Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Article beginning on page 139.
Psyche 3:139-142, 1880.

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Edward& W : H : Description of prepara-
tory stages of a? mis cyheIe, Fabr. (Can. entom., Aug. 1880, v. 12, p. 141-145.)
Deqcription of egg larva in different stages, and chrysalis of a. @&. Mode of keepin larvae a freezing temperature through the winter, andreiults. G. D. fig$)
Ehlera, Ernst. Berichti&ng&n. (2001. An- zeiger, 23 Aug. 1880, jahrg. 3, p. 429-430.) Coi~fction of 0. Taschenberg's "Die FiBhe" . . . [PSYCTB, Rec., no. -1. G:D. (1-1
Electrical insects [PSYCHB;, Rec., no. 18201- (Pacific rural press [San Francisco], 31 July r88o,v. ao. p.67,co.1.4, iicm.)
B: P. JSf. (I*)
Fletcher, James. [Melifaea phaeton in a
~wamp near Ottawa, Canada.] (Can.
entom., Aug.dl?&, v. la* pa 1602
D. (1061)
Ooullon, H.,
The clinical use of afis
ie~ijica. Extract from the essay: as
Bienengift im Dienste der Hornmopathie." (N. A. [quart.] journ. homoeopathy, May
1880, no. us, n. a., no. +o, p, 5~5-524.) G; 0. (i*)
Grote, A; Radcliffe.
Descriptions of ̤oc
hidue. (Can. entorn., Aug. 1880, v. 12, p. ^-w)
Smytions about mode of describing nwtuntae; descri 3es flfrfffis hiiwi~f a, $&/la& a. citficpiw, adon and iaraehtsuffix [s new s ecieafmmthe LPtia nitcd Spa-trs) j armgernent of some 01" the naked eyed VIGC- Wdae of the author's collection. G: D. (~$3) Grote, A: Radcliffe. North American noc- taidae in the Zntraege. First hundred.
(Can. entom., May 1880, v. is, pi 84-88.) Identification as far aa possible, of the specie* men. tinned in ~acob Hiibncr's "Zutiage Ìöu Sammlnng exoti'ichcr Schmetterlinge," . . . [.w Hagen Bihl en- torn,, v. I, p. A%]- G: D. (1964)
mote, A : Radcliffe. North American me-
tuidae in the Zutraege. Second and third hundreds.
(Can. entom., June 1880, v. 13,
p. n6-118.)
Identification as far as possible of the species men- tioned in dacob Hiibaer's "7utrk zur Samminng exotischer . ~hrnetterlinge,". . . [swf- Bibi. entom., v. 1, P. as?].
b: D. (infe)
Healthful effects of the Australian blue-gum tree.
(Colonies and India, 6 Nov. 1880,
p. 12, 15 cm,)
JSuCsI flfus trees AS a means of driving am mi?& t e a \catc.el pfiy~o~ra, and other in-. Quoted rom Xaplcs &respondent of the Daå£S fi- London, Eng-1. G: J. (,+5)
Heustis, Caroline Eliza. [Scarcity of in- sects.]
(Can. entom., Jan. 1880, v. 12, p.
Records soucity of insects, esptcially le ido tera, in New Brunswick, daring' iSm.
G: <&. f&)
ward, Eugene W. The deadly phylloxera.
(San Francisco [Cal.] merchant, to Aug.
i88o, v. 3, no. 25, p. [a], col. 6, 17 cm.) Discmy of the fertile winged form of the grape phyileccera ill CaliFurdti; means of dftstro in it
B: 5.5. ' (I&]
Honey bees [+s melltå´faa in New Zealand. ,
(Colonies and India, 4 Dee. 1880, p. it, io cm.)
The Italian or Ligurian btt is found to fertilize the red clover \frffd11tm] in New Zealand ftfl well as the imported hiiittbte-hec haisl'w dm. The Lignrian variety is free from kc attacks nf the bee-ninth to whiclithe black variety is there sublet* G; D. (I*) Howard, L. 0.
A new silk-spinning chal-
cid. (Can. entom., Aug. i 80, v. 12, p.
Habits md description of eupkctrw comftoctti, a new specie', found feedin (ictemnlly ontbe lawa of the cotton worm ar(ftLJsl. G: D. (1970)
Indian silk industry.
(Journ. applied sci.,
Oct. 1880, v. it, p. 154-155, 71 cm.)
Prizes offered to the natives by Mr. Lepper, at Kaul- igir, India, for planting fftarus and rift'ftwa and for silk, G: 0. (~ei]
Infection from mosquitoes [PSYCHS, Rec., no. 17371.
(Pacific rural press [San Fran-
cisco], 31 July 1880, v. 2 % ~ 7t, col. 3, 6 cm.) Pn M. (~$72)
Xelllcott, D : S. [COSSIM and fte$ho$terya]. (Can. entom., March 1880, v. 13, p. 59.) I^otes on cossus from Mich.,
and on s hopferyx
ximns~rmumi, from N. Y,
G: %. (1~3)
LeIiMe, Erneat. [Passage de pieris rajiae et tie 9. nafii.] (Feuilie dea jeunes nat- timlistes, Oct. 1880, an. 10, p. 161.)
~@jueandp. vntpi seen 33 July 1% near
&%kt %&I jll.
G D. (1074)
Lemmon, J. G. The locust scourge. Rava-
ges of the destructive insect in Sierra Vaf- . ley. Destruction of the alfalfa crop in Ti-uckee Meadows. Description of the
scourge and its best-known enemies. ( San Francisco, CaL] evening bulletin, TI L ept. 1880, V. 50, no. 134, p. 4, CO~. I- , 10 fig., 162 cm.) B: 2M. ( I ~ J
M- H. B. Curious facts. . - [PSYCHE, Rec., no. 15361.
Extract, entitled, " The cochineal insect." (New remedies, June 1880, v. , p. 175,
18 cm.) 2~. {~gq
ITiohoh, H. A- Alford. Dominica and its
boiling lake.
(Colonies and India, 19 July
~879, P' 7. 34 an.)
Note 2 tm.} on cfmiostoma cofetllwm which does not attack Liberian col~ee in ~ominica c?: D. (1977) MaBride, A. S. Entomological notes. (Can. entom., June 1880, v. 12, p. 106-107.)
Notes on a few upecieg of colmptera and their habits. G: D. (tag)


PSYCHE. [1979-19921 141
Miche4 H. Beechmibung des Nervensye-
terns van oryctes nasicornis im Larven-, Puppen- und KSferzustande. {Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool., 1880, bd. 34, p. 641703, PI- 33-36.)
Anatomical. G: D. (1019)
Packard, Alpheus Spring, jr.
The eyes
and brain of cermatiu force s.
nut., Aug. 1880, v. 14, p. 602-603.)
Anatomical ssd histological. G: D. (1980) Packard, Alpheus Spring, jr.
Moths en-
trapped . . . [PSYCHE, Rec., no. 167x1.
(Botan. gazette [Cravfordsvil!e,Ind.1, Feb. ~880, v. j, p. 17-20.]
(Nature, 29 Jan. 1880, v. 31, p.
3oS, 13 cm.)
Abstract, (Journ. of sci., March 1880, 6. 3, v. 2, p. 313). G: D. (1981)
Peabody, Selim Hobart.
Cecil's books of
natural history. 3 v. [each with sub-title] Cecil's book of beaste; . . . of birds; . . . of insects. Chic., Clarke & Co., 1863.
10+214p.; m++^4p.; 10+328p.; 1 8 ~
13, ti2.s;X 7.8. c1.,$1.~5eac/E.
Re-issue, Phil., Claxton, Rernsen & Haf- felfinger, 1871. cl., $1.25 each,
Re-issue, 3 v. in one, entitled, " Cecil's booka of natural history. Part I, Beasts ; part n, Birds ; part m, Insects. Profuse1 illustrated." Phil., Clarion. . . , 1879. 15 4 674 p. it. cl. $1.75.
Re-issue, 3 v. in one, with same title, N. Y., American Book Exchange, 1879. cl., $1.25. Re-issue, N. Y., Americnn Book Ex-
change. 1880. cl. $1.00.
Notice. (Title-slip registry, Nov. [Dee.] Nov. 1880 [March 18811,
V. 3, p. 138.)
The successive issues all printed from the same plates. The entomological portion treats of ants, bees, fcpsdera, draw-flies, white-an&, wasps Socusts, mos- q-iiitoes, beetles and buterflias, in a simple manner, ntrnded to interest and instruct children. s. n. P. (1081)
Peabody, Selim Hobart. [Swarming of
canal's urchI"//zcs.]
(Can. entom., June 1880, v. 12, p. 119-
Swat& of daunts arch@f#s at Radne, Wiscon- sin, sent. 1 8 ,
G: D, (1983)
Phylloxera vaatatrLs. Important meeting
of viticulturits at Sonoma. Concerted
action necessary to destroy the pest in in- fected districts. The future safety of our vineyards assured by the energetic recom- mendations and action of the' State viticul- Re
rt of meeting, at Sonnma, 33-34. July 1830, of the ~oa'mof state vitic*iitura[ ~rnraissiomers. ~ommuni- cations and addresses upon the grape phylloxera, its first appeiirancf and spread in alifornia, means of prcvenling its ravages= , å£ P. M, (1984) Pilau [Elate], E. Chasse aux lkpidoptferes. [FeuiIle dea jeunes naturalistes, tulv 1880, - -
an. ro, p. 118-119.)
Mode of capturing and tcilling lepidoptera. G: D. (I@<)
Plateau, Mix. Preservation of entomo-
logical specimens. (Ann. record of sci.
and industry, . . . S. F. Baird, 1876, p. 275.1
H-ecommends use of yellow glass in windows of rooms containing' collections of Insects na a means of preserving the colors. Experiments with colored glass othcr than yellow mentioned.
H: w. T. (1953)
Potato "bugs (About). (N. Y. herald, 11
June 1880, . . ., t6 cm.)
Abundance of doryphvra decemlHuata in Westchea- tet county, N. V,, and the remedies used, G: 0. (I*)
Prendhomme de Borre, Alfred. Qyelques
mots sur 1'organisation et I'histoire natur- elk desanimauxarticul&s,conferencedonn&
Ie 15 fkrier 1830, i la Soci4tr5 myale lin- neeme. (Bull. soc, roy. finn. de Brux-
elles, 1879 [April rSBo], v. 8, p. nyin.) Popular lecture upon articulates. G: D. (I@) Putnam, Joseph Duncan. Biological and other notes on coccidae. I, FuMmrta inmute-
ralu'lis. 11. Aspidietus aftcy/ws. (Proc. Dav- enport acad. nat. sci., 1879-1880, v. 2, p. 29.1-348, pi. i 2-13-1
Separate, with t-p. cover. Davenport,
Feb. 138a p. 293-348, a pi., 25x16, t 16.8 X 10.T.
P. {ftftumwaMis, its 3 aonymy, history, d~velop- ment, different stages and forms and their habits, inter- nal matnmv diwases, paiwh, enemies, manner of distrihutioni'effects on trees, remedies, fodplants (cliiertv acir dasficurfum, a. sarrl~wiastm, iti'gusda aceyvzdm, and ts'h'u. ffimpaes}, other hpfclf"; of /~f/ri'n.n^ flu; brief ticcount of aspidiotns nncyJuii.. G: D, (I++) Riley, C : Valentine. Harvest mites. (Amer. nat., Jan. 1873, v. 7, p. 16-19, fie. 5.) Describes and figures Itftus astfricumit, n.? sp. and /. irriium, n. SF. G: D. 09)
Riley, C: Valentine. Notes on the apple- worm. (Amer. nat., Aug. 1879, v. 13, p.
The freedom of Michigan apples from cafpoca sa pomomlla probably due to the general failure ofthe apple crop in iw and to the efforts made to prevent the =v.r'-es of this insert. From a paper before the Mis- scurf slate Horticultural Society, ~679. 5: D- (iw) Riley, C: Valentine. On the oviposition of the yucca moth [-pronuha yuccasella].
(Amer. nat., Oct. 1873, v. 7, p. 619-623.) G! D. (192)


Rogers, R. Vaahon.
Entomology for begin-
ners. Tiger beetles. (Can. entom., April iSk, v. 12, p. 61-65, fig. 1-15.)
Pi pres a-cifldelamiJfanS c
frfufm, c. six
c. hirhdth,*rom, md a-La of m c i ~ d ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ on their habits. G: D. (IW)
us Eosfii, G. Eine sonderbare Mdsalliance. (Entom. Nachrichten, 15 March 1880, jahrg. 61 P- 57.1
Copulation observed between a maJe agelashka hal- ess-t'f and a female rhrysomtfZu bf^u&ffi.~t's. G: 0. (q#)
Banborn, Francis Gregory. Collections of the late Dr. Asa Fitch. (Can, entom.,
April 1880, v. 12, p. 66-67.)
Dcscri five of A. Fitch's mllectlon and its ~ndition. ~earty the same description is contained in PSYCHS, Sect,-Dec. IS^ [9 April i%], p. 373475.
G: Ìö (IW)
SillEwotm-gut. (New remedies, June 1880, v. 9, p. 180, 8 era.)
Source6 of silkworm-put and foodplmtfl of the so- called ^camphor-worm" of japan. G: ;Z\ (2001) Smith, Worthington G. Carnivorous wasps. (Nature, 15 April 1880, v. 21, p. 563.)
Observed wasps attacking and kiltin Aom&uff, cdi- /horn and apis; the pudm was full of %owem and the wasps seemed to be lying in ambush for the bees. y.M. w. (m0)
[Soc16t4 heldtique des sciences naturelle~.] dtkme session, dunk ii Saint-Gall les 10, it et ia Aoftt IW. (Archives des sci. phys. et nat., 1;; Dec. 1879, per. 3, v. a, p. 677-723.) Contains abstract of aper by Dr. V. Fatio upon y~ioscra ia ~witzerland {p. 708-7111), and of a pnper 2' F. A. F'orfcl oil his expiiriwenta upon the Itirv-^e of t1)e hylifaps ck3cs (i7"~wies Z~irfn) which sculpture the of the bcd of hkii ~cnui a.
G: D. (2001)
Baunders, W :
Entomology for beginners,
no. 2. (Can. entom., Jan. 1880, v. 11, p. Spragae, Frank HeadIey. Notes from Wold 4-6, fig. 1-3-1
laston, Mass.
(Can. entom,, May 1880, v.
Fieures and describes caiocaia ultrclna and de- r3, l" lm')
scribes its larva; fiffures
enwm ssptrnotatus and
Kotes on soliasfhilcdiet, c, eurylkeme, ZImeniiis ar- aegen'd$ulifon~is,hnbi& the former, G: E. (1996) themis, aud ~ssania cosnia.
G: D. (2004)
Barnidera, W: Entomology for beginners.
The common woolly bear, sftilosoma vir-
&ica. (Can., entom., March 1880, v. 12,
P- Sf%?, fig. 9.1
Pig~ires and lxietly describes larva, papa, and female inngo of s, uirgimca. G: D. (IW)
Sclmabl, Johann. Ueber Libeltenschwiinne. ntom. Nachrichten, I Aug. 1880, jahrg.
Flight of great numbers uffilluh
through Warsaw Poland, 14^6 May iSSdi A flight of vdvo~^icit^aa noted nt ~ilrsaw, 6-7 ~une 1 ~ 3 G: D. (I&)
Sadder, S : Hubbard. A few notes on N.
American acrintii. (Can. entom.. Anril
Soudder, S : Hubbard. The entomological
libraries of the United States. (Bull. of the libr. of Harvard university, i Jan. 1880, no. 14, V. 2, p. 30-33
Separate. (Lib. Harvard university.
Bibliographical contributions, no. 11.) Re- published from the Bulletin of the library Of Harvard university, no. 14. Cambridge, Mass., 1880. 6p.,25 X 17.5, tmX 13.
Notice. (Amer. nat., June 1880, v. 14,
P. 466.1
Size and specialties of the 1 st public and rivate eatoinolngical libraries of the%ited States. bst of 60 rare entomologies1 works found in thedifferent libra- JIGS of the of Cambridge, with indication ofthe libraries possessing csch work. a- D. (m) Tafichenberg, 0: Die Fltihe. Die Arten
der Insektenordnung suciofia nach ihrem
Chitinskelet monographisch (largestellt. Nit 4 Iitbogra hisclien Tafeln.
Halle, Max
Kiernqw. 188. t.-p. mwr, =m [+ 21 p., +
PI., 25 X 18.5, t 19 X 13.
Correction, by E. Ehlers, entitled, "Be- richtigungen." (2001. Anzeiger, a3 Aug.
18S0, jahv. 3, P. 429-430.1
General anatom systematic arrangement' divider the order sit&da into a families, $a,coftv///daf (con- taining sarco vy!{a^eft&ons, s. ~u?/'rvocm, and YAY- cho y//a pfifi.v} and pu/iciifaf, of whit31 an analytical t^b$ of 3 genera nnd si sp~cics is given: description, synonymy and habits of the 34 species (rf 5 genera) cii sncforia seen by the ~uthor; dcscrib&s a new genera (hystneJiops !la and typ!i!ofsyl!u) and 9 new species (none from 4. A.) ; noki u on or quoted descriptions of iospuiics not wen bv ifie author; remarhi on the riistributioii of ~{~coptylt<upf^iftruns and prtlevirrftams; catalog of animals on which nr in the iicsts of ivhkli flea5 huM; been found, with names of the latter; alpha- betical index of species described and of syrian rns; alphubfitical list^ 101 works cited by the author; G: D. ( ~ 0 5 )
Teeaier, Lucien. Chassed'hiver. (FeuiHes des jeunes natoralistes, April1880, p. 82-83.) Many insects are not killed by the wldof winter. List of wleo tera taken 15-zoFeb,, at Kichompr4, nmr G=?r~ircIrner, Voapes, I? rsuicc, G:D. (2036) Tha-Kter, Roland. Swarming of archtf us. (Can. entom., Feb. 1880, v. 13, p. 35-39, fig. 6.)


Volume 3 table of contents