Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Article beginning on page 187.
Psyche 3:187-190, 1880.

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PI? TCHE. [2 169-2 1 791 187
Authors and societies are requested to forward their works io the editors as soon as å´published
The date of +blication, given in brackets [ 1, marks tile time at wMch the work was received, unless an earlier date of $ublication is known io recorder or editor. Unless otherwise stated each record is made directly from the work that is noticed. Corrections of errors ad notices of omissions are so/ici/ed. Edwards, H : [Prospectus of "Papilio. Mailer, Herrnann. Alpwiblumen, ihre Be- York entomological
fruchtung durch Insekten und ihre Anpas- [zo] Jan. ~881, no. I,
sungen an dieselben. Mit 173 Abbildungen in Holzschnitt. Leipzig, Wilh. Engel-
å´ourna will be devoted solely to lepidoptera 1S3x' p.7 23X15' and will be issued about the fifteenth of each month Considers the mode of fertilization of 412 phaeno- (except July and August] ;st!bsctlpthn rice twodollars garnous species, enurneratin5,ihe insects taken upon per anmim. 3: P. M (21&9} fi~icli and their beTiavior. iscusses the structural pcculiarititis through which certnh flowers profit by the vkm frf oertein gmnp^ of insects, and the ptrticturas OF mote, A: Radcliffe.
A new insect injurious
the latterwhim arc cnrreiated with tistir f[or!il sirtkitv. to the hickory. (Papilio, 19 F&. 1881, no. Give? tables shmvins the relx+ive fieqncn of the 2, V. I, p. 13-14,)
dEtTcrent qrnups of injects ahmt lowers in zfpine and if'-.s clevnt-ed r~giofls, W(\ a, cia-ifid Jiqt of a11 insects Describes acrsbgsjs car n. sp., larva, imago and ~iix-cd on t11C former, iniiicntln~ the species which chrysalis (Ohio) and n.Am&lla (N. y.); compares thy viait, and the degree of adapt.ition fnund in these a. carye with a. awfuscllti. States that it is necessar flowers, W: T. (217j) to haw both sexes of this
yiw for identification. 2
carv/ir said to be verv f&tctire to hickow tmes Neiunoegen, Berthold. A new species of
(cifryapnrrina) ; pliawratoiwtihiia?is parniitic'on it. =~&ja, fl om Colorndo.
(papilio, 19
/I:Eh (ai70)
1sg1, ^ 2, v. I, p. ^8_29.)
Describes urdh deitri~iiiaia from snuthern Col- Grate, A : ~adcliffe. New $yvalidae. (Papi- oia(in.
H: E. (q6)
lio, 19 Feb. 1881, no.. 2. v. t, p. 15-19.) Neumoegen, Berthold.
On a new species
of arctia (papi1i% 15 [2oJ
arrtin^a̤7"e= from Indian F1a-
RE. [2T;l) H: E. (w)
Neomoegen, Berthold. The illustration of Osote- A: Radcliffe. The North edwardsia hnHians. (Papiiio, no. I, v. I, species of e~tstrotia. (Papilia, 15 [zo] p, nl, I ,) Jan. 1881,no. i,v. i,p. 10.)
Colored figure nf this aygiienid moth, first described Gives list of the N. A. species; defends the same in Can. enbm i *Pr. im,v. 1% P- 67^9+
eusfrotia in preferenÌ tn wastria; compares eusfroiia H: E, (alp) with tha/pCchwes; describe* eftstmifa atria n. sp. (Wisc.j. H: K. (2172) Bcudder, S : Hubbard, Catalogue of scien- tific serials of all countries, including trane- frob, A: Radcliffe.
"North American tor-
actions of learned societies in the natural, B~ ~~~d Walsinghalm, ~ ~ ~ d ~ ~ ,
physical and mathematical sciences, 1633- 1879. (Papilio, 15 [2o] Jan. 1881, no. I, V. [ST^- (Library of Harvard univerW, 1, P. 8-94
special publications. I.) Cambridge, [pb. Review of T : de Grey's (Lord W~tsingtmm) qllas- t"' the LiliraV], 1879, 12+158 P, ISX r6,
trations of typical specimens of leptdoptfra keterarero cl., $4; printed on one side of leaf, $5. . . ." [kc., 10431. IT: K, (~173) Notice. (Title-slip registry, Oct. [Nov.] 1879, v. I, no. 10, p. go.)
Ilintner, Joseph Albert.
On the importance
Countries gengraphically arranged towns alphabet]. of entomological studies.
[Papilio, 15 [a*]
d l y under countries, ~ncktiea and independent publi- Jan. 1881, no. I, v. I, p. 1-2.)
cations niphuheticdty undrr towns, transactions under sorkties. Crtnt'rtim :impk cmcr-reference\ index6 ftf Extracts from an address recantl made to the Far. town';, of title", and or ntjnor topics. Xiimerna nearly Biers' Club of Oonndw Co., N. %? Alludes tn the 4500, entries about fm; nlinut 137 entornnliriral titles. introduction of destructive species. If: E. (1174) 3: 1'. ,If. (21 79)


Scudder, S : Hubbard. Ocelli in butterflies. source^ and preparation of shellac. (New (Amer. nat., Aug. 1873, v. 7, p. 1(90.)
remedies, June 1880, v. 9, p. 177, 27 cm.) The males of lereiiia, accius and t. pttttesil have n Pro agation
sinyle ocallus in the middle of the front. S'w Rec., S.
lac nnr? lac Aye,
&: I>. (ai8n]
India,. . - .
Soudder, S : Hubbard. Problems in ento-
(Can. entom., Sept. 1880, v. 12,
p. 161-167.)
Retiring President's address, delivered if Aug. 1% before tlic Entomological club of the A. A. A. S. Brief historical notice of the study of entomoh y *hut Boston, Mas-!.; appeal to entomologist;) to study the compnrative anatomy, embryolt~'~ post.iimbryolog. jcal ftevcioprnent, habits, structure of&inqs and struck. urc of mniith-pmyt-^ d lnaccta. (r: D. (21qh) Shell-lac cultivation in India. (Colonies and India, zS Aug. 1880, p. 11, 13 cm.)
Slofle of preparing shell-lac and of traitdsrring the lac-insect [COCO~S Zacca] from one tree to another. G: D. (-52)
Shinier, H : Butterflies in midwinter. (Science news, I Mar. 1879, v. I, p. 143.)
Colias htioiiice? and wauessa aftttopd on the wing, m BE. &,i it. Cm~ll, IU.
S: H, (21S.i)
Shortt, J: An account of the scleroth $ti- å´fiTtu/u B. & Curr., of Southern India. (Journ., Linn. soc., Eot., I Nov. 1866, v. 9, g022!~2?d nature, distribuhn and uses OF the fun- oi' white nut hills. W: T. (2184)
Sfewera. C : Godfrev. Mold as an insect
(~rner.nat., Nov. 1879, v. 13,
p. 631-683.)
Separate, [Phil., 18791.
p. 681-683, 23
x 13, t 1sx1o.a.
Eflfect of fungi in destroying insects.
S: P. M, 0iSs)
. .
Alludes to insects in amber, iffid quotes verses upon that subject,
G:B. !,m
Sogaff, N. VoriSufige Mittheilungen . . . [Rec., 16981.
Notice, by Ales. Brandt.
(Zooi. An-
zeiger, 22 March 1880, jahrg. 3,p. 138.) D. (aiSSj
Strecker, Herman. Butterfiies and moths
in their connection with agriculture and horticulture. A paper prepared for the
Pennsylvania fruit growers' society, Jan- uary, 1879. Harrisbury, 1879. 22 p., 24x 16. Entitled on p. 3 "Butterflies and moths of North America in their relation to horticulture and floriciii- ture." UniversaKty of the attacks of lepidoptera itpon plants' food-plsints of nnmeroui species; insectivnrous plantar useful insects; psciilixr mterpilht's: mimicry; rnon^trositics; g~=o.e~^piiicnl dIatrihntinn; American entomolo~i~ts. B: P. Sf. (2100)
Streaker, Herman. Wintering of butterflies. (Science news, I Mar. 1879, v. I, p. 160.) &h̤t'.w antiapa rtiici r. rope hibernate; philmx. plus /^ruscae cnptured, 8&. iQ+, HC Fsirbnr\' Ill. 5: ff. (3191)
Swinton, A. H.
Notes on certain fossii or-
thoptera claiming affinity with the genus gr-cris. (Geol. mag., 1874, s. 2, v. 1,
P- 337-341, pi- 1.)
Figures and describes grytlacris (recent species), + unfferi (restored) and corydnlis bropimrltf (Au- ouin}. T.M. W (319)
Tamhenberg, E L. Wandtafel zur Darstel-
lung des Colorado-Kartoffelkafers nnd
seiner Entwickelungsstufen. Mit erkliir- endem Texte fur Scliule und Haii?. Stntt- gftrt, E. Ulmer, [1877]. I pi., 56x71, folded in a cover 30X 25, and accompanied by
Der Colorado-Kartoffelkiifer. Erlkiutern- dar Text zu der " Wandtafe! zur Darstel- lung [etc]." Stuttqaart, E. Ulmer, 1877. 12 p., ai ~14.5, t 17 x 10.5.
Colored fi res with description of eg Isirva, pupa and ,!nap o&y$hOrta decmZikrte.
g: D. (q~)
Tapper, F : Cerura mdtiscripta Riley.
(Bull. Brooklyn enturn. sac., May 1878
[v. 11, P. 4.)
Larvae found on " upright willow" {sail's sp?] 30 July. F. G: S. ( 7 . 1 ~ )
Tepper, F: Notes on ftdtododa Wemula,
Clerk, Ìö diciaeoidesEsp. and Ìö rimosa Pack. (Bull. Brooklyn entom. soc., May 1879, v. 21 P- 3-4-1
With woodcuts of the larvae at the two first-named species. I, G: S, (aiqs)
Todd, James E. Contrivances for cross-fer- tilization in the rmuacalaceae. (Amer.
net., Sept. r#o, v. 14, p. 668-669.)
Chiefly botanical. G: D. (%I$)


Wavers, H: H. Notes on the Chatham
(Journ. Linn. soc., Rot., 3 Nov.
isfiii, V. 9, P. 135-144.)
Records, p. 144, the insects he recognized; alsn tlic fact that since the importation of bees Euro ean fruit tree's hive prodwrfid freely. IF: 'T. (2107) Treat. Mary. Chapter in the history of ants. (Harper's new mo. mag., Jan. 1879, v. 58, p. 176-184.)
Reprint. (TRE~T, Mary. Chapters on
ants. N. Y., 1870. D. 11-72,)
-, . . .
Habits of fermifft m/t^utwn, the slave meking ant; of itt slaves, f.fttwn and 1, sckawf~~ssii: and of insects captured bv it for fmd, !&#s$ft~fs, carftpotiotfts iflrleus and apkaefiegmter frtoii, 3: P. Sf. (aigS) weat, Mary. Chapters on ants. N. Y.,
Harper and Bros., 1879. (Harper's half-
hour ser., no. 123.) t.-p. cover, p. 5-96, 12 X 8, t 9X.j.7. i!. pap., 20 cts.
Rev. (Amer. bookseller, I Sept. 1879, v. 3, P. 174, 3 ""-1
Chmp. I (p. 11-72) is a reprint of the author's "Chap- ter in the nistnry of ants" (Harper's new mo. mag., Jan. 1879, v, 58, 176-xQ) [Rec., 21981; thy. a (p. 72- tg) i! reprint <)Fix au+iwpq harvesting ants of Ioridii" (Ltppincott's m~g., Nov. I?~S, no. I i, v aa, p. s-afe) [Rec., am]. 3: P. d (&)
Treat, Mary. The harvesting ants of Florida.. (Lippincott's mag., Nov. 1878, no. 131, v. 22. P. 555-562.)
Reprint. (TREAT, 'Mary. Chapters on
ants. N.Y., 1879. p.'~2-g6,}
Habits of poffo~o~ffyrme.~ cnidelis' its harvesting of ads, its rccqpihnn of cflmrrtjde~; thmriea as to soldier? and queens with smooth mnndibIch G: D. (3200)
Treat, Mary. Is the valve of utricitlaria sensitive?
(Harper's new m. mag., Feb.
1876, no. 309, v. 52, p. 382-387. il.)
'* Shows how the mosquitn [miex and rhiroiromus larvae are caught in the utricles, whit1 prnves Mr. Dar- win in error with regard to the wnsitivenegs of the valve of fttr/cvffiriu."-Atithor. J3: P. M. f~aoij Trelease, W : The fertilization of aq~iiegia vulgaris. (Amer. nat., Oct. 1880, v. 14, P- 731-733-1
How bornhis fertilizes a. zvdfnri's.. G. D. [2202) Turner, H : Ward. The beto.~tov~au pisci vor- [o]us.
(Amer. nat.. Sep. 1879, v. 13, p.
A bciostomii seen killing si stickle-h:ick [yasliiro':- fms]. G! (3203)
[United States entomological commia-
sion.1 (Amer. mt., Oct. 1830. v. IA. D.
0 . '
73-755.) '
>r'c;-rinizfition, distribution fit the work, and results ftf invc4prttims of the commission in regard to culoptsnus sprcsii <. G: D. (9)
[Vdted States entomological commto-
sion, Work of the. J (Amer. nat., Jan, 1879. v. 13, p. 60-61.)
Extract hum the Report of the U. S. Secretary ofthe interior, for 1878. G: D. (2305)
United States -Entomological commissioa+ Bulletin no. 3. The cotton worm laletfa
argiSZuc4 Summary of itsnaturai history, with an account of its enemies, and the
best means of controlling it ; being a report of progress of the work of the commis-
sion.. . . By Chas. V. Rile Wash., Jan.
sS, 1832. t.-p. co~er+6+~if+t~~ p, I col. PI-, 33X I:, 84 fie.
Rev. (Nature: i8Mar. r880, v. 21, p.446,) Rev., entitled, " Riley on the cotton
worm." (Amer. nat., April 1880, v, 14, p. 283-zS4.)
Notice. (College quart., May 1880, v. 3, no. 1, D. 14, coi. 2.1
- .
pan-ites ~ETftiefta drgf//ffffff; inHuencc of weather and em-imnrnent upon 1t* flppcarrince find development; artXrinl mean^ si~ainet it: prevention, mfichaniefll <It- strnction, ptiiaoning nf larvsw, dc?tniction of im:iims. Ap~'n'nn:lia., cmtainin
intwcm to Circiilnrno. 7. I ndcx.
~~-wribes lnrvfte of/hio livitffs (p. t I), srvft'Sa virmws (y. q),pffrlchs/r#m vrdm ~p. 37) (t'ewriE^"; also i7'3rko. grmntfln J^y ,+ti ftf~ (p. ~g), far^i'ma driiw (p, 4(3-4r), ~rrof-hp v^rrarcn;k (larvx 'in<) piipftnum, p. 47; imaqi in part, p. 30-4:s). t'ehioi'& f~i/awida {larra, p, +a), ti'rm+f/w estf~ft (p. 4d. c/fa/c- ozw/-7 (lwva and pupa, p. 431, (ffdi'c<ynift n.g. [prftffot~itpfdfi d. x@xos I . cp. (p. 44),fimp/n mqifififfff (larval :ITI~ pupa 11 5) fn-ittc,fif;: ficurv-4 or mart? 0,. t:ies~ and otLr insvcts. /?: 1'. M. (zzw)
United States- EatowaCpgicaL commission. Bulletin no. 4.
The hessian fly [cecido-
via tfestracin~, its ravages, habits, ene- mies, and means of preventing ifs increase. By A. S. Packard, jv., M. D. Wash., May 20, iWo. t.-p. cover,, 43 p., 3 pi., each pi. with K p. explanation, t 19x11.~; I map, t 20.5X26.7; 11X 15.
Rev. and extract. entitled "The hessian
fly." (Amer. nat., Aug. 1830, v. 14, p,
Statement of the present kn?wlcdge u on the subjects indicated by the title, intended to elicit further infinnit. tion. Deacrihcs and figures the flv in ail its starts, treats of the times and pluces rtf' its occurrence in injnrinua airondance. and cintaint n list of the most important publkhd writings relatinr to thv flv. G: A (2.107)
United States - Edu~ioloyical COÌö in/.c.cIon. Rulletin no. 5.
The chincli-bug [blissus
leucopferns]. Its historv. characters, and habitt. and the means of" destroying it or counteracting its injuries. fey Cyms
Thomas. Wash., 1879. t.-p. cover + 44 p., 23 X 15, t 19X11.2: map, 23x31; 10 fig.
Notice. (College quart. [Arnes, Iowa],
May 1880, v. 3, no. I, p. 84, col. 2.)
Rev., entitled "Thomas's Chinch bug."
(Amer. nat., July i8S0, v. 14, p. 511.)
Dktrihtion and rav~g-es, civil history, names and description, number of hrmds hibernatinn rnigrnti~ils and imturii1 enemies of bfif;f;ii.s ~^ci,bi&s+ nrtiticiaJ means :sp-*inst it: early sawing", hitrrimdin~, burning, btarrinp, crushing, and other means.
R: P. M. (rao~)


1 90 [2209-2-2 151 PSYCHE.
United States- Geological and geogrQA-
icat survey of the territories,. Bulletin, 1874 and 1875. Vol. I. Wash., 1875. t.-p. covers+q+aS+y7++~ p., PI. 1-3, 7. 8,
1146, 23x15, t 18.8X11.1 ; pi. [4], 23x31 ; PI. [sl, 23x57; pl. F 3 23x88; pl- 9, 23X 81; pi. 10, 23x80; map, 61x77.
The pages, dates, and entooiologicul contents are as follows :-
no. I. 1874. halft.-~.+a!
-List of members
xnPdh-atnrs of the suwq 8r
[RW. sh nj,
p. 34.-List of the publications of theGeological survey of the territories [Rec., -h+ b], p. 5-6- [s. [J, no. 3, 1~74. half t.-p,+,7 p.-THOMAS. C. Dexript~ort? of some new or tho pier:^. . . [Rec., A], 19-21.
s. 2, no. 6. S Feb. 13-6 p. +15.49~+1 p I. ~2-26.- SCL-DDEH, S : H. ~ossil" ortlinptiint f&~~?fie Rncky Mountain tertiaries [Rec., 5691, p. 447-449. E: P. M. (2200)
United States- Geological and geograpk-
icd survey of the territories. Bulletin, 44X7h55X72-
Tlie pnges, dates, and entomoln~ic~t contents arc as follows :-
no. I. 21 Mar. 1876. p. 1-63, pl. 1-39, rnap.ÌÔSc~t~u~u S: K.
Fossil mlc-iptera fmni the Rncky Mo~iitiiin tertiaries [Rec., ;p]. p. 77-37.
lift. 2. I Apr. 1876. p. S+iyi++ pi. 30- i no. 3. 5 me 1%. p. igi-i;~, pi. 1.10 f3& niilp,- SCUDDEH, 2: H. '~ricf svnonsis of North knerkin liarwi~", . . . (Rec., 5711, > 30 sxi. SCUDDE~I S. H, List {i( the o) [iio tent collect& . . .[~ec., 573],' p. 261. 1'y:.-ScuDnii.k, 8: 11. Noticr nf !i small collection of bittterflies . . .
p. ar+a70.
no. +, AJE~:$:~~~ P.I+,~. 27g gz+lz pi. 42. 491 1-6 i42-471.
! P. M. (3310)
United States- Geological and geogrufh-
icd survey of the #err/forifs.
1S77. Vol. 3. Wash., 1877. t+ covers+
84-856 + p., pi. 2-25. 27-34. 36, 23 X 1.5, t 18.8 X 11.1; pi. z, 41x38; pi, 26. 35 Y. 46; pl- 35,23X30; pi. 37,33X24; pi. 38, 23x6; ; ~ 1 - 397 33x52.
The pws, dates, find entornologid contents are as follows :-
no. I. 5 Apr. I%. p. $-is, pi. r-i6.-GHOTE, A. R, Vntiw on ft collection of nnctnid rnnths innde 111 Col. n~aiio . . [Rec., , p 11 -IM>--CMAMBKRS, V, T. The tfwiw of Colorado [Rce., 8p], p. 121*1+3.- CHAMBEKS, V. T. Notes on a collection nf tinekl ninths inadti in Colftrmlo . . . Rec., Rp], pi 93.,145.~ r'lf~~rf'ft~~'ii V. T. 071 the distribution of titfm~i in ~o~orfic~o (Use., 8531,p. 147-IV.-P \CURD. A. s., jr. On n new mve fwma in Utah [Rcc., Sq], p. i57.160. Ani~ricftii tcrtinries [Rcc., R^cfj, p. p-7Sa.- SCUSDEU, S : H. Description of two species o carabidoe found in the interqlncial ~Irpositsi of Scarhorn' Hei~hts, nenr To- ronto, C,imla. fRec., 'Sol, p. 76~-7&4..-L HLER, ?, R. Rrport frlc.1 1.w~ no. i, p. 35;-47,';; Ree. $';(;I, p. 765-801. B:P.M. faa113
. .
VayssiSre, Alb. Sur la m4tamorphose dti
å´firoso$isiam Note. . . . (Compt. rend,, 7 June 1883, v. 90. no, 23, p. 1370-1371.) Records the transfirmiition of frosopMsma puncti. frons into images rewmbling cam& prnvin'r that /re. sa#?'itom is am epheineridnvmph. i: P. M, (2212) 'Via'llanes, H.
Sur l'appareil respiratoire et
cjrcu!atoire de quelques lames de diptferes. (Coittptss rendus de 1'Acad. des sci., 17 May IS%, v. 90. p. 1 &-I 132.1
In the young larvae of ctenofiiora, the dorsal vessel is 11 Ionq, cftntrnctile tube open only at its two extrem- ities. It consists of ;i hninn~eneous substance c{>ntniti- ing nuclei themselves contractile, nnd its anterior portion floats freely in the hloodv fluid; the posterior inrtiftn mn the c?iitran, is ctnikd witrt a her or ciw. hmllibndding ceils &hic;i bemine att;?~cht"d by prrttci. plasmic pr*lnny.itinns to tiit- wills of thr bodv and form the pnmirivc periciirdirtc simis; the place where thf Jater~l orifices nt tik doma1 vns4 are p>inq t<> hp formed is indmfuri! by a rca'hn ftl more cnerertic con- trfiftinns. 'I he h i se went if entirely filled witli trac.ieal tuits w;iie'i iiiterfare liehind so us to form a sort of skvc beliiiid t h ~ orific? c ~ f +be fl~~ttl ve=eel. Hchce the \hod i-i entireh iwdized 3s it pisses through the lastscqn-lent, mid hefiirf t;ie nppearnnce fif tlir lateral oriSccr. the heart is entirely arterial. A. R. - "To recapitulate, 7 have ahmvn; 10 that the heart of insect'; is, at fir-it, n aininle tub, open only :it its twn extwmJties: 2- Hiat, sn lnnr us there are un hteral otificet. thu hrnrt is entirely arterial. 32 I huve indicated tht* mode of formation of the lrtteral'orifices xiid nif rhv pcric~rdial sinw." G: D. (2213)
"Vorce, C. M. Destructive powers of cer- tain insects.
(Amer. oat., Oct. 1879, v, 13,
Pa 663.1
Mentions paper rend by ahove :iuthnr on Hiis suli'ect before the American hocietyd microscopifis in ~ufffiln. R. Tli. (zz!~)
Weale. j. P. Mansel. Notes on the structure and fertilization of the genus bosutea. with a special description of a species found at Bedford, South Africa. (Journ. Linn. soc., Rot., ; Mar. 1867, v. 10, p. 470-476.)
Describes the curimis way in which le idoptera tmn4er poiIen. W: 8 (2215)


Volume 3 table of contents