Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Article beginning on page 163.
Psyche 3:163-166, 1880.

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Authors and socidies are requested to forward their works to tke editors as soon as ft&isked.
The daie of ~~t&lica/io~, given in brackets [ J, marks the time at wkich the
work was received, unless an earlier duie of $uh/icution is i'nows to recorder creditor. Unless otherwise stated each record is made directly from the work tJsd is moiiced. A colon after initial designates (he most common given taume, as: A: AUSTSS~US; B: Beftjamin; C: C/mrle.i; D: Bat,id; E: Edward; F: Frederic; G: George; H; Henry; I; Isaac; 7: John; K; Karl; L; Loais; M: Mark; N: Nichok; 0: Otto; P: Peter; R: , Richard; S: Samuel; T: Thomas; W: William, The initials at the end of wch record, or uoie, are ttiost of the recorder,
~orre>fiofss of errors md notices of omiss~ofts w e solicited-. [American association for the advance-
ment of science. 23rd meeting, Hartford, Conn., 12-19~~~. 1874.1 (Amer. nat., Sep. 1874. v- 8, P. s^Wt-,
Notice of formation of the Entornolorical club of the A.A. A. S.; coiitaii~ a list of pa ers Gad in section n, including nbnut 12 mtomologicaT titles.
3: P. Jtf. (2069)
American association for the advance-
meat of science, [24th'meeting, Detroit, Mich., 11-17 AUK. tS75.1 (Amer. nat., Sep. is75 v. 9, p. i^-527.)
Notice of meetin and of S: H. Scndder's Fossil buttertltes [Hec., 59 5. B: P.M (2070)
American association for the advance-
meat of science. [351^ meeting, Buffalo, N.Y., 33-30 Aue. 1876.1 (Ainer. nat., Oct. 1876, v. 10, p. 636-4540.)
Contains si list of papers read In section R, includin 3 entomoiogical titles,
B: P. M. (2071)
American association for the advanoe-
meat of science. [26th meeting, Nash-
ville, Tenn., 29 Aug.-4 Sep. 1877.1 (Amer. nat., Oct. 1877, v. 11, p. 636-639.)
Contains a list of papers read in sectbn B, includn'tg 3 entomological titles. Ft: P. M. tzqzl
American association for the advance-
ment of science. [27th meeting, St. Louis, Mo., 21-28 Aug. 187S.)(Amer. nat., 1Sf8, v. 12, Oct., p. 706; Nov., D. 760.)
. . .. . ..,
Sotes of meeting, with list of some papers reid in section B, inclndina: nonc on entomojo
P . M . (WJ)
American association for the advance-
ment of science.
28th meeting, Saratoga
[N. Y.], Aug. 37 to Sept. 2, iS79,
nat., Oct. 1S79, v. t3, p. 664-665.)
Contains a list of a ers read in section 8,Jncludin ,about 6 ento~~~o~o~~cn~t~~es.
R. Th. (W3
American association for the advance-
ment of science.
29th meeting, Boston
mass. 1, AUK. a j to Sept. I, 18%. (Amer. tiat., Oct. i8S0, V. 14. p. 757-7h.)
Contains a list of papers red in section B, includin about p cntornoiof^cal titles,
a: B. (10757
Appointment of state entomologist for New York.
(Can. entom., Aug. t8%, v. 13, p.
i 60.)
Appointment of Joseph Albert Lintncr of Alban N. V.
. G: D. (zqft)
Aahmeaa, W: Harris. The orange root
borer, (Florida agriculturist [DeLand,
Fla.], 16 Feb. 1881, no. 144, v. 3, no. 40, p. 316, col. 2-3, 34 crn., fig.)
+unt imd figure of a cerimbycid larva, perha s pr~ofin~poc~aviy, which consumeB tile interior of the roots of oraiiqe trees [citrus]. S: P. Sf, (2077) Balbiemi, E. G. Remarques relatives &. une communication de M. Boiteau, sur la prd- sence d'ceufs d'hiver du phylloxera dam les couches superficielles du sol. (Comptes
renclus, 17 Nov. 1879, v. Sg, p. 846-847.) Reply, by Boiteau, entitled " Wponse &
M. Balbiani, an uujet de ia. pdsence de
I'osut' d'hiver du phylloxera dans Ie sol." (Cornpies rendus, 15 Dec. 1879, v. 89, p. 1027-102%)
Crit. rev. of Boiteau'a "Sur la presence, dans lea couches. . . , d'oeufs . . ." (Cornptes rendns, 10 Nov. 18791 V. % P 7~774) WC-~ %7J G: D, (ml
Baly, Joseph S.
Descriptions of new genera
and species of galeraciaae.
(Annals and
mag. nat. hist., Jan. 1879, s. 5, v. 3, p. 73.) Cont. from v. a, p. 4Za.
Describes dfa^foitca f~tkri-
pcs d./ulvasifiiaia and d. xexmec#h~a from Guatemala and <?. inierrwptefosaftta and f/. im/rfta;a froin Me-xic~. /(. ir, [2079)


164 [2080-20941 PSYCHE.
Barber, Mrs. M. E. On the fertilization and dissemination of dwvernoia udhutudoides. (Journ. Linn. soc., Bot., 15 Apr. 1869, v. 1 1 7 P- 469-472.)
Describes and fignres the actions nf a .ry/ocopa when visiting the flowers of this African plant. w T. (MSol
Batelll, Dr.-. On the anatomy of erisiulis i m x . (Annals and mag. nat. hist,, Jan. 1879, 5; v, 3, p. 94.1
The external tube of the tail is regarded as n mcuti- ficd segment of the body.
R. H. (Zosi)
Behr. H. The phylloxera and its foes.
(Pacific rural press [San Francisco], 31 July t88o, Y. so, p. 66, col, i-3, 88 crn,) Lecture delivered at the July meeGnpT of the State vitic~iltural commission, at SOUOI~;! Cul., ^3. jdy 18%; biography of the phylloxera: enumeration of its foe% 8: P. Sf. (&)
Bolteau, -. Sur la pr&ence, duns les
couches superficielles du sol, d'ceufs d'hiver du phylloxera Kcond&. (Comptes rendus,
10 Nov. 1879, v- 89, p, 772-774.)
Crit. rev., by E. G. Balbiani, entitled, "Remarques relatives S. tine communica-
tion cle M. Boiteau. sur la presence (i'ceuft d'hiver tlu phylloxera dans las copzhes
superficielles du sol." (Comptes rendus, 17 Nov. 187 , v. 89, p. 846-847.)
Notice. (Rev. scientifique, 22 ~ov. 1879, P. TOO, 5 cm.5 G: D. (OT83)
Boitean, -, Reponse M. Balbiani, au
sujet de la presence de I'ceuf d'hiver du phvlloxera dam le sol,
(Comptes rendus,
1'; '~ec; 1879, v. 89, p. 1027-1028.)
Reply to E. G. Balbiani's " Rcmarquea relative 4 line oimmuxiicatinn . . . " (Comptfrs
rendus, 17 Nov,
tw, v. "9, p. -7) [Rec,, iq"]
G: D. (at&t)
Boll Jacob saB. J. H. Memoir of the late Professor ~ahb l3oh f~cc!, r926]'.
Btiirgeoifl, J., ~~MOCE>UERYS, J. BOUROBOIS, Tf'ratolagie entomologique . . . [Rec., 2037]. Bowleg G: H. see ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY or ON. TAKIO- ~Ontrtal branch.
å´ft annuai report.. .
Bwles, G: J :, see ENTOMOLOGICAL AOCIETY OF ON- T \ ttio - Sfan#& ^r^nch. 7th annual report . . . L~~CC., 20331.
Bridge-building ant (A). ("Leisure hour.") (Colonies and India, II Dec. 1880, p. 14, 9 em.)
How the driver-mts {a~~<yfiimu n-8
of Africa,
cross stream^, 2: 0. (aosj)
Bridgman, J : B. Bees and flowers. Nature, 6Dec. 1877, v. 17, p. 102, 6 cm.)
States that andrma hattorfaua is found only OD the flowers of scdfar~~ col/etes saccincia, only on those of erfrn. he writer 'finds that Imca coilert the pollen of several apewes d flowers flu a =,inglc visit, IV: T. (20S5)
Brongniart, C : and Max Corn.
causfc sur des diptkres du genre syrphs
par tin charnpignonemfmo/Afchi~å´å´ (Comp- ten rendus, 9 Feb. is%, v. 90, p. 249.)
The note with nbove title sent tn the Academic des sciences, add referred to their Commission OD the ph 1 loxfl~a, is not printed lit the Contp#ff reudrts, but the remarks of the Permanent Secrrlnry [Jenn Baptists Diimns] in rpqarfl to the appliration 01' fungi to the destruction of injects are prink<! (/. c. p. q+qi). QB? an abetract of H. A, JIncys's 'I Destrm-iion of ol~rtnitioiis in~ecl.~'' [Rfi~., I&^] *iven in A coimmiinl. c.~Licin bv H, Dnnckivr dc ~oncecl" to the Bull. SOL en- tnin. Bdg. G: A (mQ7)
Canker worms. (Springfield [Mass.] sunday telegram, 9 Nov. 1873, . . . IS cm.)
Mode of protecting trees with printers' ink. fi- tracted from Mass, pIffuyhmair. G: D- (2&) Comu, Max, see BROKGNTAUT, C : and Max CORNL, Epid4mie caus<e sur dvs diptetes . . . [Rec., 20871. Criiger, H.
A few notes on the fecundation
of orchids and their morphology. (Journ. Linn. soc., Rot., 3 Mar. 1864, v. 8, p. 127- t3.5 pi- 9.1
Considers tnc efficiency of insects in fertilizing wv. eral Trinidad orchids. W: T. (Mg)
Darwin, Francis.
On the nectar-glands of
the common brake fern (//eris uguilina). (Journ. Linn. fioc., Bat., I June 1876, v. 15, P. 407-408-5
Scutes that the glands attract several s ecies of ants, especially mymica; also sister and nootner beetle. W: T. (2090)
Decaux-. Destruction des acarus. (Feu-
ille den jeunes naturalistes, March 1880, an. 10, P. 66-67-1
Uses cnrbon diaulphide [C Sz] to kill scams, G: D. (2001)
Destroying grain weevils. (Science news; I Aug. 1879, v. I, p. 304.)
. -
" Riley recommends the use of bisulphiile of carbon re s21." S: IL (ZW)
Entomological aoclety of Ontario-Afo~t-
real Aranch. 7th annual report ofthe coun- cil. (Can. entom., Aug. 1880, v. 1% p. 146- '47.1
Report rendered by G: J: Bowle~~president, and G: 14. linwles, sscretary,
1st of papers read and of
addinons to library. G: D. (-3)
Brhaltung (Die) der fiOclitigen Farben der Libellen. (Entom. Nachrichten, I July
1880, jahrg. 6, p. 145.)
Attract of P. Stefanelli's "mda memoria intorno a h
conservszinne dd1e libeliule a colori fugacp (Bull. soc. entorn. it& 1879, an. 11, p. 30-36) [Kec. -41- G': D. (ACKM)


PSYCHE. [2095-21091 lti5
Rnst, A.
La enfennedad dei malojo en las
Hance, H : F. On the silkworm oaks of
vegas del Guaire. (La opinion national northern China, (Journ. Linn. soc., Rot., [Carficas. Venezuela], ao Apr. 1880, aRo 13, 7 May 1868, v. ro, p. 482-492.)
no. 3262, p. 2-3, 65 cm.)
Considers "the rearing of "mountain silk" worms, Green coru fodder crops in the plains (wegas) of LEI and the plants which furnish their food. Guap attacked by an insect, here described, named W: T. (a103)
provisionaIJy wins ffiatdis or cAiscAe &t main, which sucks the leaves and kills the plants. B: P. M. (2095) Eoulbert,-. Phosphorescence d'une 6cdo- pendre. (Feuille des jeunes naturalistes, Ernst, A. La epizootia de la6 moscas. (La Nov. 1879, p. 14.) opinion naclonal [Caracas, Venezuela], Phosphoessence of a French species of swiafsiuiva. 15 July 1880, afi0 13. 110. 3331, p. [I], CO~. D. (2104) 4-5, 55 cm-)
Humbert, Alois, see Scuuuien, S: Hubbard, Les pre- Destruction of flies by ^us/u.w mume: description lniers types #iowtes . . . [~ee., ins].
of the pxrasitfi.
B: P. Sf. (2096)
Joly, Ernile, sn JOLT, Nicolas and &mile JOLV, Ferudd, C : H :
Oviposition in the tortyi-
ktudes sur le nr&sndu cnistsias. . . (R~c., cidae.
(Amer. nat., Jnn. 1881, v. 15, p. 63-
65-5 Joly, Emiie. Note sur Ie pdtendu crustad Separate, [Phil., 18811, p. 63-65, 23X 15, tlont Latreille a fait Ie genre prosofistoma. t 18X 10.2. \
(Mh. soc. nation. des sci. nat. de Cher- Description of ee s and larvae, habits sind oviposi. bourg, 1873, V. 16. s. 2, V. 6, p. 329-3361) tion of lodrt-r/urn./eratta. which is vety destructive to ~ ~ ~ f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ j h ~ ~ an id.
lenvtiii of abies balsiimea. B: P. Sf. (2097) S: ff. (aloe) [Fitch (ha), The entomological collection J*, hmile. Sur un nouve] ms & jefine
0f.J (Amer. naturalist, March 1880, v- 14, p. 228-229.)
Enumeration of the contents of this collection corn- PulL p. <Q-6o.)
ping 106 bcra-es arranged, 125000 duplicates, 148 note oolis, and other material. B: P. M. (@)
Joly, Nicolas and fimile Joly.
Etudes sur
' Forbes, Stephen Alfred. The food of the Ie prbtendu crustad au btijet duquel Latre- darters.
(Amer. nat., Oct. 1880, v. 14, p.
ilk a cr& 1c genreprosojlstomu et qui n'est 697-703- 5
atltre chose iqu'un veritable insecte hexa- Fnod of tl~eethfostomaii#ne. Tabulation of the pro- pode. (Ann. des sci. nat., 1872, 6. 5, V. 16, portion nf food which different groups nf animals far- p. 1-16, pi. 13.)
nish to these fishes, which devour, amon other insects,
carfrft., jff;i,wm;fl, tfhmer,dae, larvae $fhyyeaiiiii!se -General remarks; external structure, insert charac. and of cliirevamss, and jinp~ of +on;na
of tcrfik~cs, habits; rtsumi: and condusions- fi res an- cks'vonmffsff. R: D. (2000) atomy.
A A? (3107)
[Qeffcken, Woldemar?l List of Wdo- -mas atate board of agriculture, ~ ~ e ~ e a , #era from the Nelson and Churchill rivers Kms.
Quarterly report for the quarter
and the west coast of Hudson's bay- (RcP~. ending June 30, 1880. [zd quarter1y"report of progress sot. surv. Can-, 1878-1879, P. for i~go.~ . . . . K. ~udson, secretary. . . . 63c-64~. Montreal, 1880. S3.)
Topeka, [20 July] 1880. t.-p. cover+nq
Sorninai list of 35 butterflies and 4 moths. p. 33x15.
' ) Contains 22-37, 40.54 detached statements of the GO-, F. cane and 06bert
prtva~ence rAscc~ upon he vwiow crdp t~~mugl~mt Descriptions of new species of rho/al0Cera the så´tate nnd recotnmcrsding to cut out borers from fruit trees w the onl~ meam :iffainst them* recommmds from Central and South America. (An- hand pickin from c h d ~ [mac~wia'ctyr~]~ p. fn ; arid mag.
nat. hist., Sep, 1878, 5. $
chhch bne^ ~&/lvw hiiwfiirms injure mrfiura cane; '
v. 3, P. 257.)
contains also tiit fftI!o\~triy mticfe ii l%r^vnf^ lL A, The web rorrn, .
Describes cafh'thomiapafwwmf/~ itko7ftfa aeston, i. jucuvda i. cadin i. rhtse and tithorea pinthias from 3.: -J.?Z1 FAj
pamima.; phyciodk poltis from Mexico ; f+. fuifora, j?t. m&fl, cmxiopa and oddjh xo$Iwx 4 mm Costa L ~ ~ ~ i ~ $ ~ ~ -?:2, s~$+ppO1mMENT Of cn-
Kica; together with mmy Sonth American species. K. If. (2101)
[Lintner, Joseph Albert, ap ointed state en- Hagen, Herrnann August. [Bibliotheca en- tomologist of New ~ork.] (Psyche, June
tomologica.] (Harvard register, April [13 Aug.] 1880, v. 3, p. 83.) (Amer. nat., ISSO, v. 1, p. 85,col. z,3 cm.)
Sep. 1830, v. 14, p. 696.)
Notice thnk Dr. H n leaves the continuation of this Announcement and commendation. work to younger hands.
G: D, (2im)
B: P. Sf. (3100)


Lmtner, foseph Albert. The clover-seed flv. , a new insect pest. (Amer. nat., March 1879; v. r3, p. 190.)
Brief account of and reference to description of larva of cecufosiiyia trifolii n. sp., which destroys seeds of irf7olitim /rateftse. G:D. (2110)
Geldola, Raphad. Butterflies with dissim- ilar sexes. (Nature, 24 April 1879, v. 19, p. 586-588, 6a cm.)
Motiillefert, -.
Sur lea rdsultatn fournis
par Ie traitement des vignes ph llox2rees au rno en du sulkcarbonate d potasse
[kSs ZS] et sur Ie mode d'emploie de cet qent. (Comptes rendus, to Nov. 1679, v.
89, P Ìö4-766. G: B. (a112j
M-tiller, Hermann. J. E. Taylor iiber Blu- men, ihren Ursprung, illre Gestalten, Ge- ruche und Farben. (KOS~OB [Leipig],
May 1879, bd. 5, p. 149-157, 289 cm.)
Reviews J. E. Taylor's "FIowers, their origin, shapes, puriumeh and colcitirs"' compares It with C: Dawin's "On this various contr'i~ancesli~ which bntish and foreign mchid6 are fertilized by inwcts" and with J: Lubhock's " On british wild flower^ considered in relation to insects." IXscn=sfs the polugical aee of infte'rts and flowers. G D. [Siii)
Olivier, A. [Bolte i. insectes. (Feuille des jeunes naturalistes, Oct. I&, ~ I I , 10, p. 162.1
A new sort of box for collections of insects- no description given.
G: D, (A4)
Papilio cresphontes in New
(Amer. nat., Nov. 1877,
v. 11, p. 688, å´
Crit. rev., by T: E. Bean, entitled
~orthern occurrences of &+KO cres-
(Can.entom., Feb. 1878, v. 10,
p: 35-36.')
Ca turf of the only specimen ever recorded frnm New England, [The review shows no nearer localities than \V. Va., 111. and Ontario ] B: P. M. (21 15) Poiaonou~ caterpillar (A). (New remedies, Aug. 1879, v. 8, p. 256, 6 crn.)
Extract from a pa er by E. D. Jones in ywu. ro ms'w0!1:. sot., June igig, with note by editor of ,/V-nv rafiecfh. G: 0. (2116)
Riley, C: Valentine. The ailanthus silk- worm, aftacus (mitrai'a) cyÌötiia (Science news, I; Oct. 1879, V. I, p. 377-383.)
Natural history, description ; comparison with S. yicffn'; introduction into various countries' adaptability toour climate; difficulties in reeling the silk; relative vahc of native nnd iniroduced silk-worms. S: H. (an;)
RUey, C : Valentine. [Habits of the cotton* worm moth.]
(Amer. nat., Nov. 1879, v.
13, P. 7&-1
Believes that dtlfa argiitncea passes the winter in the imago state only. B;P.M. (2118)
Ryder, J : A. An account of a new genus
. . . [Rec., 16851.
(Nature, if] Nov. 187 , v 21,
P. 93, 6 cm.)
Y.M# iwg)
Schaupp, Frank G: Synoptic table of the
genus ww$h~on Latr. (Bull. Brooklyn
entom. SOL, May 1878, [v. I], p. [s].)
Chiefly extracted from p. 71 ;of G: H: Horn's "Cont~butions to the coleopter& of the United States" (Trims. Amer. entom. sot., une 1870, v. 3, Pa 'å´O-tB)
4. G: S. (ma)
Scudder, S: Hubbard. Antigeny, or sexual dimorphism in butterflies. (Proc. Amer.
acaci. arts and mi., i8TJ, v. it, p. 150-158. j Separate, with t.-p., [Bost., 10 May]
1877, p. 150-158, aqX15, t 16.5X9.7.
Notice. (Am~r. journ. sci. and arts,
Sep. 1877, s. 3, v, 14. p. z#-z45.)
Abstract. (Annals and mag. nat. hist.,
Feb. 1878, s. 5, v. I, p. 184.)
Rev. by R. Meldola, entitled, "Butter-
fiies with dissimilar sexes." (Nature, 24 April tS79, v. 19, p. 586588, 62 cm.)
Coilorationd and structural diflerences between or in thevexes nf various hnttcrflies enumerated and' classi- tied; females mow commonly ^errant than males' cxktence of androconin in males opposes the theory o't sexual selection.
S: P.M. (ak)
Scudder, S : Hubbard. Les premiers types d'insectes; origine et ordre de succession des insectes dans la pkriode pal6ozoique. (Archiv. des sci. phys. et nat. Genive, I.'; April 1880. p. 353-371. So.)
Translation [by Alois Humbert] of S: H. ScuddePs 'The early types of insects.. .
(Mem. Bost. snc.
nat. hi%, March I@, v. 3, p. 13-21) [Rec., 17%;; The bihlioffr-ipliical notiih, together with note i on and note 2 on p. 19 of t~ie original paper are omid; S:II. S, (itii)
Scudder, S: Hubbard. The early trpes of
insects . . . [Rec., 17891.
Fr. trans!., by Alois Humbert, entitled
+Lea premiers types d'insectes ; engine ef ' ordre de succession des insectes dam la
phiode paidozoique. (Archiv. dm sci.
phys. et nat, Genfeve, 15 April 18%. p.
353-37 1. .S: H. å£ (3123)
Stefanelli, Pietro. znda memoria in torno nlia conservazione delie libellule a colori fugaci- (Bull. soc. entom. ital., 1879, an.. n, p. 29-36, pi. 6.
Abstract, entit ? ed "Die Erhaltung der
fluchtigen Farben der Libellen." (Entom. Nachrichten, I J"ly 1880, jahrg. 6, p. 145.) Directi'ons for prcscrvin mtig colors of tibffitit' dm, 1\y rapid drying of fresh !&cimens.
3: P.M. (mi)


Volume 3 table of contents