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Psyche 3:143, 1880.
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HENRY HOLT & Co., of New York, -will
iTiBB REGULAR meetings of the Cambridge
soon publish a general iuustrated work, by Entomological Club will be held at 19 Pollen Samuel Hubbard Scudder, on the structure, St., at 7.45 p.m., on the days following:- metamorphoses, habits, ornamentation, di- 8 Oct. 1880. it Mar. 1881. morphism, ancestry, and other peculiarities la Nov. i' S Apr. " of butterflies, including life-histories of a io Dec. " 13 May 44
14 Jan. 1881. 10 June "
large number of North American species.
II Feb.
DR. AUBRBACH, writing to the " Chemiker- B : PICKMAN MANX, Secretary.
Zeitung," mentions as a curious fact that THE IIEGTO.AR meetings of the Entomologi- during an entire summer he observed water- 4 sectwn of the B~~~~~ society of N~~~~~~ beet'es-~robab'~ minus safafor - living
History will he held at N. W. corner of Berke- in of a saturated of G1auber's ley and Boylston Sts., Boston, Mass., at 7.45 salt.
When alarmed the beetles took shelter
pmm,, on the days followmg :-
under the crystals, just as they do in ordinary 7 Oct. 1880. q Feb. 18Si.
circumstances under water plants. A little 4 Nov. " q Mar. of the liquid so harmless to insects, having 22 Dee, " q Apr. ‰Û found its way by leakage into un adjoining 26 Jan. 1881. 25 May " river, proved fatal to multitudes of fish. - B: PICKMAIT MANX, Secretary.
youm. of set., March 1880, p. 3x3.
THE REGULAR meetings of the Entomolog-
Tm sixtyeighth meeting of the socifi~
ical Section of the Academy of Natural Sci- Helv&ique de~ Sciences Naturelles in Bripe, ences: of Philade%'hia, Pa., be at 13-15 September 1880, Mr. Joseph Anderegg, s- w' of Vth and Race On the of Gamsen, a village near Brigwe, exhibited a da
fine collection of about a thousand species of . 11 Mar. 1881.
8 Apr. "
the lepidoptera of the region. Many of the 13 May Ii species were represented by numerous speci- 881. 10 June '* mens, and the collection, which gave a good idea of the lepidopterous fauna of the Simp- s H, RBBVSGS, Recorder.
Ion region, was wry finely prepared and pre- AL meetings of the Amer-
Society will be held at
U, S, Entomological ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ i ~ ~ de- S. W. corner of 19th and Race Sts., Philadel- signs preparing for publication a, bibliography On the days following : -
of the economic entomology of the United 13 Dec. 18%. 13 June, 1881.
States and Canada, in the sfwas style as the JAMBS H.Rrorires, Rec. Sec'y.
Bibliographical Record of PSYCHE. This bib- KBOULAR monthly meetings of the
liography will contain references to papers, Montreal Branch of the Entomological
articles and notes in agricultural and popular ciety
scientific periodicals, and in journals devote Qe., Canad
to bee culture, and as complete as possible references will be made to notes on economic 5 Oct.
entomology la those periodic& which ap
peared prior to iS5o.
The compiler, Dr. A.
S. Packard, jr., Secretary of the commission; requests that authors will forward to him, at Providence, R, I., full records of their pub- DUB 15 OCT, 1882.-Life-histories of Sde* lications upon this subject, made out in the rostoma sysgumiis and of Strongtå´Ia fergra- adopted style. cilis. See PSYCITB;, v. 3, p. 59.
Volume 3 table of contents