Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Article beginning on page 119.
Psyche 3:119, 1880.

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A PHTLLOXEBA congress met at Saragos~a,
Spain, 2 Oct. 1880.
OWING TO the ravages of the phylloxera in trance, the people are using raisins for making wine. During the first six months of 1880, 48,000,000 kilogram of raisins were imported into France.
DR. K ERLENMEYER gives, in the "Bienen
Zeitung," details of experiments showing that beea elaborate their wax from noa-azotised mat- ter. Carbo-hydrates serve also for the ptodnc- tion of the fat found in the body of the bee. The food of these insects should not be very rich in nitrogenous mutter. -.Town. of Science May 1880, p. 347.
TKS BOOKS of the large library of the late Dr. C. st%, of Stockholm, Sweden, are fw sale by R. Frierlliinder u. Rohn, Carlste., H, Berlin Cata- lops, in three parts, will be sent for 60 pfennige (12c) in stamps each port. Contents: Part I, Scripta miscellanea, coleoptera, 40 p. ; it, Lepi- doptwa, 22 p. ; in, Hpnenoptera, nearoptera, orthoptera, diptern, herniptern, paraflita, 80 p. \
PROF. CYRUS THOMAS proposed to the Ento- mological Club of tha A. A.A- R., for discussion, this year, the following questions, with a view to finding means of dimhi&ing the ravages of Cd- optmvs sprehis in the Territories of the United States: -
"la it possible toincrease the amount of moist- ure on the great plains eaat of the Hocky Mom- tains? Or to state it differently, la. it possible toaupply any considerable portion of these plains with water sufficient for agricultural purposes? This leaves the qtie~tiion as broad and general aa possible. This is an important practical question, which mwt sooner or later come up for solution. I think it would be well to agitate it, that the general government and western States may he induced to take it up. There are some reasons for believing that there are some possible meth- wta of athinine the desired end which have not yet been presented or discussed. I mggest it, not that I feel competent to take hold of it, but from the fact that my work brinm me comt*atiy face to face with it, and that I do not feel quali- fled to enter upon an attempt at its soiution." TEE REGOLAB meetings of the cambridge En- tomological Club will be held at 19 Fdh St., at 7.45 p. m,, on the days following:-
8 Oct. 1880.
11 Mar. 1881.
12 Nov. ,, 8AW n
10 Dec. ,, 13 Nay ,,
1.4 Jan. 1881. 10 June ,,
11 Vvb. ,,
3: PICKMAX MAW, Secretary.
THE REGULAR meetings of the Batomlogical Section of theBoston Society of Natural History will be held at N. W. comer of Berkeley and Boylston Sts; Boston, Mass., at 7.45 p.m., on the days following : -
27 Oct. 1880. , 23 Feb. 1881.
24h. 23 Mar. ,,
22 Dec. 27 Apr. ,,
26 Jan. 1881. 25 May ,,
B: PICB.MAN MAOTT, Secretary.
TEE BEOUIAE meetings of the Entomological Section of the Academy of Natural Sciences, of Philiideipllia, Pa., will be held at S. W. corner of 19th and Race Sh., on the days following: - 8 Oct. 1880. 11 Mar. 1881.
IS Sov. 8 APT. 9,
10 Dec. ,, 18 May
14 Jan. 1-881. 10 June ,,
11 fob. ,,
THE BEMI-AS~AL meetings of the American
Entomological Society will he held at S. W. cor- ner of 19th and Race Sts., Philadelphia, Pa., on the days following: -
13 Dec. 1880. . 13 June 1881.
JAMES H. Rro~ms, liecarding Secretary.
THE REGULAR monthly meetings of the Mon- treal Branch of the Entomological Society of Ontario, will be held at Montreal, Que., Canada, on the 'lays following: -
7 Sept. 1880. 4 Jan.1881.
6 Oct. ,, I Feb. ,,
2Nm. ,, 1 Mar, ,,
7 Dec. ,, 6 AP~. jj
G : H. BOWLEB, Secretary.
DUE 16 OCT. 1883.-Life-histories of ScSero- stoma syngamtis scad of Strongaw per~rucilis. See
PSYCHE, v. 8, p. 69.
, PSYCHE. 119


Volume 3 table of contents