Article beginning on page 131.
Psyche 3:131, 1880.
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"Is MY o~itttoir you not only render service to science by the publication in your columns of original memoirs on general entomolow,but YOU are and will be still more more useful to savants by your bibliographical record."-A. ROBEM, Pan's, Francs, 4 Feb. 1880.
THOUGH BUT indirectly entomological, by
eeming as a gaide to the newspapers in the United States, where entomological articles may be found, ~ ~ d p ~ N~~~~ ~i~~~~ may be
mentioned here the one great authority upon its *=bject. we its bibliographers may strain a point to call attention to the foremoat work of its kind.
USSEE THE name of Society d'Etudw Ztmlogi- ques, a society has recently been established to Paris, for the purpose of forming a library of general zoology, from which boofor may be loaned to members living at a, distance from srwt libraries, ~h~ members, moreover, ex- change analyses of recent works, and the officers undertake to make bibliographical researches in the libraries of Paris for theircolleagues residing elsewhere.
Dk. OSKAB KRAKCHBB, of Iieipzig, son of
Mr. L. Krancher, the editor of the Defdscher Bteamftetwl, will soon publish a dissertation containing the results of his ~tndies upon the SOCIETY MEETINGS.
TEE donLAa meetii^s of the cambridge E~- bmologieal club will be held at 19 ~ ~ l l ~ ~ ' ~ t . , at 7.45 p. ~u., on the days following : - 8 Oct. 1880.
, I1 Mar, 1881.
12 NOT-. ,$ 8 Am ,,
10 Bee. ,, 13 May ,,
1-1: Jan. 1881. 10 June ,,
11 Feb. ,,
B: PICKMAN MABX, Smrtfflry.
THE KEGULAR meetinga of the Entomological of theBoston of
will he held tit N. W. corner of Berkeley and Boylston Sk.9 Boston, Ma% at 7.45 P.m., on the days following :-
37 Oct 1880.
23 Feb. 1881.
24 KOT. ,, 23 Mar. ,,
22 Dee. 27Apr. ,,
26 Jan. 1881. 25 May
B: PICEMAX MAX;!", Secretary.
tat^ ~EGULAR meetings of the Entomological the Academy of Natural Sciencea~
Philadelphia, Pa., will be held at S. W. comer of lgth and Rllce ste'f On the Ws *'^S'- -
8 Oct. 13SO.
11 Mar. 1881.
12 xov. ,, 8 APT. ,,
10 Dec. ,, IS May ,,
14 Jan. 1881. 10 June ,,
11 Fch ,,
JAMBS H. Rmisoa, Becarder.
stigmata of insects. Them studies were made in the moiogical laboratory of Leipag diver- W, during the past
miter the direction
of Professor E. Leucknrt.
TBTB Flii~i~c~ gwernment are trying to intico- duce the culture of the vine in New Caledonia. The grasshoppers will not allow the sugar-cane -
mini-Amiwi, meetiaea of the America
Entomological Society will he Held at S, W. gh., pa,
the days following : -
13 Dec. 1880.
13 June 1881,
JAKES H. Rt~xma, h d i q Secretary,
- .
to grow, and they soon strip maize; so hat the people have to import from Sidney what would grow luxuriantly on their own land were it free from these pests.-Colonies ad India, 23 Oct 1880, p. 9.
ENEROBTIO XEAB~~KEB are being taken by the government [of Cypmii] for the mppresuion of the plague of the locust, each inhabitant being bound to send in eight okes (about 19 lba.1 [renily 92.93 Ilia. = 10 26 Kg.] vewt of locust eggs. Many thousand pounds weight are thus sent in and degtroyed.-CelA and India, S NOT. 1880, p. 13.
Tare RBOCLAR monthly meethgn of the Moa- treal Branch of the Entomological Society of Ontario, will bÌ held at Montreal, Qae., Canada, on the days following: -
7 Sept. 1880. 4 Jan.1881.
6 Oft. ,, I Feb. ,,
2 Nov. ,, 1 Mar. ,,
7 Dec. ,,
6 AP~. ,,
G: X BOWEBB, Secretary.
DUB 15 Our. 1882.-Life-histories of Sclero- atom ̤yyamu and d Stmmfilw~seryracitts. See PBTCEB, T. 3, p. 69.
Volume 3 table of contents