Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Article beginning on page 123.
Psyche 3:123-126, 1880.

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BY WILLIAM HENRY EDWARDS, COALBURGH, W. VA. EGG. - Nearly spherical, flattened at
base ; marked by 20 vertical ribs, between which are many fine, horizontal striae;
color pale yellow-green.
Duration of this
stage 3 to 4 days.
YOUNG LARVA. - Length 2 mm;
cylindrical, tapering slightly from segment 2 to 13 : color pale green; covered with minute concolored tubercles, each of which sends out a white hair.
As the stage pro-
ceeds, the color changes to deep green, and at the extreme edge of dorsal area appears a whitish line, and another along base over feet ; under side, feet and legs green ; head broader than body, sub-globular, a little depressed at top ; color dark brown.
ration of this stage 3 to 4 days.
After 1st moult. -Length 3.6 mm. ;
tapering from segment 2, and ending in
two short, conical, divergent tails ; color uniform dark green,' and sprinkled uni-
formly over back and sides with fine
tubercles, distinctly separated, each giving out a short hair; two sub-dorsal lines,
composed of same fine tubercles, but close set, pass from head to the ends of the
tails ; on middle of side is a wavy line of similar tubercles, and below the spiracles is another line, straight; the ends of the
tails rather roughly tuberculated, with
longer hairs, pointing backward ; head
twice as broad as segment 2 ; subquadrate, the base nearly square, the sides rounded, the top depressed in front at the suture ; on each vertex a stout process or horn, di- vergent, tapering, 0.5 mm. long, ending in two equal, divergent forks, the length of these being about two-fifths the length of the whole horn; the forks are even sized till near the top, then bluntly conical ; be- hind the horn is a short spine just below the fork, and five small ones around it half way down ; along top of head two prongs
between the horns, and another back of
each. On the side of face, back, are two prongs, each bent down, the upper a little below base of horn measuring 0.38 mm.,
the other about half as long ; whole sur- face densely and shallowly pitted, and cov- ered with a fine whitish down; all the
horns and spines beset with long white
hairs, which, from the tips, form pencils ; color of front face whitish-green, the top for a narrow space, brown, and a little
brown below horns, on the side ; the back


of head green; the horns brown in front, shorter oae down side to top of the ocelli. green behind ; the space along back head One had the green restricted to a little and on side green ; ocelli black.
Duration space in front, and a little stripe on side of this stage about 5 daya.
between the two brown stripes before spoken of; another had all the face green, the
After 2d me&. -Length 7.6 mm. ; horns alone being brown ; another has a shape as before ; color uniform dark green ; narrow rim of brown along the top, and all the lines as before ; head as before ; the two side stripes. In all the front of horns horns 1 mm. 10% to end of forks, the forks is brown, green behind, and the green being about one-third of this ; below each spurs or prongs behind have brown tips.
horn on side of face a very short cone ; To next moult 4 days.
down side of face are now fine spurs, the upper one longest, the rest gradually di- -4ffer 4th moult. - Length 21 mm. In
imnishing to a very short one quite at base ; from 4 to 1 1 days after the moult the lar- other spurs as before ; the color of head vae pupated. varies in individuals, the upper front face and the front of horns being always dark MATURE LARVA. - Length % 29 brown, the rest of face greenish-white.
In rnm., 9 36 mm ; greatest breadth % 6.1 some examples the brown extends half way mm., of 9 7.6 mm, ; stout, thickest in down, fading into vinous at its lower edge ; middle, the dor~um greatly arched, taper- in one a pale brown stripe extended from ing pretty evenly either way, so that seg- base of horn at side to the outer end of ments 2 and 12 are of about same dime- mandibles ; the back of head always green ; ter ; ending in two small, conical, divergent the spurs green, the longer ones usually tails, 1.8 ram. long, one placed on each brown at tips.
Duration of this stage 3 side of the segment, the apace between their days.
bases being the convex surface of the seg- ment. Color of whole surface, doraum
After 3d moult. - Length 14
mm. ; and sides, from segment 2 to ends of tails, body white in the middle ; color more yel- one shade of yellow-green ; nest over feet low, of one shade ; the tubercles and all a little bluish, the under side pale ; thickly lines as before.
lu one example, as this sprinkled with little yellow tubercles, which stage proceeded, a mimite yellow spot ap- . are distributed equally over whole surface, peared on the anterior edge of each 8%-
and are distinctly separated. These are
ment from 6 to 11, on dorsal line, but in mostly of two sizes, one twice that of the the others these spots did not appear till other; some are pointed at top, some the subsequent -moult.
Head shaped aa rounded, and each gives out a short white before, with the processes and spurs as at hair. There areneither stripes norbands, preceding stage ; colors variable.
Most, but a fine line of tubercles like those else- have the upper part and front horns viaons- where, but close set, runs from head to end brown, with a slight brown stripe from of tail, at each edge of the dorsal area. below horns to end of mandibles, and a
A similar line below spiraclesfrom segment , 4


3 to 13 ; and on middle of side from segment there being merely a little green over man-. 7 to 10. Sometimes from segment 6 to 11 dibles ; in this one even the back of horns is a short oblique line, made up of same and head was brown ; in all others these tubercles, pointing forward and downward ; parts were green, the fronts of the horns on the medio-dorsal line on segments 6 to brown ; some had the upper part of face 11, on the anterior side of each segment, vinous, with the fine stripes paler brown ; is a little rounded yellow spot, smallest on one had the whole face green, no brown, 6 and 11, and often indistinct, on 7 to 10 with fine paler stripes.
clear colored.
The largest spot observed
measured but 0.08 mm. in diameter. Im-
CHRYSA~~~~. - Length 23 to 25 mm. ;
mediately after the fourth moult all these breadth of the largest at wing cases 8.1 spots were indistinct, but they became con- -,of abdomen 6.6 mm. ; depth of ab- spicuous as the stage progreaaed. Feet and domen 9.1 mm, ; compressed laterally ; legs bluish-green ; head sub-quadrate, the outline of ventral side convex ; the ab- about as broad as Begmeat 3, as broad as .domen prominent dorsally, much arched, high, the sides anddso the base a little sharply carinated, the carina finely and ir- convex, the top deeply depressed in front regularly serrate and on it the anterior at the suture ; the vertices conical and each edge of each segment is produced and ia bearing a branching process or horn. These marked on each side by a shining black all stout at base, tapering, 2 nun. long, dot; the last segment ending in a long bi- forked near top, the forks being 0.5 mm.. furcated pad of hooklets ; the thoracic aeg- long; about the middle part are set live menta roundly excavated below mesono- short conical spurs ; at base behind are turn, and the aides there also excavated in two spurs on inner side and one on outer the direction of the bases of the wings; aide ; down the side of face three in verti- mesonoturn angular, a little rounded at
cal line, the upper one long, the others summit, with a low and narrow keel ; head gradually diminishing, all bent downward ; case produced, sub-conic, the projections at between the last of these and , the ocelli, a vertices prominent, sub-pyramidal, bent in short spur ; many minute spurs are found at the top ; color delicate yellow-green, down back and sides to mandibles ; whole thickly covered with pale yellow dots and surface of head and horns thickly and shal- patches over the abdomen, and beyond, on lowly pitted, and covered with, a 'fine whit- dorsal aide to top of head, with irregular ish down ; the spurs and horns beset with pale yellow inscriptions ; many of these quite long hairs on their sides and tops ; marks also on the wing cases transversely the color of face is variable ; some have it between the aervureB ; the neuration of
blue-green, vitreous, along the top vinous- the wings distinct; a yellow line passes brown ; a whitish vertical stripe from in- along the keel from the last segment to top ner base of each horn down the suture, and of head cam, and a little beyond top of another beginning a little below horn on mesonoturn sends two forks to the projec- the side, and running to end of mandibles ; tions of head ; another line, but white, one example had nearly all vinous-brown, passes along the posterior edge of the wing


caae until it strikes a. white line from last larvae from eggs obtained in the same segment almg middle of side of abdomen; manner. They were near the first moult
on each side of mesonoturn a white dot when they came, and began to pass it on and one on each side of most of the abdom- 19 August. Of these I raised five to ima-
inal segments ; the junctions of these seg- go; some died. And examples at every
ments indicated by a white line. Duration stage were put in alcohol. of the stage 9 days.
The larva after first moult ia distinct
from that of A. celtis. It is uniform dark I cTescribed Apatwa alicia, with plate,
green, sprinkled with separate yellow tu- in the Butterflies of N. A., 1868, v. 1, bercles, which are equally distributed over p. 135.
In 1874, Mr. Riley, in his 6thi whole upper surface - doram and sides ; Mo. Rep., argued at length against the on each side of dorsal area ia a fine line of pbability of its being a good species, or same tubercles close set, from head to the more than B variety of A. 4th.
But he end of the tail ; on middle of side & wavy closes by saying very fairly, "But all such line, and below spiracles a straight one ; questions must be left to the future to de- the face is pale green, along the top brown, cide ; meanwhile Mr. Edwards' opinion is, the back dark green ; the horns are brown in one sense, as rightly held as Mr. Scud- in front, green behind ; the single spurs der's or mice."
along back of head are all green ; th~ horns Mr. Scndder, in his Synonyrnical list,
are all larger, more tapering, and branches 1875, put A.uicMi aa a synonym of A. celtis, shorter than in A. celtk
not even crediting it as a possible variety. A. &is after first moult has the dorsum
The only way, therefom, to settle the
occupied by a band composed of yellow
point, ww to breed this form from the egg, tubercles, a space in middle of this band and for several Yearn
have made every on posterior half of each segment from 2 effort to do so, and at last have succeeded. to 13, being green ; the sides me I received from a correspondent in south- and the line on side is crenated, not wavy ; eastern Florida several examples of the along base a straight line as b &cia; the butterfly early in the season of 188% and face is either black or purple or green ; the I urged him to attempt getting eggs by horns are green ; the ends of the spurs
enclosing a female in a bag over a limb of usually purple or black. any species of Celtis tree found there.
Each species preserves these character-
This was done, and seven egg& were for-
istics through the next stages.
After the
warded to me by mail.
I received two fourth moult (the last stage), alicia, as larvae from these egg97 hatched on the already described, is always of one shade road, on 15 June. The were laid of color over back and 'sides-yellow- On C@ltia *e$rifolh Chapman, but the green ; covered uniformly with small, sq- larvae fed readily on C. OCC~~&&$ here,
tubercles ; there are two sub-dorsal .
One escaped after its mmnd mouh but linea as before described, and the wavy line the other went on to chrysalis, on side has given place to an oblique mark On 17 August, I received several more
on Begmenta 6 to 11 ; there iB no medio- -


dorsal line or stripe, but on, the anterior These differences +in the larvae are de- edges of segments 6 to 11 is a little narrow cisive of the distinctness of the butterflies. yellow spot on each. The eggs are alike ; the chryealids are A. ceZttS is yellow green over dorsal area, closely alike. Mrs. Peart, who has made blue-green on the sides ; in middle of dor- drawings of both chry&lids, has called my sum is a pale yellow stripe, and on this a attention to the serrated edge of the carina deep yellow oval spot ia set on the anterior on abdomen of alicia, as being different end of each segment from 3 to 12 or 13 ; from that of celtis, which the drawings sometimes the stripe is wanting, but the represent as evenly edged, but Ido not hap- spots are always present ; these are larger pen at present to have a chrysalis of witis than any on alwia, each occupying more at hand for more exact comparison. than half the breadth of the segment.
BY FRANCIS HUNTINGTON SNOW, UWKENCE, -3. THE LARVA of Eui-ymv iantalis is re- vertices of the angles of an imaginary ported by Prof. I?. H. Snow to have caused equilateral triangle having two angles on serious injury to various garden vegetables, the anterior half of the segment and one weeds and other low and tender plants (a on the posterior half. In some individuals list of which is given below), in Kansas, these black spota are minutely pupiled with in Jum and July, and a description of the light green. From the lower of the three larva is given by him in the Lawrence spote proceeds a single central yellowish- (JKans.) daily journal, 28 July 1880. hair. Below this lower spot upon each - To preserve this description from loss or side of each segment may be detected an ader it more accessible to entomologists exceedingly minute black dot, which would generally, it is here reproduced, with Prof. easily escape the ordinary observer. The Snow's permission :-
thirteenth or anal segment has two large Head pale yellowish red without spots. black spots on dorsal line and one small Body nearly cylindrical, about 25 mm, black spot on each side. The lower BUT-
long. Color, light green with a narrow face of each segment has a transverse se- yellowish white band on each side of dor- riea of eight annular black spota. The sal surface except on second segment.
Seg- second, third, and fourth segments have ment 2 (the head is segment 1) has a sin- each a pair of true legs, and segments 7, gle short longitudinal jet black dash be- 8, 9, 10 and 13 a pair of prop legs. tween dorsal and stigmatic surfaces on each The plants upon which this larva was side, with traces of a second and third spot hund are : Sweet potato (Ipomoea batcctas) , in some individuals. Segments 3 and 4. alfalfa (Medicago sativa), beets (Beta have each two such spots on each side. vulgaris), peas (Pisum sativum)^ pig- Segqeats 5 to 12 inclusive have each three weed (Amwantus), purslane (PortuZma circular jet black spots on each side at the ' oleracea) .


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