Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Article beginning on page 83.
Psyche 3:83, 1880.

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NUMEROUS WELCOME E8pOnSeS have been re-
ceived from persons who propose to present pa- per8 at the annual meeting of the Fntomological Club of the A. A, A. S. at Boston this year. DR. J: L. LECOFTTE'S pestifuge, or poisonous mixture for use with an atomizer in disinfecting insect cabinets can be obtained of Horace S. Barttett, Cambridge, Maas., in any quantity, by applying for mixture no. 16,773.
MR. E: P. AIJST~N intends to publish a supple- merit to CrotchJ* Lbt of Coleoptera, containing the names of omitted or new species, with cur- rent numeroa, in continuation of those used by Crotch.
??HE PAPERS on fossil insects contributed by Mr. Goss to the last two volumes of the Ento- mologist's Monthly Mqasa'ne, of London, are to be collected in a pamphlet of about fifty pages, entitled, "The Geological Antiquity of Insects." These papers contain a mine of information, in a very convenient form.
ON THE 17th of Feb. 1880, some of the meme of the Ge noota chap ter bevoKEerint; vaa Natutir-, Genees- en Heelteuntte te Amsterdam assembled in the old French church in that place, at the grave of Johann Rwauimerdam,the famous Dutch naturalut, who died 17 Feb. 1880, two hundred years before. The presidentof the Ctenootschap, Professor B. 3. Stok*, announced the establishment of a Sw-earn-Medal, to be awarded everyten years to
naturalist who
shall have accomplkhed most in the line in which Bwammetdam å´worked
PETITIOSB SAVE been presented to the Albany Legislature, now in session, for the appointment of an entomologist to the state of New York. Our friends would all rejoice at such a step. Dr. Fitch, we believe, was never roore than entomol- opst to the State &icttltural Society. The Empire State cultivates a great variety of ento- mological aa well as other crops, and. needs the services of mch an expert to an unusual degree. Later. The mantle of Fitch could not have fallen more appropriately than in falling upon the shoulders of Joseph Albert Lintner of Al- bany, who entered upon the duties of State En- tomologist of New York, 1 July 1880.
THE REQULAB meetinp of the Cambridge En- tomolo@al Club will be held at 19 Follcn St., at 7.45 p. m., on the days following: -
8 Oct. 1880. 11 Mar. 1881.
12 Nov. ,, 8 Apt- ,,
10 Dee. ,, 13May ,,
U Jan. 1881. 10 J me ,,
11 Yeb. ,,
B: PICKMAN MAW, Secreta~y.
TEE REGO- meetings 0.f the Entomol*‰âÂ
Section of the Boston Society of Natural wiu be held at N- w. corner of Berkeley and Boyl@hn St% Boston,
at 7-46 W, on the
days following : -
27 Oct. 1880. 23 Xeb. 1881.
24 FOV. ,, 23 Mar. ,,
23 Dec. 37 Apr. ,,
2(i Jm. 1881. 33 N:iy ,,
B: PICKMAS MAm, Secretory.
THE REGULAR meetings of the Entomological Section of the Academy of Natural Sciences, of PMiadeIpIiia, Pa., wiU be held at 8. W. corner of 19th an8 Race Sts., on the day8 following: - 8 Oct. 18PO. 11 Mar. 1881.
12 NOT. ,,
8 APT. ,,
10 Dec. ,, 18 Slay ,,
14 Jim. 1881. 10 June ,,
11 Feb. ,,
sBitii-AiOtWAL meetings of the American
Entomological society he held at 8, w . ~ ~ mh and Race Sb., Phmelp)&, Pa., on
following : -
13 Dec. lSP0. 13 June 1881.
JAMES H. E~DI~TOS, Eewrditig Secretary.
THE REQTOAB monthly meetings of the Mon- -1 Branch of th@ Entomological Society of Ontario, will be held at Montreal, Que., Canada, on the days following : -
6 July 1880.
7 Sept. 1880.
S Aug. ,, 6 Oct. ,,
0: H. Bowma, Sewday.
D-CE 16 OCT, 1883.-Life-histories of Sclera- stwa syngamus and of iStronp17ws pergracilis. See PSYCKB, v. 3, p. 58.


Volume 3 table of contents