2, ISSO, p. 15, col. I, 43 cm.)
p. 665,4 cm.)
Brief lift-history of tkyridoflerfx @kemtroefermis Describes a hive bee [apis mdffica] so entangled b and other notes Won this VeciW mostlv by A, S. the jo//iit;sofBscfrfiasas to beunable to nbt~n its fooJ Fuller. GiB- (*iao) and hmte stmn cd to death. IT5 T. (2227)


[Bombyx mori.] (Jonrn. applied mi..
March 1881, v. 12, v. 41, 27 cm.) Br~uldt, Eduard ["K. 1. Vergleichend-aniito-


Butterfly's life (A).
("St. James gazette.")
(Springfield [Mass.] d. republican, 9 Oct. 1880, p. 7, col. 1-2, 32 cm.)
Some habits of butterflies. G: D. (2245) Packard Alpheus Spring, jr., see UNITED STATES- ~ntokological commission, Bulletin no. 4. The
hessian fly. . . [Rec., 24071.
Riley, C : Valentine, see UNITED STATES - Entomolog- ical commissh, Bulletin no. 3. The cotton worm . . . [Rec. 22061.
Schaupp, Frank G : List of the described col. larvae of the U. S. with some remarks on their classification. (Bull. Brooklyn entom. soc., 1879, v. 2, May, p. 1-3; June, p. 13-14; July, P. 21-22; ALIg., p. 29-30.) Introduction, larvae of ricmdelidae, carabidae, dytis- czdae, gyrinidae, hydrophilidae, staphylinidae, sdphi- dae and scaphidiidae. F. G: S. (2246)
Thomas, Cyrus, see UNITED STATES -Entomological commission, Bulletin no. 5. The chinch-bug . . . [Rec., 22081.
[United States.-Entomological commission. Notes about researches on the cotton worm, aletia, and on other insects.] (Amer. nat., Aug- 1879, V. 13, p. 535.) G: D. (2247)
Vanilla culture. (Journ. applied sci., I Sept. 1880, v. I I, p. 129, 22 cm.)
Quotes briefly from Belt's "Naturalist in ~icara~ua" [Rec., 721 in regard to insects needed to fertilize the vanilla plant [va?~illa planifolia], G: D. (2248) Wailly, Alfred. Silk-producing bombyces. (Journ. soc. arts ILond.]. I Aug. 1879, v. 27, p. 813-814, 26 cm.)
Time and duration of copulation of several species of silk-producing bombvcidae- fertility
of their ego-s.
Extracted from The en&rnolo&t. G: D. (22&) Westwood, J : Obadiah.
[Note on proso-
fisfoma.] (Trans. entoin. soc. Lond.,
1872, Proc., p. 6.)
Lack of perceptible mouth-organs and the structure of the leg's characters not in accord with those of e hemeridae or crustacea. External form resembles Let isca otesa Say. s: H. (2253)
Westwood, J : Obadiah.
Notes on the ge-
nus $~osofiisfoma of Latreille. (Trans.
entom. soc. Lond., 1877, p. 189-194, pi. 4B-5.)
Literature on the subject; non-agreement between Joly's figures and specimens. Direct observation of the transformation necessary to prove the genus one of the e hemeridae. .h'iguresjrosopistoma variegatum, copies f? gure of 9, punctifrons from Joly. S: H. (2254) Wetmore, C : A.
Propagation of the vine.
How to regulate vineyards by the use of
seedlings. A treatise illustrating the supe- riorityof constitutionally perfect roots. Also an essay on the physical and moral in-
fluence of the vine. 2d ed., with appendix. San Francisco, San Francisco Merchant,
1880. t.-p. cover+t.-p.+[1]+25 p., 23X
14.5 ; I pl., 53x71. pm., 25 cts.
Reprinted from the columns of the San Francisco merchant. Considers the cultivation of seedling grapes an especially valuable means of preventing the ravages of the phylioxera. B: P. M. (2255)
White, C : A.
Progress of invertebrate pa-
laeontology in the United States for the year 1879. (Amer. nat., April 1880, v. 14, p. 250-260.)
Alludes (p. 253-254) to S: H. Sc~~dder's papers on fossil insects. G: D. (2256)
White, C: A.
English sparrows refusing to
eat worms.
(Amer. nat., Sept. 1880, v. 14,
p. 671-672.)
Waterhouse, C : 0. Descriptions of four
new species of the genus inoteflus (coleo- ptera, cucujidae). (Annals and mag. nat. hist., s. 5, v. 3, p 213.)
Describes inopeplus aeneomicm from Jamaica, R. H. (2250)
Weale, J. P. Mansel.
Observations on the
mode in which certain species of uscle-pia- deue are fertilized. (Journ. Linn. soc., Bo~., 3 NOV. 1870, V. 13, p. 48-58.)
Enumerates the insects upon which the pollination of several genera depends. W: T. (2251)
Wedderburn, D : Carnivorous wasps.
(Nature,26Feb. 1880, v. 21, p. 417, 6cm.) A wasp observed devouring a caterpillar which was alive though considerably mangled. J. M. W. (2252) Passer domesticus probabl not reallv an insectiv- orous bird, as it refuses l~tm~riczts, which is favorite food of such birds. G: D. (2.257)
Whitney, Josiah Dwight. The museum of
natural history at Harvard. (Harv. regis- ter, Feb. 1880, v. I, p. 33-34? -56 cm.) Brief descriotion of the work attemoted and that carried out at the Museum of comparative zoology, in Cambridge, Mass. Alludes to Prof. H. A. Hagen's biological collection of insects. G: D. (2258) Worthington, C : Ellis. A list of diurnal lepidoptera inhabiting the state of Illinois. (Can. entom., March 1880, v. 12, p. 46-50.) Enumerates about 140 species; describes $amphila ursa and p. pottaivattomie, 2 new species. G: D. (2259)


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