Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Article beginning on page 107.
Psyche 3:107, 1880.

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!h~ .4FYROPRIATION8 by CO~PSB, at it^ la& ses&n, inciudo one of $25,000 for tho U. S. En- tomoIogica1 Commission.
JOBEPE BAER &Co., of Frankforhn-the-Main, have hued a catalog (no, 79) of the library of the late Dr. fig-Ruthenberg, for ~aln by that firm. 'hx DORTHEBIA, or Amtralim bug, like the Xmthium sphosutti and the phylloxem, have ow cupied the attention of the legislatm [in Cape Colony]. It has already destmpd much timber, and hua lately attacked V ~ C B and rows. . . . - Cuhaies and India, 81 July 1880, p. 13-
A BRED ~pecimen of Arctia fd-sa which
pomessed only one antenna WM exhibikd at the meeting of the London ~ntomolo~cd Society, 2 June 1880. Si & Lubbock mid tht he had oc- casionally bred ants with only one antenna, and had possessed one with no antennae.
MILS EXILY A, SXITX, the well-known onto- mologint of Peoria, Illinois9 has gone to Leipig, where, if the univmity authorities will allow it, rhe will pursue a generd course of moIogicd work in the new laboratory of Professor Leuck- art. Her addreas, for the present, is ~ ~ g ~ s c h e q 8,111, hipzig, Germmy.
DR. &BERUXDT, iII the "mw. Landwkth.
Wochenblatt," in tredng of the cdtivatiori of red clover, urges @cdtwists to act upon the disco~eries of ,Darwin, nnd protect the humble- bees necessq for the fertilization of the blos- soms of thia plant. - Joum. fl Sciemx, May 1880, p. 347-
UXDZR TXIZ auspices of the Government of Ceylon an elaborate illustmted WDT~ m the lep idoptera of that island is in wtive prepwtion, edited by Mr. F. Moore? F. 2. S. The public* tion is entrusted to Mesm. L. Reeve k Co., from whoin the first instalment may be expected dlort1y.- The Ahnwum, 3 July lW, p. 21.
Mu. CALEB Coam, once a pupil of Agas~iz, who ha^ been an indwtrioue collector in the neigl~brhod of EB own home, Salem, Mags.) and has a100 colleckd in South America, ZmzL bar and Madagascar, and in the Mammoth Cave in Ky., died in Salem, 5b June 1880, aged 42 yeam and 4 month-
THE REOWLAX meeting8 of the Cambridge En- tomological Club will be held at I!? Pollen St., at 7-45 p. m., on the day8 foUowhg:-
8 Oct. 1W.
11 Mnr. 1BL
12 NOV. ,, 8 AP~. ,,
10 Dec. ,, 13 May ,,
14 Jm 1881. 10 Jme ,,
11 Feb. ,,
B: PICKM~ MAIW~ Secretary.
TEE RRQULAX meetings of the EntomoIogiml Section of theBoston Society of Natuwd Histov will be held at N. W. comer of Berkeley and Boyl&~n Sk, Emton, Maw, st 7.45 pm., on the hys å£allowin : -
27 Get. lE%Q.
23 Peb. 1881.
24 NOY. ,, 23 Mkr. ,,
22 Dee.
F7 Apr. ,,
20 Jan. 1&1. 25 May ,,
R PICKMAN mxx, Secretmy.
Tm REGULAR meetings of the EntomoIogkaI
Section of the Academy of Natural Sciencw, of Phikdejphia, Pa,? will be held at 8. W. corner of 19th and m e Sts., on the days followhg: - 8 Oct- 1880.
11 Mar. 1881.
12 NOT. ,, 8 APT. 2,
10 mc. ,, 13 Msy ,,
14 @Tm. 1881. 10 June ,,
11 Feb. ,,
TBE smrr-hmuAL meetings of the American
~n~tnological Society will be held at S- W. wr- ner of 19th and Erne 6hn1 Fhihddphia, Pa., on the days foliowing : -
13 Dec. 1880.
13 June 1881.
JAMEB R. RIDING& Recording Secretor.+
THE REGULAU mouthly meeting6 of the Mon- treal Branch of the EntomologicaI Society vf Ontario, will be held at Montreal, Que., Canada, on the day^ following : -
7 septa 1880. 4 Jan.I8~.
6 Oct. ,, I Feb. #,
250~. ,, 1 ?Jar. ,, . *
7 Dec. ,, 5 Apr. ,,
G: E. BOWL^, Secretary.


Volume 3 table of contents