Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Article beginning on page 186.
Psyche 3:186, 1880.

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being the intermediary host which harbors the worm in certain stages of its develop- l?8YClxE. ment. The figures accompanying the papers -
by Drs. Mansor; and Lewis were exhibited. Mr. W: Tre1eae.e referred to Mr. H : C.
hf&o&'s report printed on p 183 of Prof. -
Comatock's " Report upon Cotton Insects." Comisa~ications, e.~changes and edUurs' @its Mr. Treleaee could not quite agree with Mr. should be addressed to EDITORS or PSVCRE, Cam- &Cook in attributing so insignificant an bddgt, Mass, Comntit~iceiiofis for puWcaiion ,Ì importance to the ants. He (Trelease) had PSYCHE w ~ t be properly authenticated, and so amity. repeatedly lost in a single night the contents meus articles will be fitWs/;sii.
of boxes holding a dozen or more iarvae of Editors and contrihiors an on@ vesfossibit for Alefia from the invasion of the ants in ques- tki statements made in tfw> own comfituaicatioas. tion. Mr. T. is now quite sure that the worts as svtj~ts not rehtrd (f mfosiolcisy wrn sot moths (AZefia) seek the extra-floral glands be fwi~ed in ~SVCHE.
on the peduncle of the sweet potato plant For rules of suts~iffh and of aetvedft'ftff, set [Ipomoeu Siatutuf} for food. He did not state udvcrHshg columns.
the fact in his report to Prof. Cornstock be" cause at that time he was not quite sure that such was the case.
In the CoMptes Resdss for 16 Aug. 1880,
ro DEC. 1880. - yznd meeting. Mr. S : H. Kiinckel homologizes the whoie crernaster of Scudder called attention to a recent paper by the butterfly chrysalis with the anal prolegs Dr. F. Eugen Geinitz ("Die Blattineen nus of the caterpillar; the cremaster is formed, der Dyas von Weissig") being a new and
he says, by the soldering of a pair of appen- extensive description of a very compiete fos- dages, bearing at tip, each independently of ail cockroach.
Especial attention was called
the other, a series of hooks; and theee two to the want of symmetry in the venation of parts can be seen. in a changing chrysalis, the wing%-
Mr- Scudder then exhibited a
to be hidden under the skin of the anal legs drawing of a new (undescribed) cockroach of the caterpillar. Riley however has clearly recently found at Mazon Creek, III., which shown (her. eatom., July 1880, v. 3, p. 162- was even more complete than the one studied 167) that the body of the cremaster of the by Geinitz. This specimen also shows con- chrysalis corresponds to the anal plate (or spicuous difference in the venation of the terminal segment) of the caterpillar, and wings of both pairs.
that the anal prolege of the latter are trans- Mr. Scudder also called attention to another formed to what he tefms the sustentors. rid- paper by Dr. Geinitz, which was, he said, get on the under surface of the crernaster the first considerable paper that had hitherto which terminate anteriorly in little knobs, appeared, so far as he knew, on fosd insects and play such an important part in the pupa- of the Lyas of Germany. . . . Dr. E : L. tion ofnymphdidous butterflies. Kiinckelhas Mark gave ft synopsis of the results already evidently bee" led astray in part by the mere arrived at by Dr. Maneon (of Amoy), Lewis resemblance between the hooks of the pupa (of alcatta), and others concerning the cremaster and those of the larval prolegs; history of the parasite of the human blood and what becomes of the anal plate of the known as filar/a $anguiXomt-ais, and the caterpillar he fails to tell us. Both these w- probability of a certain mosquito {Cities') thors have written independently. S: H. S. /


Volume 3 table of contents