Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Print ISSN 0033-2615
January 2008: Psyche has a new publisher, Hindawi Publishing, and is accepting submissions

Article beginning on page 86.
Psyche 3:86, 1880.

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86 P8 YCHE.
S3?1"S^bscriytwna not dtswtitinusd we wnsid^red renewed.,
Sample copies, postpaid, . . . 10 cents. Ycariy subscription, postpaid, . . . (1. One volume (three years), post-paid, . . $3. Yearly, priiiwd on one aide of thin paper (fur piLSting the titles of the bibliographic81 record on title-alipa.) postpaid, . . . $1. One volume, printed on one side of thin
paper, postpaid, . . . . . . 6 $3
One volutno (regular) and one volume on
one aide of thin paper, postpaid, . . . $5 Twenty-five extra copies, miChout change of from, to the author of any leading article, if ordered at the time of sendinff copy, . Free, Author's extras over twenty-live In wni- her, under above mentioned conditions, each, $36. Soparatea, with changes of form -actnnl cost of auuh clkaugea in addition to above rates. ~3' Scientific pufilimttowt desired ha exchunge. AD VERTISINU RATES, E TC.
0" Only thoroughly- respectable advertisements will be allowed in PSYCHE, and the advertising pqqw will lie numbered consecutively with those of readiiig matter and Indexed at the end of the volume. The editors reserve We right to reject advertisements.
Subsoribor8 to Pflrcn'~ can advertise Insects for exchange or desired for stufiy, not for cash, free, at the discretion of the editors,
Regular Style of advertisements plain, at the followine rates : -
Outehle In&
Pftgftt Pftmi.
Per line, flat Insertion, . . $0.10 $0.03 Eighth page, first insertion, , . -75 ,BO Quarter
" " ' . . 1.5
i' " ' . . . 925
" u
'I . , 4.64 8.50
Each sulisquent insertion one half the &/we rates. Address EDITORS or PSYCHE,
Cambridge, Mass., U. S. A
Subscriptions also received in Europe by R. FRIEDLANDER St, SOHN,
Carlstrasee 11, Berlm,N. W.
Klaeger'a best Insect-pins, SB mm. long. no. 00-5; 39 mik long, no. 00-7. Per 1000 : no. 2-'f,$1.10 ; 0th- ers. $1.9. Per 5000, $5.00 and SS.53. Other sorts on band or to order. Fifts uotd at these rates only in packa#ea of 9W, amaUer lota, 20 eta. per 100; mm- plea, a cta.
DoiiMe boxes, for storing, 10x93 X35 om-, 45 ctH. Light mitiling boxes, IT X 23 cm., and half and quar- ter size, 10, 8,0 cts.
Cork in sheets SOX tf.5 X 0.5 am., 12 ct3. per sheet, t1.m pep 10 sheets.
Stout ghaa tube@, for alcoholic specimens, 8x24 rnm; 10 X <-0 tarn., 12 X 70 mm., $1 SO. $1.40, SLW per 100; rubher stoppers for tlicse. il.W.Sl.20, S1.50 per IN: tnho and stopper, A cts. Other sizes of tubes and stoppers on hand or to order.
Blank labela. red-bofacred, 22x14 mm., S5 cts. per 1WR ; 57X $2 mm,. 45 cts. per lW. A set of 100 generic and Mil specific laliels. primed on above blanks. for United SEataa a^ul Canadian but.terflieat. complete to 1876, $1.00. Twelve ~tieets of printed labels, containing thenames of the North Aineri- can States and Territories, of months, and sigaa for sexes, 2 ctS. a sliest, aucl Bats. postaje. Photi~graplia of Prodryaa, the firat Icnown 'Nortb American fowil Imttcrtly; of the anatomy of the upper find of the under side of EmpaSw Cff?@inosfis, and ofthe under aide of Ai̤i(!nu cervw t each 50 cte. '
Transportation on pins find labels, prepaid ; on other mod8 extra.
B : PICKMAIT MATO, Cambridge, Mass.
The undersigned desires to obtain, by exchange or otherwise from all parts of the world, eggs, caterpillars aaQ ahrpialiils of Diurnal Lepldop- tera. Dried specimens are preferred. especially of caterpillars, which should bo prepared by in- flation. Correspondence Is invited with persons engaged in. the study of the early at-agea of butter- flies. 5. H. SCUD~E&
Cimitlridge, Mass.
The uu<ie~si,mad baa for sale lintoniologlals'mn- teriiits of a11 hdfl, Insect%, and Entomolo~eal books.
Collections of Insects for beginners or for ~oboois furnished at reasonable rates. Scver~l large collection^ of American and foreign insects, principally Coleoptera, for sale cheap.
Eooliu and materials in other branches of Nat- urn1 Riatory procured for parties at a distance, at the lowest prices.
Lists of books, spacitnoiis. etc., seut for 10cents. E: r, AUaå´us t6 ~ost~ewton st.,
Boston, Maas.


Volume 3 table of contents