Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Article beginning on page 195.
Psyche 3:195-196, 1880.

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downwardly bent horny hooks, and be-
Stibgenos PTERODEL A Kolbe.
neath with two larger sharp upwardly
Tarsi two-jointed : claws with a, tooth bent hooks. beneath before tip ; no discoidal cell ; å£li Length to tip of wings 14 to l# mm. ;
stem of the superior furcated vein as expanse of anterior wings 3 to 8& min. long aa the inferior branch of the fork Hal*. Massachusetts, Hagen ; New York, and incurved ;
posterior marginal cell A. Fitch ; Illinois, Rock Island, Walsh ; free, elliptical ; pterostigma free, with a Misfiouri, St. Louis, bred hy Mr. Riley ; hook 011 the interior inferior angle on the New Hampshire, Berlin Falls, August inner side ; antennae shorter than wings. 12 : Ctiba, Hag. The species is com- 0. pedicufwim.
nion in houses in Cambridge, and corn-
Lime, Fn. Suec., ed. 2, no : 1515.- mon everywhere in the northern and Paoms sukis Hag., New. N. Am., 13,
middle parts of Europe.
15 ! Ps. qeolocfus Walsh, Proc. Ac. X. I compared the types of A. Fitch. Sc. Phiiftd., 1862, p. 862 ! ; Pi-oc. Entom. (Ps. wlick), of Wdsh (Pss. geoZoqus) , Soc. Philad., 1863, p. 168, 184. (For aud of Riley ; they are identical. the European synonymy : Hag.. Psoc. Waish's specimens are badly gummed s~nopsis a~non., 1866 : M'Ladilaii, on paper ; probably the difference in the M onogr. Brit. Psocidne, p,
17 ; Kolbe, shape of the pterostigma is the come- Monogr., 1880, p. 118.)
quenc-e, as the two sides of the wings
Very small, brown, shining ; antennae are very loosely ~onne~ted in the pcina, a little shorter than wings, darker, pilose ; and therefore' the venation easily al- head with an impression between anterior tered by pasting the wings on paper. oeellus and cl~peiis ; d~+petis brown, shin- One of Walsh's types has the pterostig inå£ slightly pilose ; palpi brown ; eves ma triangular, and rounded posterior1~ with globular facets ; abdomen brown ; as described by him, the other type has legs darker on knees and tarsi ; wings the pterost.igma identical with C. pedictt- hyaline, veins dark brown ; pterostig~nn, larim. 1 have observed variation of the
oblong, broader on tip, with the interior veins in other specimens, but till now no exterior angle rounded, and a black hook variation of the ptcrostigma. The speci- beneath on the interior ail& ; anal mens from A. Fitell, Riley, and Walsh, vein with a very small black dot 081 and from Berlin Falls, are the smallest, tip ; posterior marginal cell broadly ellip- those in the houses in Cambridge and tical ; male genitals above with two small from Cuba have just the average size of


the European ones, but I possess also to the basis shorter and thinner than the from Kurope nearly as small ones as the other one, which is often as long as or small American specimens. I am not longer than the claw, more or less bent able to find any difference between the and inenrved, and thicker on tip. This American and European specimens.
last one is, as I was able to make out Iiy Mr. Riley bas bred three specimens
the microscope, no bristle at all, hut a from a little houndiug leafgall of glob- kind of hose open on tip and seemingly
ular shape, 1 lam. in diameter, shorter
finely striated.
If the hose is not dilated
than broad ; a small round opening was it imitate6 a bristle, and the thicker tip eaten out, and inaide of the gall was a
is formed by the closed mouth of the
crtished membrane. The fact of a Psocus
If dilated it forms a hind of long
being raised from galls is very long funnel, the mouth & little larger, circular published, but always overlooked, and as it seems evenated. In a. few Liniib, Fn. Suec., 4. 1, 1746, described, cases I was able to observe in the interior no :
941, one species as Tenthredo, and of the funnel a large number of very fine in ed. 2, no : 132, the same ae Oi/wip threads ending in a little knob. I was salicis strobiH. Professor Zaddach and able to see this hose more or less well I have raised apparently the same spe- iu amber species and among living ones cies from willow galls belonging to Terus in C. pedwi~Ifl~ius^ C. laswpierus, and teminaiis. The I-'sovus is only an inqni- Sb'psocw westwoodn. I did not observe line and proved to be C. ped/culurius.
it in afropina (Evqdierifi excepted) nor The description of Ps. pvsWus, Harris in Pnom sem4 strwtiori, except in the Correap., 11. 331, differs from C. pdicu- amber species Ps. affinis, 'bot my ohicr- lurius; the size is the same. As the
vations are not jet finislied. To see the description was made from the living structure of the hose well a very strong insect, the identity is not impossible.
immersion power is needed. I have no
C. pedicularinn is an aberrant species expianation of the use of it, and know in the genus, being the only one known of no similar structure in other insects. to me with a tooth before the tip of the The tarsi of T/i)å´i$f are the only onus to claws; if the tarsi were three-jointed it be compared with it, nevertheless they could scarcely be separated from Elf- are very different. As pmiwi need no psocus. AH species of Ccmilius knowii
suckcrs to fix them to the spot. I itm at to me, or rather all tilt now examined, a loss to mider~tand its use. I mitv living or fossil, do not possess teeth on state that teeth on the claws of the the claws.
psocina are verv common ; Atropofi has
The claws of many psocina and also two and Amp/kientmi~c'~i~ five on each of C. pedicdari71s possess a very curious <*law. Several piiera show a comb on
structure. The basis of the claw is the last joints of the tarsus. A series of somewhat enlarged below in the manner tuberflea formed by a kind of sliehl with of a blunt proiection with what appear flve short spines have on top a longer ai)d to be two strong bristles, that nearer stronger spine, which forms the comb. ( To be coutimd)


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