Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Article beginning on page 179.
Psyche 3:179, 1880.

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EUGENE M. AARON, 27 South 4th St., Phil- adelphia, Pa., wishes to receive the larvae of any butterflies, especially 100 to I.;O speci- mens of the papilios a/ax, asterias, $hiZenor, troilus and f.urt2us; he will, if desired, return to the senders the images raised from these larvae, and repay the postage.
Pack speci-
mens securely in small strong boxes, with the plant on which they are feeding.- Science advocate, Oct. 1880, v. I, no. 4. p. [3]. THE COLLECTION of coleoptera left by the late George D. Smith, of Cambridge, Mass., and now offered for sale, comprises 8926 North American species, 489 of which are unde- scribed. 109 varieties and 22835 specimens sys- tematically arranged and in perfect condition ; 5037 South American species and 7947 speci- mens, systematically arranged and in good condition ; besides 14789 North American and 1782 South American duplicates and speci- mens still remaining in the boxes in which they were purchased from the collectors. THE NEW YORK Entomological Club, re-
centlj formed in New York City, with Au- gustus Radcliffe Grote as Precident. Henr? Edwards as Secretary, and Berthold Neumoe- gen as Treasurer, meets twice monthly, and has begun under the direction of Messrs. Grote, Edwards and Theodore Luqueer Mead, the publication of an octavo monthly entitled " Papilio. Devoted to lepidoptera exclusively. Organ of the New York Entomological Club." We understand that if sufficient encourage- ment is received the Club hopes at some
futuretime to publishalso a "Vespa,' a6'Blatta," a ~'Musca," etc.. to cover the other groups of insects. " Papilio " will appear during ten months of each .year; the annual subscription price is $2.00 ; subscriptions and communica- tions should be addressed to Mr. Henry
Edwards, 181, East 116th Street. New York. N. Y.
for sale and exchange; send 3 cts. for catalogue. PHILIP IAL'RENT,
621 X4arå´il~al St., Philadelphia, Pa.
THE REGULAR meetings of the Cambridge
Entomological Club will be held at 19 Follen St., at 7.45 p.m., on the days following: - 8 Oct. 1880. 11 Mar. 1881.
12 NOV. '- 8 Apr. g 6
10 Dec. '< 13 May ::
14 Jan. 1881. 10 June
11 Feb. c L
B : PICKMAN MANN, Secretary.
THE REGULAR meetings of the Entomologi-
cal Section of the Boston Society of Natural History will be held at hT. W. corner of Berke- ley and Boylston Sts., Boston, Mass., at 7.45 p.m., on the days following :-
q Oct. 1880.
2t Feb. 1881.
24 Nov. "
23 Mar.
22 Dec:' 27 Apr. '<
26 Jan. 81. 25 May L'
B : PICKMAN MANX, Secretary.
THE REGULAR meetings of the Entomolog-
ical Section of the Academy of Natural Sci- ences. of Philadelphia, Pa., will be held at S. W. corner of 19th and Race Sts., on the days following : -
8 Oct., 1830. 11 Mar. 1881.
12 NOV. " 8 Apr. "
ID Dec. *' 13 May '<
14 Jan. 1881. 10 June 6L
11 Feb. '&
THE SEMI-ANNUAL meetings of the Anier-
ican Entomological Society will be held at S. W. corner of 19th and Race Sts.. Philadel- phia, Pa., on the days following : -
13 Dec. 1880. 13 June, 1881.
THE REGULAR monthly meetings of the
Montreal Branch of the Entomological So- ciety of Ontario will be held at Montreal, Qe., Canada, on the days following : -
7 Sept. 1880.
4 Jan. 1881.
.; Oct. I Feb. gc
2 Nov. c6 I Mar. '<
7 Dec. <* 5 Apr.
G: H. BOWLES, Secretary.
DUE 15 OCT. 1882.- Life-histories of Scle- rostoma .yvit,rtzmiis and of Stro?zg+Zus $ercrra- dl's.
See PSYCHE, v. 3, p. 59.


Volume 3 table of contents