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Psyche 3:151-154, 1880.
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Joseph, Gustav. Vorlaufige Mittheiluagen iibcr "Innervation und Entwickelung der
Spinnorgane der Insecten. (Zoo}. Anzei-
ger, j July 1880. jahrg. 3, p. 326-328.) Contriir to the opinion ex ressed in T W. Engel- mnnn's 'G 211r Anat~rnie~~~nd hiysiologfe ier SpinndrEL sen der Seidenraupe" [P~YcT~K, Rec., no. I$% this author fitids that nerve-brari~hcs go to the silk-dand'g from the snboc^opliageai i'-anqlifin and from the tynipfl-. thetic nett-c-eyytern : development of the silk-qkinds. G: 1). ( ~ ~ )
K[ansas] ~[niversity] scientific work, Re- cent operations. (Lawrence [Kans.] d.
jour., 12 Nov. 1880, v. n, no. 368, p. [4], col, t. to cm.)
*. ., ,
xotice of an expedition made to New Mexico by Prof. I?. H. Snow, L. L. Dyche and Anna Mnxley, in the
summer of 1%; 13 new species of toleoptera obtained one of them said bv Dr. I : L. LeConte t" he "the most extraordinatv nddlhon to our fauna that has been inxle for a Ion3 ti&," 3: 1'. M. (ZOZI)
Kapitel (Zurn) der Vnrietstfabrikntion.
Entom. Nachrichten, I July 1880, jahrg.
. P- 145-14-1
Extract from an open letter to B, Gdhin ublished 3 A. F?uvd in his Axntmift e~~h~~~o&w~,~n which auvcl opposes giving names to so many varieties of insects. G: A (2,322)
Kellicott. D: Simons. Larval habits of a golden-rod boring plume. (Can. entom.,
June 1880, v. 12, p. 105-106.)
Notes on a new species ofjfi^rophorfdae which bores in m//(i^(^ro. G: D. (2023)
Kes~ler, Hermann Friedrich. Neue Beob-
achtungen und Entdeckungen an den auf
+us cafa-pe.itris L. vorkommenden Aphi-
den-Arten. Mit a Tafeln Abbildungen.
Separatabdruck aus dem 16 und 27 Jahreb- berichte des Vereins fur Naturkunde 211
Cassel. Cassel. T. Kay, 1880. t.-$. cover, t.-p., 34 p. 22.5X14, t 17.5X10.5; 2 pi., 26.5X22.5, t 22.5X17.5. Pam., hl I.
Treats of and 15 res tlifiertnt stagts of ~siranewa w/wi, t. v/*, a~)d ^M'mwro ulmi,
G: D. (-1
ICmgaley, J : Sterling. Notes on myriopods. (Arner. nat.;Aug. 1880, v. 14, p. 594.)
Notes on several species from Wdliamstown, Mass. G: D. (2025)
Kimze, R : E.
Rose-breasted grosbeak and
Colorado potato beetle. (Amer. nat-, Jtiiy is%, V. 14, p. 521-522.)
~Vdemetts Zndwai&wa eats dgryfhora dtcemlineuta rear1 I lv + curd~t~uiis viypniaxffs eats d. dsctmh't~mta and f~sf.&iac;,'/!f/i mbspimasu~. G: D. (1nz6) ZiichtensteiB, Jules.
Les pucerons du t6r&
binthe. (Feuille des jeiines naturalistes, May 1880, p. 85-38; June 1880, p. 97-99.) Svnopses of the galls and various forms of pflftjhi- gxs hnnd onpYstactfi iefebinihfts; biological notes. G; D. (3017)
Lancaater, E. Ray. The destruction of
insect pests, an unforeseen application of the results of biological investigation. (Nature, 11 Mar. 1880, v. 31, p, 447-448.) ,
Criticism of Hi A. Ha~en's suggestion to employ yeast for the destruction of phvlloxcra, potato-hectic, cotton-worm, etc. [sfe PSYCHE, Jkec., no I<& . y:~. 4: (-1
[lieConte, J: Lawrence.] List of coleoptera collected y Dr. R. Bell in 1879 on the Nel- son and Churchill rivers. (Repti ofprogress geol. siirv. Can., 1878-1879, p. 65~4%~. Montreal, 1880. So.)
Nominal list of 38 species. S: H. S. (-1 IilbeUenschwhe in Galizien. (Entom.
Nachrichten, 15 June 1880, jahrg. 6, p. 133; I Aue. 1880, iahri;. 6, P. 167.)
- - - ..
Swarms of dragon-A:- in nnrthern Hungary. G: E. (2030)
Iiichtenstetc, uies Migrations of the aphi- des d the & oithe pistachio to the roots of grasses. (Annals and mag. nat. hist., Feb. 1879, s. 5, v. 3, p. 174.)
*The emigrnnts (second lawn1 form) which quit the@, flv ttii the grasses and there produce aptemus young- whfch are the budders (thirdlarval fm).^ R.H. (3031)
Lichtenstein, Jules. Observations critiques 6ur les pucerons dee omneaux et !es puce- rons du ter4binthe. (Feuille des jeunes
nnturalistes, Auz. IS%, R. t 24-126.)
Corrections to the author's "Les nuccmns des or- 5-) [PSYCHE. Rec. 'no. waj]. "GI& a correutGd svnfipsi~ of the galls found on ttfffifts. G: D. (sop) Light of the glow-worm
Leslie's popular mo.,
639, 2 cm.1
Conditions under which the light of law-$ ^doe is produced, G: r(aoi3)
Lyman, H: Herbert. List of diurnal lepi- doptera taken in the vicinity of Portland, Maine. (Can. entom., Jan. 1880, v. 12, p. 7-9- I
Enumeriltcs and gives notes on 46 species> G: D. (2034)
Mann, B : Pickman. Zoological subjects
partly classified by the Dewey system.
(Lib. journ., May IS%, v. 5, p. 143-144. 61 crn.)
Adecimal classification of aoolngical subjects for the use of libraries in arranging their books. "The di- vision has been cattied, generallv, on1 as far as the needs of an entomologist :quire but FL division of OFT- tain bota-nical subjects has 17~m Vf'1rri4 one step farther, since the relation^ of the subjects seemed to permit this to he dnnc." G: 0. (~35)
Marott, J. Pincitore.
Emigrations et appa-
ritions de certains Iipidoptkres : notes de mon agenda entomologique. (Feuille des
jeunes naturalistes, July 5880, p. i15-if7.) T&iseassian of relative abundance md mi itions of different :Eepi(lj3ptera
Palermo, IlaIy, anTk accoin-
panying peciiluintics of the species. G! D. (2036) Mooquerys, S. adJ. Bourgeois. Thtologie
entornoloa;iqtie. Recueil de coldo tferes anormaux, par fail M S. iVfocqiierys. Reiln- prim!? par Its soins de la Society des aims des sciences natiirelles de Rouen, avec inh-o- duction par AT.\. Bourgeois.
Rouen, 1%.
t.-p. covar, 164-i42+[~] p., it. 33X 14. 15X8.3. 3 fr. 50 c.
Rev.. by G : Dimmock.
(Psyche, Dec.
i8So [May 18811, v. 3, p. 150.)
Introduction 16 .] in which the writer seeksto give, rum mtimnrv of conversations with
AS far its possible !
Mocquerys, the idu.ts of the kit?& upon abnormal forms of ccrlcofitera, rwi.wing the causes and forms of geu- erd and speci.11 n~oiistrusitics. The inonstrtxities, tilost of w11:rh un' from Mrtcqiti'rvs' collectinn, av ench fig. ured find dcscribe;E. bitfinK'clus*ificd as '1hllows : $0 Monstrosities; tiv excc-~; 23 in thr nutmnnr, A in the pilpi nnd rnarulihlt\ 3 (out; a. hyhri4) in theclytra, is in thr: !einftrn or tibiae, 10 in fne t:m; nr rfnit, Q with t;xtm g~bhn^itie%: a^ MonFti'rt~ities hv deficient number of p.irt-s [q ir-fitmple-} :3^ Minstrfikitie~ withmu app:irent can'ics (2q e;"irnplei) : 4-' Inc~~inpl~tc riwclo ineut (11 eå´"c: inplcs). G: å£l (2037)
Moggiddge, J. Treherne. Observations on
same orchids of the south of France.
(Tourn. Linn. sue., Bot., 7 Nov. 1864, v. 8, p. 256-258.)
"Describes the pollination of several s ecira by the aid of insects. b: T. (203~1
Molia, Rafael. Das Leben und die rationelk Zncht der Honigbiene. Mit 31 Holzschnit- ten. Wen, W. Brauinuller, 1880. t,-p.
cover, 16+21z p., 24X v, t 11x17.
M 5.
General work on 11oney bees; their anatomy, cnrfi, dist!:tses, enemies, ttc. G: D. (2039)
Morria, G. K. A new harvesting ant,
(Amer. nnt., Sept. IS&, v. 14, p. 669-670.) Some hnbits of n. variety of pheidoie f'e~rzsyivasii'ca as ob^erveri in New jersey. G: D, (qo)
Moseley, H. N. Further notes on the plants of Kergueien, with some remarks on the
insects. Journ. Linn. Soc., Bot., 4 Feb. 1875. "* 15, P- 53-54.)
Records the capture of "two apterous flies, one as large as a housefly, the other dmost .is big <is :i blowflv an apternus gnat (culex) and SL winged gnat, a EITI~I~ apterrins (or rariier very ~ihort-win@^ iiiotli, two or three beetles (mrcnito itud sffi hylfmdtie) sitid ffi~fle or innr spiders (sdfi~i mid. a fffffn.^!diittfi}." W: T. (20411
MfiUer, Fritz. Nectar-secreting glands.
[Communicated by T : Belt.] (Nature,
14 June 1877. v. 16, p. 123, 20 crn.)
Shwvs the protective value of the nectar lands of perfs apiifiaa in Brazil. State that suits strote nectar glands with their antennas a5 they do apiikles, etc. V.': T. (wvi}
MUUer, Fritz.
On flowers and insects, kc.
[Communicated by C : Darwin.] (Nature,
Nov. 1877, v. I;, p. 78-79, 40 cm.)
Describes the fertiliiiiicion of several flowers by in- sect-,.
States that the difference in newation between tlie sexes of certain butterflies is connected with, if not caused by the ticvclopint'nt iii the unties of clusters of orlnri f~~ffua scsIr-s. W: T. (a043)
.Muller, Fritz. Nectar-secreting glands. [Communicated b Francis Darwin.]
(Nature, 7 June I&, v. 16, p. roo-mi,
27 cm.)
Slluwa that in Brazil extrafloral nectar elands of ptfrfs and other plsints art visited by nnts which pro. tect the plants from the ravages of leaf-cuttine' ants. w T. (2%;
Miiller, Hermann. Die Befruchtung der
Biumen durch Insekten und die gegenseit- iffen Anpassungen Beider. Ein Beitrag
zur El-kenntnis~ des ursiichlichen Zusam- . menhanges in der organiscben Natur. Mit
53 Abbildungen in Hoizschnitt. Lei ^is;, W. En@nmn, I $a. t.-p. cover, 84 +i8
+[I] p., ~3~5x16, t19.5Xm. Pap., M.9.
Rev, by A. W. Bennett, entitled. "The fer- tiiization of flowers by insects. . . ." (Acad- emy, 15 Aug. 1873, v. 4, no. 78. p. 307-309, q cm.) (Ainer. nat., Nov. 1873, v. 7, p. 6^0-683.)
Introduction, cintiiiiiing the history of the subject; insects which visit: ftrtwtfrs and their adaptation to the flowers; tiowtti-s visited b insects and their adaptation ta fie insects, iii ordt r i)'ffth~;lies sind epecies of plants ; g-encral revitw of the subject, its bearing- on the tlirory afselection; puculisii-ities offlower? which CHaw insects to vi==Et them; catiiln~ of inscct- arid of plsitik, serving n5 indvx. G: 2). (+5)
Murray,A. S.
Stephani on the anti uities
of Mycenae.
(Academy, 3 July I&, p.
ITewnoegen,'Berthold. Descriptioq of a new genus and species of zyg-ae~ictae.
Describes erfwurdsh iiriitians from Texas. G! D. (2047)
Newall, R. S. Carnivorous wabps. (Nature, 25 Mar. 1880, v. 21, p. 494.)
Carnivnroua habits and ingenuity of wasps. 7. M. W ,(suS)
Koel, Paul. Chasses diverses aux coldoptferes. (Feuille ties jeunes naturaiistes, May 1880, an. 10, p. 93.)
{Psyche, July [IZ Oct.] 1880,
v- 3, P- 95. 7 cm.1
Easv wav to collect carabidae, and another to collect scam/wcid& and staphyiinfdw which fre iicnt dung. G: D. (2049)
154 [2050-20681 PS 2*t
Noel, Paul- Destruction des gufipiers. (Feu- ilk des jeunes naturaiiates, Oct.
1880, an.
to, p. 162.)
Uses a burnin
mixture OF potassic chlorate [K Cl
Od and sulphur[^] to destroy nests of vtspn. G: D. (mp)
Noatrand, P. Elbert.
Capture of a fine ab-
erration of chry.w~!w~us umevicanus. (Bull. Brooklyn eat. soc., May 1879, v. 2, p. 8.) The underside of the right hind wing is miirked by red (lashes running from base to exterior mnr in F, G: %. ' (M(I)
Gluey, E. W. Curious facts concerning ants. (St. Nicholas, May 1880, v. 7, p. 554-560. 249 cm., 5 il.)
Popular account of some of the most interestin habit< of ants.
G: C. tms3
Origin and survivai of the types of flowers (The),
(Amer. nat., July 1880, v. 14, p.
rn 'I
J " J ' /
A few notes on the modifying influences which insects have exerted on plank. 6: å£> (ZO,~)
P., G. S. How to kill him. (New England
homestead, 4 Sept. 1880, . . . 19 cm.)
~ecommends carbolized paper for preventin ravages of antkreiius scruphvlariae-
G: 6. (io,~)
Packard, Alpheus Spring, jr. Case of
nrotective mimicrv in a. moth. (Amer.
Pea weevils. (I- N. Y. herald, . . . .") (Florida agriculturist [DeLand, Fla.], 16 Feb. 1881, no. 144, v. 3, no. 40, p. 316,col. 3, n cm.) Enclosing peas or beans in a tight vessel containing an open bottle of turpentine, and occasionaliy exposin the vessel to the heat of the sun, kills the ef; s deposited in the seeds.
B: ^.Sf. (zojfi)
Petroleum for scale insect. (-' Pacific rural press," . . . .) (Florida agriculturist [De- Land, Fia.], 16 Feb. 1881, no. 14.4, v. 3, no. 40, p. 318, col. 4, 22 cm.)
Successful use of crude petroleum in killing bark- lice. B: P. M. (mS7)
Philadelphia silk. school (The).
(" Phila-
delphia ledger. . . .") (Journ. applied sci., Oct. 1880, v. 11, p. 155-156, 29 cm. )
'Establishment of a school b the Women's silk c - ate association, in which to 6-n how to rear silk- worms and reel silk. G: R. (~058)
Popenoe, Edwin Alonzo.
A new insect foe..
(The indiistrialist [Manhattan, Kans. ,
29 May ISSO, v. 5, sup& no. 59, p. [2],
col. 3-4, 35 em.)
Description ol afawtjps tessdlatus, wliich devours leaves of sweet toes (tpomoen' but is fnund mostiv on 3 spcies oGrtrlm; ib ~~Lits are ttmse of i. fuittri, h': P, M, (30591
Popeuoe, Edwin Aionzo.
The web worm.
Notes upon its habits, and description of its transformations. (2nd quart, rept. Kan- sas state board agric. for 1880. 120 July] is&, p. ~103.)
Description of Iarvx, pupa and imago, habits and nivnvs of eyrycreofi ~un;ftZ~s; its food plants; checks upon its increase. B: P. St. (1060)
Prelsau~achreiben (Entom. Nachrichten,
i July 1880, jahrg. 6. p. 147.)
Announcement of prizes for apers upon Injurious insects oflTered by Miss E. A. &merod, through the Entomolo~Tcci t $ode? of London, G: D. (2061) Prentisa, Albert N.
Destruction of obnox-
ious insects by means of fungoid growths. (Ainer. nat-, Aug. l88ci, v. 14. p. 57s-581; Kept. 1880, v. 14, p. 630-635.)
In a series of experiments the author finds "thnt yeast cannot he retarded as m reliable remady against such insects us commonly affect plants cultivated In reen-houses, room's niid parlors. Compare 11. A. fTlaYenps "Obnoxious ppsth. , . " (PSYCHE Rcc., in. 16;n.j G:P, (&)
R, M. H. Kerosene vs. lice. ("Country
.") (Floridaagriculturist[De-
16 Feb. 1881, no. 144, v. 3, no.
40, p. 318, col. 4-5, 13 ern.)
Successful use of kerosene in killin or reventin lice on fowls. 2 P. k m537
Rogers, R. Vashon,
Entomology for begin-
ners. Ctytus. (Can. entom,, Aug. 1880,
V, 12, p. 148-152, fig. 21.)
Figures C. speciostu; habits and description of c, sft/ciosus, f-.picftfs and c. rufiini^i G: D. (a&) Royal geographical society. (Colonies and India, 27 Nov. 1880, p. li-12, 51 cm.)
Contains notes upon the disapi?earance of the kckc- fly [fr!wsiftu morsfian.~] beforu the advance of civiliza- tion in Africa. G: C. (&<)
Ryder, J : A.
Holman's new compressorium
and moist chamber. (Amer. nat.. Sept.
I&, v. 14, p. 69i-693.)
Uw of this compreusorium for studyin the larva of COJ etfirspivwicormis. 5; C. (soofi)
Rycter. j: A. Phosphorescence of very
young fishes. (Amer. nat., Sept. I&%, v. 14, p..675-676. j
The author says "there seems to lac to be little doubt that the prime element 111 the production of phos- pl1oi"t.sccnce in the animal world in general, is some kind of sudden molecular disturbance or impulse, fls- t~irbin~ the equilibrium of the molecu1es of the living pwt?p,as"~i involved, so as to product; a kind of motion whim miikes itself apparent us rnomentay eiiiissions of iiqht. 1 hnve nn douht that the phenomenon an J^m/å´å´,yr or the fire-flv, is conncctcii with e^pir:!tion and in~pirution." . . . C: r'. (soft)
Torrey, Bradford. Second flight of dragon- flies. (Amer. nat., Aug. 1880, v. 14, p. 591.) Records flight of dragon-flm in Metrose Mass.). GJD. (aoflsj
Volume 3 table of contents