Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Print ISSN 0033-2615
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Article beginning on page 150.
Psyche 3:150, 1880.

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17 JUNE 1880. - . . . A paper was read by CAMBRIDGE, MASS,, DEC.
Mr. P. Maule Campbell, .'On certain Glands - in the Maxillae of Spiders." These glands, Cmiiausiaiicns, excfiawss cad
to which he attributes a secretory function te a&essfd to E ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ O~ PSYCHE, Cam. (P'-^~~Y are in Tegeuaria Mess.
c0 fafax,, fca'iOns far puHic,,#&, in^esiicfl, have apertures on the inner side PSYCXE must fie jro$wQ mthm#kdd, and no anmy- of the upper face each thence in- MOMS artfdfs wiil be published.
dining towards the mouth.
They are ring-
Editors and coatfoislors are only respaitsibtc for like in figure, with an enclosed disk, and with the statements made h their communications. tegumentary folds at their outlets. The glands and apertures increase in number with age, Works on sutjtcts not niated to tiit^~lo/uey will net and the ducts tend to become chitinous.
be reviewed in PSYC~B.
Glands varying somewhat in structure, but For rates of fn^scr?'ptLwa and of advertising sfe adwrtising culif7ftus.
evidently similar in kind, exist in species of lisy$kiidae, iheridiidae, and e$ein'ilae. . . . Mr. F. M. Campbell communicated a second REVIEW,
paper " On the stridulating organs of Stea- MOC~~~ERYS' T&atologie entomo~ogique to& gutfata and LićŽayPhi tsrebvicola," A [PSYCHE, Rec., no. 20371 is the record of stridulating organ has already been described abnormal coleoptera most of which belong to by Prof. Westering and Mason Wood in eer- the collection left by the late M. Mocquerys, tain other spiders; the present observations of Rouen, France, at his death, 12 Feb. 1879, denionstrate its existence in both sexes, and to the city of Rouen, for its naturai history , the essentials of the structure are now given museum. The systematic and careful arrange- in detail.
. . . A paper by Sir John Lubbock,
merit of this work wiil commend it to the use Bart., M. P., was read, namely, " Observa- of all coleopterists. Each abnormal spe- tions on Ants, Bees, and Wasp, with a de- cies is neatly figured, natural size, upon scription of a new species of Honey Ant. the top of a page, and, where the abnor- In this, his seventh contribution on this sub- mality is in (in antenna, or other part too ject, Sir John related his fresh experiments small for convenient observation, the part on their powers of communication. - From itself is figured enlarged. Beneath the figures Maria in Zoo]. Anz&er, 33 Aug. 1880, p.
is a brief description of the abnormal part, 431-432.
followed by a statement of where the speci- men was found, and in whose collection it is CAMBRIDGE ENTOMOLOGICAL CLUB.
preserved. The work reflects credit upon the Om- Dr. "ć A. Hagen a let- s o ~ des Amis des
N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u ~ ~ ,
ter lately received from a lady residing in the under whose ausoices it was ~ublished. and. suburbs of
in "Prd to a new and


Volume 3 table of contents