Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Print ISSN 0033-2615
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Article beginning on page 127.
Psyche 3:127, 1880.

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dorsal line or stripe, but on. the anterior These differences +in the larvae are de- edges of segments 6 to 11 is a little narrow cisive of the diatinctneas of the butterflies. yellow spot on each.
The eggs are alike; the chrysalids are
A. celtis is yellow green over dorsal area, closely alike. Mrs. Peart, who has made blue-green on the sides ; in middle of dor- drawings of both chryshids, has called my sum is a pale yellow stripe, and on this a attention to the serrated edge of the carina deep yellow oval spot is set on the anterior on abdomen of &cia, as being different end of each segment from 3 to 12 or 13 ; from that of celtis, which the drawings sometimes the stripe is wanting, but the represent as evenly edged, but I do not hap- spots are always present ; these are larger pen at present to have a chrysalis of ce&& than any on aticia, each occupying more at hand for more exact comparison. than half the breadth of the segment.
BY FRANCIS HUNTINGTON SHOW, LAWBENCE, KANS. THE LARVA of Eurywmn rantalis is re- vertices of the angle@ of an imaginary ported by Prof. F. H. Snow to have caused equilateral triangle having two angles on serious injury to various garden vegetables, the anterior half of the segment and one weeds and other low and tender plants (a on the posterior half. In some individuals list of which is given below), in Kansas, these black spota are minutely pupiled with in JUEB and July, and a description of the light green. From the lower of the three
larva is given by him in the Lawrence spots proceeds a single central yellowish- {Xans.) daily journal, 28 July 1880. hair. Below this lower spot upon each - To preserve this description from loss or side of each segment, may he detected an reader it more accessible to eatomoiogista exceedingly minute black dot, which would generally, it is here reproduced, with Prof. easily escape the ordinary observer. The Snow's permission :-
thirteenth or anal segment has two large Head pale yellowish red without spots, bhck spots oil dorsal line and one smll Body nearly cylindrical, about 25 mm. black spot on each aide. The lower BUT-
long; Color, light green with a narrow face of each segment has a transverse se- yellowish white band on each side of dor- ries of eight annular black spots. The sal surface except on second segment..
Seg- second, third, and fourth segments have ment 2 (the head ia segment 1) has a sin- each a pair of true legs, and segments 7, gle short longitudinal jet black daeh be- 8, 9, 10 and 13 a pair of prop legs. tween dorsal and stigmatic snrfaces on each The plants upon which this larva was side, with traces of a second and third spot found are : Sweet potato (&amoea batatas), in some individuals. Segments 3 and 4 alfalfa (Medicaffo sativafj beets (Beta have each two ~uch spots on each side. vulgaria peas (PWm saiivum), pig- Segments 5 to 12 inclusive have each three weed (Amarmitits), purslane ( cirenltu- jet black spots on each side at the oleracea).


Volume 3 table of contents