Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Article beginning on page 105.
Psyche 3:105-106, 1880.

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Avthors md societies we requested to forward their works to the editors as iwwt ua published. The
date of publication,given in braekets [ 1, marks the time at which the work was received, unless an earlier date of publication is known to morder w editor. Unless otherwise st& each rewrd is made di- redly/rom the work that is noticed.
Corrections of errors and notices of omissions are solicited. Cliambers, Vactor Towey. Annaftl address of . . . President Cincinnati society of natural Iiiatory.
(Journ. Cine. ROC. nat.
hiat., July
3879, v. 2,no. 3, p.. . . , 1 pi.)
Separate, with t.-
cover, Cincinnati, Ohio,
1879, 22 p., 1 pi., 2& X 15.6, t 17 X 10.6. The m~tamorpiiows of insects as illuntiatii'lin the tinwd gemift h/Au< OWI\T 01 Zpller. g: a. (IMS) Cnpcniio, FfKMed mdets for the. (Caltivflf for and country cent., 8 June 1880, V. 45, no. Currant wonna. (Cultivator and cfiun
gent., 10 June 1880, v. 45, no. 1428, p. 376, co 1, Om.)
lUrprtions lor ItllIin currant worms wiasim} by duat- jut the lefnea with hellebore when the dew ia on %hain. J. S. P. (1BOT)
Cyanide of potassium.
(Science, 3 July 1880,
v.,p. 12,7.6cm.)
Dlnictinas for making the compound (K C N). B: P. M. (180s)
Cypriote bees and honey. (New remedies,
July 1880, v. 9, p. 224, 6 cm.)
IXfirta t4+ lie made to bring Cvpriau bees, in lArge num- hrft, U? America Q: D, (180EI)
Dm, C: Die geschlechtlichen Farbungen
gewisser Schme~terlinge. (Kwmoa [hipig], April 1880, bd. I, p. 72-74, 72 cm.)
The- chanfe nt color in dimimnt b o w and In a species of cs@wsfi wh~n viewed from di(Iflrent dircrtiona and the ellt[i~~fic?iiio~i of thk chn;nge. G: d (1810) ~escbge, ^mile. Le chlomre de calcium.
( Fcuillc dt'a ieuncs mturalistes,April1880, an. i 0, 1). F3.j ''
The anthrir emplop dcic chloride [Ca Cia] in hte~, in his wllertiuu of inserts, to prevent diun.-ifte b moisture. &å D. f18111
Dodge, S. C. Monstrosities among bees.
(Amer. bee 'om,, 1879, v. IS, p. 49%)
Man> csses ot eo criM li-hroditi'wn aw given. Etch insect 'n dmcribaa. in ilatail. A. J: C. (1813) [Baton, Alfred Edwin.] Early stages of ephe- meririiie. (Can. entom., Feb. 1980, v. 12 p. 40. Heqnestfoi? sp&simenw, G: J>. (IS141
Bdwards, W: H: Ueber daa Erziehen der
Tagfalter aus Eiern [PSYCHE, Bee., no. 15841. Ilcprint. (Entom. Nathrich-ten, 15 arch
1880, jnlirg. 6, p. 59.)
Q:D. (IMS)
Edwards, W: H: Migration of butterflies. (Can. entom., Feb, 18M, v. 12, p. 39-40.) Qnnh a letter by J, R. Willrt of Macon, Ka., in relation to pigtatiomot caIWKryiis f r d e i n Georgia and Alabama. G': Ìö (KWj
Edwards, W: H: Description of the pre ar t i - stas 0 0 priigHe, cramer. &&
entom., J:m, I8 , T. 12, p. 9-14.)
PfMTlhKi csg, larva and chrysitlia, G! D. (18131) Electrical iusects. (Science, 3 July 1880, T. -.
1, no. 1, p. 6, 8 cm.)
J?e(fwiw twndti, mi elaterid, and a larga lifllry lepido- ptproua caterpillarcausa elect& ah~ke apom beiw touched. s: r. .w. (IKÌö
Emerton, James H: Breeding habits of spi- ders,
(Amer. nat., Ang. 1880, v. 14, p. 505, 1 Ss.
Mixiu of sexual union in sa/aHcus. G: D. (1821)


[Entomological society of Ontario.] At the Grad!, E: L:
Gort na neb& Gnfa., var. g. nt-
Centennial. The exhibit of the Entonaologica~ teia hen. (Bull. Brooklyn entom. soc., May society of Ontario, Cxnftda. ([N. T.] d. graphic, 1878 [v. I], p. 7.)
20 Sent. 1876, I-. 11, p. 5944.0, 11.)
h o n a for condcterhg #we two foaaia w only color rbw I4 iiroifiea of impct-i. Ori.sinimtlon oi tha En- Tarieiit-i nf one spf>ti?~. F. G: 8. (1830) tom. So?. Ontar., its officers ad publwiti<ma. a: I>. (1822)
(3rd. E; L: Some notes on ardafeuruta Dru. ~mphorbi- as a protective of iron and e&el, (''in. B d l ~ n entom. Bocn> M'S' 1'78 1'- 11, P. M.1
(Scientific amer. suppl., . . . ) (New remedies, fed ofl taraxacum,. jniagoi o+ned from them May 1830, T. <) p. 14.5, 18 cm,)
varied in color anfl maiktngn of hind wings as is mad Crm of t,vphsrW~ wae& in Africa to protect iion from mniq iirctiam, while ton'ftimp did not van-; suggests *ha met and for protmting urtlcles from white auts. ~pecil~; idcmity 05 ~omr srprrnsed flistiin't qwdm. G:D. (la) F. G: S. (1831)
tung . . . ZII Stettin,~~&i-~une ISSO, jahrg. 41, p. 136-138.)
Fancon, L. "RAultat dea recherches faites Stem 1e but& trouve~ 1'origine des r6inva~ions estivalea du phylloxera. (Comptes rendus, 27 Qct. 3879, v. RfÌö p. fiff24%3.)
Grit rev. by P. de Lafitte, entitled, " Sur !es cnmes de finvasion des vipobles phyllox- 4r6s." (Comptes rendus, 17 Xov. 1879, v. 89, 847-850.)
. . . One <rt the eauies
thew re-invasions ia the
spreadiw of the ioeect on the surfwe of tin) groimd; a woftrt cauftfl, nnd erhop~ the most imprtaut, I$ the tranfr l>ftTtnlim of tho !&4 hv th wind : findl~, the flnthor eew -A third oanw in tha <"s,w which romp from the sexunl imfrtf."-Rer. srif~il~fi~nr, S Sw. IS'!), p. 4til. 31, Film-on's paper is followi (p, KGC^) by remarks by ?& I'Ti-my find by tlio f,evretarT of the Acdomy [Jean Bap tiate Dumas].
G: D, (1826)
Xaucon, L. Wultat des recherches fuites
clima Ie but de trouverl'origine des r^nvasiom du ph$oxera. (Comptes rendns, 8 SQV. ISiE), v. 89, p. 738-744.)
Kotice. (Athenaeum, 20 NOT. 1870, p. 698, col. 1, 4 cm.)
Abstract. (Ma journ. sci.,Dec. 1879, a. 8, T. 1, p. 821.)
G: D. (186)
Field, Fanny. [Lice on chickens.] (Prairie farmer, 12 June 1880, v. 51, no. 24, p, 187, col. 2, .IF cm.)
Wh'itewasWnr$ fumigating with en1 hw washing with herowtie, flemh&a and ^eternal vk&& etch, recorn- mwulwl for tito destruction of lice on cli~ckens. f. D. P. (1827)
Fletcher, James. TSntomology for beginnere. (Can. errtom., Feb. 1880, v. 12, p. 32-35.) Gmrd remarks tin eutnmoloey; detcribea and fi CQ~O,WT/HJ ~l\dm and C. 6fritfflfM'.
e: I). &
Fletcher, James. Natureprinted butterflies. (Can. ontorn., Jan. ISSO, v. 12, p. 1-8.) (An-
nnal rant. entom. aoc, Untar. for 1879. 1880. n. w-w.
HoA- of transferring the ecales of butterflies' wing& to papw to form a cabinet of flpirea of buttetfiet. G: D. (Ism)
Insect devastations in America. (Journ. ap- pliert set. April 1879, v. 10, p. 68-59,20 m.) Etatiitlo taken from -the ~e~mtiå´fi m̤rtcai e: a. (1832i
LaHtte, P. de. Sur les causes, de rfinvmion ties vignobles phylteA-6s. (Comptea rendus, 17 Nov. 1879, T. 89, p. W-850)
Crit. rev. of L Faacira'~ "KrtultBt deg iwherchesfdtes dftus la Imf d~ fmiver rorigincctw å´~&uvai^onf efltiivalen du phillwra" (Cruiiptew rct~lua, ST Oct. lS79, v. K'1, p. 613- WSVi [I's'K-HE, Eec., no. 1S2SJ. #.:a. (?#Xi) I-angstrotli, L. L. Comb-honey. A cure
for consumption.
(Amer. he journ., 1879,
Middlesex wientiflc field club, Sfddm, Mass. [Proceedings for 4 June 1879.1 Arner. nat., An$. 1879,~. 15, p. 537438.)
not^ by Hi L MciOtly on breeding the lam of cupitticAm Jul'igixoSff. 6': D, (l8i?G)
Osten SaeKen,C; Robert. Souvenirs entom- ologiqnes; c'tudea aur l'instinct et les mttiirs ties insectes. rar J. H. Fahre . . . (Entom Xei- Schattpp, Frank G: [Hints for colleetiag da- tf-ridw and coprophagus coleoptera. (Bull. +Brooklyn entom. SOL, May 1876 [v. if, p. 7.) 3'. G: A (1837)
Schaupp, Frank G: Xarva of diwehs dilata' tus. (null. Brooklyn entom. eoc., May IS78 v 1 p. 3, fig. I.}
fi uper ciÌö flegrription of the larva, with or woodcuts and biolodml atntcinentst RG~s. (1s3sj
Schanpp, Frank G: Raising bee tlea in cap tivity. (Bnll. Brooklyn entom. aou.,Miiy 1878 [v. 11, p. a-^ A
Account of kcupmg cdimte/a tnd curabidaa in breeding Web F. G: 8. (IS391
Schaapp,Frank G: Synoptic table of the ge. ins ehdinur Lntr. (Bull. Brooklyn entom. soc..


Volume 3 table of contents