Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Print ISSN 0033-2615
January 2008: Psyche has a new publisher, Hindawi Publishing, and is accepting submissions

Article beginning on page 146.
Psyche 3:146, 1880.

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PSYCHE, Organ of the Cambridge Entomological Club. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION, ETC.
å Subscriptions not discontinued are considered renezved.
Sample copies, postpaid, . . . . . . 10 cents. Yearly subscription, postpaid, . . . . . . $1 . One volume (three years), postpaid, . . . $3. Yearly, printed on one side of thin paper (for pasting the titles of the bibliographical record on title-slips), postpaid, . . . . $I.
One volume, printed on one side of thin paper, postpaid, . . . . . . . $3-
One volume (regular) and one volume on one side of thin paper, postpaid, . . . . $5. Twenty-five extra copies without change of form, to the author of any leading article, if or- dered at the time of sending copy, . . . Free. Author's extras over twenty-five in number, under above-mentioned conditions, each, 2 C. Separates, with changes of form - actual cost of such changes in addition to above rates. Scientijic publications desired in exchange. AD VERTZSING RATES, E TC.
Only thoroughly respectable advertisements will be allowed in PSYCHE, and the advertising pages will be numbered consecutively with those of reading matter and indexed at the end of the volume. The editors reserve the right to reject advertisements. Subscribers to PSYCHE can advertise insects for exchange or desired for study, not for cash, free, at the discretion of the editors.
Regular style of advertisements plain, at the fol- lowing rates : -
Outside Inside
Page. Pages
Per line, first insertion, . . . . $0.10 $0.08 Eighth of page, first insertion, . . . .75 .60 Quarter " " " . . . 1.25 1.00
LO #' "
. , . 2.25 1.75
6, '' 6'
. . . 4.00 3.50
Each subsequent insertion one-half the above rates. Address EDITORS OF PSYCHE,
Cambridge, Mass., U. S. A.
Subscriptions also received in Europe by R. FRIEDLANDER & SOHN,
Carlstrasse 11, Berlin, N. W.
Klaeger's best Insect-pins, 36 mm. long, no. 00-5 ; 39 mm. long,no. my. Per 1000: no. 2-6, $1.10; oth- ers, $1.20. Per 5000, $5.00 and $5.50. Other sorts on hand or to order. Pins sold at these rates only in packages of 500 ; smaller lots, 20 cts. per IOO ; sam- ples, 6 cts.
Double boxes, for storing, 10~25x35 cm., 45 cts. Light mailing boxes, 17x22 cm., and half and quar- ter size, 10, 8, 6 cts.
Blank labels, red-bordered, 22x14 mm., 35 cts. per loco; 27X 12 mm., 45 cts. per 1000. A set of IOO generic and 586 specific labels, printed on above blanks, for United States and Canadian butlerflies, complete to 1876, $1.00. Twelve sheets of printed labels, containing the names of the North American States and Territories, of months, and signs for sexes, z cts. a sheet, and 2 cts. postage.
Transportation on pins and labels, prepaid'; on other goods extra.
B: PICKMAN MANN, Cambridge, Mass.
The undersigned desires to obtain, by exchange or otherwise, from all parts of the world, eggs, cater- pillars and chrysalids of Diurnal Lepidoptera. Dried specimens are preferred, especially of caterpillars, which should be prepared by inflation. Correspon- dence is invited with persons engaged in the study of the early stages of butterflies.
Cambridge, Mass.
Copies of the following numeros of PSYCHE will be sold separately.
Price: 2 copies for 15 cts.; 4
copies for 20 cts.
Nos. 2, 4, 5, 8, 12, 14, ao, 21, 25,
26, 27, 29, 30, 31. 37,38, 39-40~47-48, 9-52, 55-56, 60, 61-62 (no plate), 64, 65-68. Any two of the above will be exchanged for any one of the following: Nos. I, 6, 9, 10, 16, 18, 28, 41-42. 43-44, 49-50, 53-54. 58, 63. No. 32 (index to vol. I), 30 cts.
[lndex to Vol. 2 not yet published.]
Cambridge, Mass.


Volume 3 table of contents