Article beginning on page 167.
Psyche 3:167, 1880.
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DR. DUTRIEUX, of the Belgian expedition
engaged in explorations in Africa, sent home an entomological collection in the spring of 1879.
MR. S. E. CASSINO intends publishing a
Directory containing the names, addresses, departments of study, etc., of the naturalists of the world.
DURING THE last year a very convenient
LL Manual of the New Zealand coleoptera," prepared by Thomas Brown, and containing 672 pages, was published in Wellington, N.Z. ACCORDING TO Gehe, in his Friihjahrsbe-
richt for 1879, cantharidin is
made chiefly
from Chinese beetles, and is becoming con- siderably cheaper, in consequence of this new source.
JOSEPH DUNCAN PUTNAM, for several years
previously the Corresponding Secretary of the Davenport (Iowa) academy of sciences, was elected President of the Academy for the ensuing year, j Jan. 1881.
AT THE election of officers
held by the
Cambridge Entomological Club, 14 Jan. 1881, the following persons were chosen : -Presi- dent, E : Laurens Mark ; Secretary, Treas- urer, and Editor of PSYCHE,
B: Pickman
Mann ; Librarian, Clifford Chase Eaton ; Executive Committee, S: Hubbard Scudder, E : Payson Austin, E : Burgess.
HERBERT H. SMITH, author of "Brazil;
the Amazons ,and the Coast," is to conduct another South American expedition. The
route embraces some of the unexplored trib- utaries of the Amazons and the great table- lands of western Brazil and Bolivia. In his former explorations Mr. Smith made large collections of insects ; some of his results of a day's collection of beetles are of interest, as on 17 Dec. he took 394specimens of275 species in about eight hours, on 29 Jan. 471 specimens of 268 species. In the East Indies, Wallace considered 40 to 60 species a good day's col- lecting, and gives gj as the largest number ever taken.
THE REGULAR meetings of the Cambridge
Entomological Club will be held at 19 Follen St., at 7.45 p.m., on the days following: - 8 Oct. 1880.
11 Mar. 1881.
12 Nov. <- 8 Apr. "
10 Dec. '<
13 May LC
14 Jan. 1881. 10 June "
B : PICKMAN MANN, Secretary.
THE REGULAR meetings of the Entomologi-
cal Section of the Boston Society of Natural History will be held at N. W. corner of Berke- ley and Boylston Sts., Boston, Mass., at 7.45 p.m., on the days following :-
27 Oct. 1880.
23 Feb. 1881.
24 Nov." 23 Mar. 66
22 Dec." 27 Apr. "
26 Jan. 81. 25 May "
B : PICKMAN MANN, Secretary.
THE REGULAR meetings of the Entomolog-
ical Section of the Academy of Natural Sci- ences. of Philadelphia, Pa., will be held at S. W. corner of 19th and Race Sts., on the days following ; -
8 Oct., 1880.
11 Mar. 1881.
12 Nov. 8 Apr.
10 Dec. " 13 May "
14 Tan. 1881. 10 Tune "
THE SEMI-ANNUAL meetings of the Amer-
ican Entomological Society will be held at S. W. corner of 19th and Race Sts., Philadel- phia, Pa., on the days following : -
13 Dec. 1880.
13 June, 1881.
THE REGULAR monthly meetings of the
Montreal Branch of the Entomological So- ciety of Ontario will be held at Montreal, Que., Canada, on the days following : -
7 Sept. 1880.
4 Jan. 1881.
j Oct. I Feb. "
2 NOV. I Mar. "
7 Dec. (Apr.
G: H. BOWLES, Secretary.
DUE 15 OCT. 1882.- Life-histories of Scle- rostoma.syngamus and of Strongilus å´perpa cilz's.
See PSYCHE, v. 3, p. 59.
Volume 3 table of contents