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Psyche 3:104, 1880.
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[Abstractfiwn the Monthly proceedings, concluded frm PV 89.1
0 MAT 1870. -Mr. McCook described and fig- m d [Proc., p. 11, flg. 1,541 a neat of Twreatuh &+a n. ap., from New Jersey. Dr. Ch H; Horn remarked upon Cmitharis deserticda, Mycetina limhaia, Dyema sulixitits, ddelwps hirttis and Sarpedon scalirostts; alao upon the classification of the nrtid~f?idae and the mofiotomirfua; he thonght the latter family would probably have to be re- united with the lathridiidw. - p. 9-18.
9hm~ 1879, -Mr. C: A. Blake exhibited some tare lepidoptera ; alao an Adas Iwsa % ha*g an ocellua on the left fore wing, midway between the usual dim1 apot and the apex, and about 8 mm. beneath the costal margin, and having aome of the colors on the wing svSiated; also an A. Isna 9, upon the wings of which the discal spota were irregular and the colors diffused; also a Jmwma luvhia peculiarly colored. Sir. Blake remarked, with figures [Proc., p. 141, on the form and attaehmettt of the wing-acde~ of a m spe- cies of Sforphu and Gippmhia. I3r. G: H: Horn communicated a bb1e [Pmc., p. 144 of the (13) North American species of Addocera, with a list of changes and synonymy among the ria& dm. Mr. E. T. Cmwn described Mia ivfipes, I. montenu. and 8 species of Ptmhilus from the western U. S., and dulacus parlipes from Mama- ctrosette, 9 n. sp. - p. 18-20.
12 SBW. 1870.-Dr. Ch H: Horn remarired
upon the classification of the eucawmidae, with especial reference to Gerophytum and Perothop, "which should be excluded from the fitcaemidae each to represent a subtype of the greater elate- ride complex " including the eumemidae, the ceb- rionidae, the thwscidde, and the duferidas proper. Dr. Horn reviewed the dascyllidae, directing spe- cial attention to certain hitherto unnoticed char- actera in the related genera Evbna (which doea not otscur in our fftwft), EctM [Ewren], Dicw nope!dius and A m n. g.; he also indicated the new genus Placonycha, of which Dieraiwpse- laphua edwardsfi is the type. Mr. H. C. McCook exhibited an artificial formicsly containing UT- ing ~peciniem of ~1fyrmecocy~tii~ meximmntts, and described the nest0 and hahifa of the ants. He also remarked qmn the hiibita and architecture of Pyimomgrmes: midentalis. Mr. E. T. Cresson described 6 new species of EucercrnS from New Mexico, Colorado and Nevada. -p. 21-26.
14 NOT. 1879. -Dr. J: L. LeConte remarked upon his paper, entitled, "Short etudie~ on North American coleoptera!' Mr. E. T. Cresson de- &bed 10 new epeciee of Metapiw, 8 from Ne- vada and Colorado, and 1 each from Florida and Maryland. Dr. G-. H: .Horn dencribeil a case of dimorphism in Desmocenw amipmis 9, consisting in a different siza of markings and a different fineness of pgnctnation of the elytra, and mea- timed other inetances of dimorphism in coleo. ptera, which occurs h t exclusively in the fe- male sex. - p. 20-31,
8 Due. 1879. -Dr. J- I;. LeConte remarked upon the structural peciiUaritiea of Propalficiis oculatust one of the mycdopiftaqidae from the Ha- waiian Islands. Dr. G: II: Horn described a de formity in the left anterior tamus of Oremasto- cfiiYits souou-e, the last joint of which seemed to be triple, and alluded to the tendency of deform- ities to exist by triplication. Mr. E. T. Gresson described 7 new species of Philanth from the western U. S. The following officers were elected for the year 1880:-Direcror, J: Lawrenee Le- Conk ; Vice-Director, G: H: liorn; A;cordes', Saxam H. Ridinga; Trsasurer, Ezra Townsend Creason; C O ~ ~ S ~ W , B. &?BBOB ; fi&dwt COM~~M, G: H: Horn, 8: Lewis. - p. 31-31.
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