Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Article beginning on page 176.
Psyche 3:176-178, 1880.

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'Goureau, Claude C : [Biog. sketch, by Henri Miot, entitled "Notice n6crologique sur Ie ADDIT1ONAL REc., 1501-1518, AND I55.5. mlone] Goureau."] (Annal, Sot. entom. Atkin, T: [Biog. notice.] (Entomologist, France, 1879, s. 5, v. 9, p. 389-400.)" Jan. 1880, V. 13, p. 24.)
Col. Goureau, entomological writer, was b. 15 April M~. ~ t k i ~ ~ , b. M~~ 1813, at stapleford, E ~ ~ . , d. qo, in pisv, Yonne, France; d. 6 web. 1879, in Paris, 8 Nov. 1879, at Nottingharn, Eng.
B: P. M. (2125) France.
G: D. (2133)
Berce, Jean ~tienne. [Biog. notices.] (2001. Anzeiger, 22 March 1880, jahrg 3, p. 144.) (Psyche, May [July] 1880, v. 3, p. 71.)
(Entomologist, May 1880, v. 13, p. 119-
120.) (Entom. m. mag., March 1880, v.
16, p. 236.)
Mr. B., lepidopterist, was b. in 1802; d. 29 Dec. 1879, in Paris. G: D. (2126)
Boisduval, Jean Baptiste Alphonse Dd-
chauffoir. [Biog. notices.] (2001. Anzei- rer, 22 March 1880, jahrg. 3, p. 144.)
(Psyche, May [July] 1880, v. 3, p: 71.)
(Entom. Nachrichten, I July 1880, jahig. 6, p. 150.) Entomologist, May 1880, v. 13, p. 119.) Entom. m. mag., March 1880, v.
16, p. 235-236.)
"GIRARD, Maurice. Notice n6crologique
sur le docteur Boisduval. Paris, 1880. 8åÁ 6 p. Extr. du Journ. centr. d'horticult.. 3 s&., t. 2." [According to 2001. Anzeiger, 29 Nov. 1880, jahrg. 3, p. 573.1
Dr. Boisduval, lepidopterist, was b. in 1799, in Tiche- ville, Normandy, France; d. 30 Dec. 18 9, in Paris, France. 2: D. (2127)
Chapman, T : [Biog. notice.] (Entoinolo- gist, Dec. 1879, v. 12, p. 299-300.)
[See Rec., 1502.1 G: D. (2128)
Chenu, Jean C : [Biog. note.]
Zool. Anzeig-
er, 22 March 1880, jahrg. 3, p. 144.)
[See Rec., 1505.1 G: D. (2129)
Cooper, James. [Biog. notice.] (Entomol- ogist, Nov. 1879, v. 12, p. 280.)
G: D. (2130)
Fitch, Asa. IBiog. notices.] (Amer. en-
tom., May 1880, v. 3, p. 121-123.)
[See Rec. 1507 and IW;.]
G: D. (2131)
Fritsch, Carl. [Biog. notices.] (2001. An- zeiger, 8 March 1880, jahrg. 3, p. 120.) (Psyche, May [July] 1880, v. 3, p. 71.)
(Aus alien Welttheilen, April 1880, jahrg. 11, p. 213.)
B. 16 Aug. 1812, in Prague, Bohemia; d. 26 Dec. 1879, in Salzburg Austria. At the time of his death Dr. Fntsch was Vice-director (emeritus) of the Central- Anstalt fir Meteorologic und Erdmagnetisin~is in Vienna.
He has written nor n insect-nhaenoloe-v. Greening, Noah. [Biog. notices.] (Ento-
mologist, Dec. 1879, v. 12, p. 300.)
tom. In. mag., Dec. 1879, v. 16, p. 167.; G: D. (2134)
Haag, Georg.
IBiog. sketch, by G. Kraatz,
entitled .' Necrolog."] (Deutsche entom. Zeitschr., May 1880, jahrg. 24, p. 231-235.) [Biog. sketch, by C. A. Dohrn, entitled
"Necrolog."] (Entom. Zeitung . . . zu
Stettin, Jan.-Mar. 1880, jahrg. 41, p. III- 113.1
LBiog. note.] (Entomologist, May 1880,
V. 13, p. 120.)
[See Rec., IS;^.] G: D. (2135)
Kirchner, Leopold Anton. [Biog. notice.] (Entomologist, May 1880, v. 13, p. 118-
119.) Zool. Anzeiger, 5 April 1880, jahrg. 3, P. 168.)
LBiog. sketch, by R. Stein, entitled '^Nek- rolog."J (Entom. Nachrichten, 15 March
1880, jahrg. 6, p. 60-61.)
Dr. Kirchner, a practising physician in Kaplitz, Bohemia, and author of papers on hymenoptera, d. in Kaplitz, 29 Dec. 1879. G: D. (2136)
Loew, Hermann. [Biog. sketch, by F.
Kowarz, entitled "Professor Dr. Hermann
Loew."] (Sitzungsber. d. k.-k. z001.-
hot. Gesells. Wien, Nov. 1879, bd. 29, p. 45-47- 1
[Biog. sketch (by Ernst Krause).]
[Deutsche entom. Zeitsch., 1879, iahre. 23, [See Rec., 1510.1 G: D. (2137)
Plieninger, Theodor Wilhelm Heinrich
IBiog. notice.] (Zool. Jahresbericht f.
1879. P. 5.)
Entomological writer; professor in Stiittgart, Wiir- temberg; secretary of the agricultural society in Wiir- ternburg. B. 17 Nov. 1795; d. 26 April 1879. G: D. (2138)
Reichenbach, Heinrich Gottlieb Ludwig.
[Biog. notice.] (Amer. journ. sci. and
arts, Jan. 1880, v. 19, p. 77.)
[See Rec., 1514.1 G: D. (2139)
Rondani, Camillo. [Biog. notice.] (Entom- ologist, May 1880, v. 13, p. 120.)
[See Rec., 1515.1 G: D. (2140)
Pnche 3 176-178 tprc.1903). htlp://psyclimi~club orgOt1-176 html



Helm, von Kiese
wen, Francis. [Biog. note.] (Entomol-
o$ii,Dcc. t88o,v. 13,p.313.)
,-<, +--*,, -..b>."n ,.. ,., .. ..., >. >..-. ..., ."m,*Eu . - . . . .- . -
imannmii. r rancis uram. I doe. notices. ies of colioptcrm, (1. in CnnihntI:e, Mass &July
, in Ilk q6th ynr.
(J; JL). (1164)
ellen van VoUenhoven, S : Constant.
(2001. Anzeiger, 19 April
92.) (Entom. Zeitung . . .
-June 7.530, jahrg. 41, p.
nat., June tSSo, v. 14,
Nnchrichten, r Jnly 1880,
) (En tornologist, May
-1t8.1 (Dentschc entom.
whr., "May ISSO, jahrg. 24, p. 338.)
t.. June 1880, v. 14, p. 466.)
. Stmifit, entomolo~st, b. in Li


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