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Psyche 3:128, 1880.
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CommuÌö{cftfians exchanges and editorsf copits shoitid be addressed to EDITORS OF P~YCHE, CtonSdge, Unaa. Commurwsatfenfl fir paNiwtKm tit P8VCHB must be prwedy itiitfientwtteil, and no alwnymow articteÌ wffi bepwblfuhedt
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LORD "WALBI~~TOBAM'B Illustrations of typical specimens of . . . N. A. tortriridae [P~TOEB, Itec., no. 19131 is one of the most valuable contri- butions to our knowledge of the North American torb-icidae that has yet appeared. In it a large number of new species, mainly from the Pacific Coast, are described, and the North American species of the torfricidue published by 'Walker, are re-described with colored figures of a11 the new' and re-described species. So far as the ~pecies of "Walker are concerned, the work in worthy of especial commendation, and the etudente of this group of insects are under great obligations to his lordship for providing them with the means of recognizing these species, for the original descriptions are to a great extent of no value whatever.
Lord Wateingham h&a in this work adopted the classification of Heinemam, with some mod- ificationa in which ha is, no doubt, correct, as in raising the subgenera to generic rank, which has already been done in part by others. He hag avoided many e m which might otherwise
have occurred, by putting himuelf into corm apondence with Prof. aller, and others more or less acquainted with these insects, to whom he sent as complete suites as possible, to be com- pared with the previously described speeiea of this country.
On the orthottraphy of certain names there that given by the original author to one more consistent with the derivation, and Lord Wal- aingham, in aletter received since the publication of his work, says, "I shall lie grateful to you in any review of my work to correct Codylis to CwichySk with my entire concurrence!' I am of the opinion that we are justified in mftking ttua ' changa, and in accordance with this principle Laxotaeiua becomes Lomtoeni(t.
For the Californian species cuneanum, the genus Hendecastema is established, but this species ia identical in its atructnm with 1i~mmana which Clemens published in 1680, and for which, he established the genus Ambh.. I am very Bnre his lordship did not have an example of hume- rosm at the time he paHiahed this work, else he would have noticed the generic relation, and wonld have placed Ms cimeonum in the germs Amwbia of Clemeaa.
The species "Cmoph'' pulcherrimana and "C? dmMana belong to the genus Bichelia, while "B~^f~ltftd " xunthoirfe~ Wak belongs to Oenectra. Seriwris fwdcma Clem. is. given as a synonym of Pemthina Aeb̤sa Walk, This is an error for whh I am responsible, but at the time I had good reason for my opinion; I now have the type of foerianu before me and it proves to be clietioct from hebesaaa but identical with Sericoris concinnana Clem., which is a true Exartem and mu& be known sa Exortersa wminnanum Clem. Exartem grtseoal&anum Walaiugbam is a time PentAma, aa ahown by the males in my collection. The type was a female and the generic characters show only in the malea.
It is a pleaaura to review a. week of such positive 'merit, prepared, as it haa been, with such remarkable care.
Oar faithful compositor find efficient miatant in the work of publishing PSTCSE, Edwin
Charlea Prentisn, born at Foxcroft, Me., 2 June 1848, died ~t Brighton, Mass., 26 Dec. 1880, of consumption, after a. long illness, while at work upon this October 1880 nnmero of FSYQEE. - We will endeavor to make arrangements as soon as possible to continue the work thw - - -
will, doubtless, he a difference of opinion. Many ugree in changing the spelling of a word.from ' interrupted. B. P. M.
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