Article beginning on page 110.
Psyche 3:110, 1880.
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lySaiiswipttmw not dis~ntinued are cvasiderea å´el.%&
Sample copies, postpaid, . . . 10 cents. Yearly nubauiptloa, postpaid, . . . $1.
One volume (three years), postpaid, . , $3. Yearly, printed on one side of thin paper (for pasting the titles of the bIMlographtca1 record, on title- lips,) postpaid, . . . $1. One volame, printed on one aide of thin
paper, postpaid, . . . . . . $3
One volume (regular) and one volume on
one side of tliln paper, postpaid, . . . $6 Twenty-five extra copies, tuiOout change of from, to the author of any Ieafling article, if ordered at the time of #emding copy, . Tree. Author's extras over twenty-five in num- ber, under above mentivnefl conrtitilona, each, 2c. Separate, "with changes of form -actual cos4 of aucli chanma in addition to above rates. -
-Only thoroughly respectable advertisements will be allowed in PBTCHE, and the advertisinfl pngea will be numbered coiiflemtivoly with those of reading matter <""! tndexefl at the end of the volume. T& editors reserve the right to reject lirlvertiaemcnte.
Subscribers to PSXCECS can advertise insects for exchange or desired for study, swt for cash, free, at the discretion of the edltora.
Secular style of advertisements plain, at the following rates : -
Outilde IniSde
Fiwe. Piieei.
Per line, firat insertion, . . $0.~ $0.03 Eighth pge, first insertion, . . .73 .BO Quarter &' ' . . 1.25 1.00
Hillf '* g$ ' . . . 9% 1.75
One ‰ - . 4.00 ^W
EatJt suhcegwat hertion oat half Ste above rate*. Address EDITORS OF PSYCHS,
Cambridge, Mass., U. 8. A
Subscriptione also received in Europe by R. ~RIBDLA~TOBR & SOHN,
Cadstraase II, Berlin, N. W.
Elacgefa beat Inaeot-pine, SG mm. long, no. W; 9 mm. long. no. (Xt-7. Per 1000: no. 24.81.10 i oth- era, 8l.W. Per 6000,95.09 and ii>5.50. Other sorts on hand or to order. Piwi aoid at these ruffs only ha packages of STO ; smaller lots, 20 cts. per 1W.; aam- pTm, 6 cts.
Double Itioxea, for storing, 10XW X X5 cm., 45 ch. Light itiailttsg'b~~~, 17 X S'2 Cml and half and quftr- ter size, 10, B, 6 ots.
Cork in sheets 80>'a.SXO.!K!m., IS cta. per sheet, $1.03 per 10 sheets.
Stout, ~ I I W tiibeu, for alcoholic specimens, 8x50 mm., IOXW mm., 13x70 wm., $1.30, $1.40, $1.50 per 100 i rubber stoppers for these, $1.00, $1.20, SlM per 100; tube and stopper, 3 cts. Other skes of tubes and utopprgi on limd or to order.
Blank labtile, rwMmrdered, SBX U mm., 35 ots. per lOOO; 2T>< 12 mm., 4.5 ota. per lW. A set of 100 generic and Mf> fpectfio labels, printed on ellove blank*, for United Statea and Canndian butterflies, complete to 1878, $I.@). Twelve nheete of print& inbels, containing the names of the North Ameri- can States am1 Territories, of montha, and sipu for sexes, 2 cts. a sheet, and 2 a#. postage. Fhotogmplii of ProtIryns, the drat known Xorth American fosati Trotterflv; of the (nintcuny of the uppar and of the under Bide of Ilarpdwss cafigmomt~, and of the under aide of fiieawus cervus I each BO ct̤ Tmneportfition on pins and labels, prepaid ; on other goods extra.
I3 : PIOKWAN MANIT, Cambridge, Maas.
The undersigned desires to otitain, by exchange or otherwise, from a.11 parts of the world., eggs, caterpillma and ohryflalids of Diurnal Lepirtop- tern. Dried specimens ~ T B preferred, especially of caterpillars, which should be prepared l ) ~ in- flation. Correspondence Is Invited with persona engaged in Hie sT.afly of f.he earlv stages of bnttor- flies. S. H. SCDIUIEK,
Cambridge, Mass.
The ondesigned ha8 for sale Entumologlsta' ma. terials of all kinda, Inaecta, and Rntornologioal books.
Collections of Insects for b@tiner~ or for schools fumiahed at reasonable rates. Several large colieetiona of American and foreign insects, princIp~.lly ~oleo~tedt, for sale cheap. Books ftml materials in other bmnches of ~kt- urn1 History procured for pftrties nt a distance, at tlic lowest price*.
Lists of books, specimens, etc., sent for lOcento. K: P. AUSTIN, 48 East Newton St.,
Boaton, Mass.
Volume 3 table of contents