Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Article beginning on page 191.
Psyche 3:191, 1880.

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THE CONSERVATOR of forests [in South
Australia] reports, that sugar and gum stand the ravages of the white ants better than other timber. - Colonies and India, 4 Dec. I 880.
DR. WILLIAM MARSHALL wiJi give a course
of lectures on the natural history of insects, in Leipzig University, during the summer semester. The lectures will be on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and every two weeks, on Saturday, an excursion, for collecting pur- poses, will be had.
ACCORDING TO the president's report of
Harvard University for i8ycj-188o. Mr. Ed- ward Burgess. who generously gave his ser- vice? as instructor of entomology in the Bnssey Institution during the academic year 1879-1880, will continue to give the school his services during the current year.
ican Association for the Advancement of
Science was formed last year into the Ento- mological Subsection of Section B of the A, A. A. S,, and will therefore hold no aepa- rate meetings hereafter. It will meet with the Association, at Cincinnati, Ohio. on Wednesday, 17 Aug. 1881, at 10 A. M. Ail persons interested are invited to attend its meetings and participate in its discussions. 1x0. G. MORRIS, President.
B : PICKMAX MANN, Sec~etu~y.
coleopterist, who died -5 Nov.
ISSO, left his
valuable collection. and many accurately colored figures, work of his own hand, to the Museum of Natural History in Berne. The
above-men tioned colleftion contains, in addi- tion to many costiy erotic species, a caref~iilv labelled collection of coleoptera of the Ber- nese Alps. Mr. Albert Miitler, who has
charge of the entonlologica! department in this fine museum, finished the past year in Berne. will gladly preserve, with his accus- tomed care, this important addition to its riches.
THE REGULAR meetings of the Cambridge
Entomological Club wit1 be held at 19 Pollen St., At 7.45 p.m., on the days following: - S Oct. 1880. IT Mar. 1881.
12 NOV. '. 8 Apr. 8fi
10 Dec. 13 May :l
14 Jan, 1881. to Jiine
11 Feb.
B: PICKMAN MANN, Secretary.
THE REGULAR meetings of the Entomologi-
cal Section of the Boston Society of Natural History will be held at N. W. corner of Berke- ley and Boylston Sts., Boston, Mass., at 7.45 p.m., on the days following :-
27 Oct. 1880. 33 Feb. 1881
24 Nov. '' 23 Mar. 'I
21 Dee:' 27 Apr. iG
26 Jan, 81. 25 May *'
R: PICKMAN MANN, Secretary.
THE REGULAR meetings of the Entomolog-
ical Section of the Academy of Natural Sci- ences. of Philadelphia, Pa,, will be heid at S. W. corner of 19th and Race Sts,, on the days following: -
SOct., 18%. ti Mar. 1881.
12 NOV. cL 8 Apr. &'
10 Dec. " 13 May "
14 Jan. 1881. loJune
n Feb. 4.
THE SEMI-ANNUAL meetings of the Amer-
icnn Entomological Society will be held at S. W. corner of qth and Race Sts.? Philadel- phia, Pa., on the days following: -
13 Dec. 1880,
q June 1881.
THE REGULAR monthly meetings of the
Montreal Branch of the Entomological So- ciety of Ontario wiil be held at Montreal, Que., Canada, on the days following : -
7 Sept. 18%. 4 Jan. 1881.
å´ Oct. bi
I Feb. "
2 Nov. " I Mar.
7 Dec. 'I 5 Apr. "
G: H. BOWLES, Secretary.
DUE 15 OCT. t8Sl.- Life-histories of Scle- rosiomu synganms and of Strovgilu jergra- cilis. See PSYCHE, v. 3, p. 59,


Volume 3 table of contents