Article beginning on page 78.
Psyche 3:78-82, 1880.
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Authors and societies are requested ta forward their works to the editors as soon as pubI13hed. The
date of puMicati'on,qiiwn in brackets [ 1, marh the time at which the work was received, unless an earlier dole of publication is horn to recwdw or editor. Unhs atham'se stated each record is made di- rectlyfiwii the work that is d.
Corrections of errors and notices of ovmishws are solicited. Animal robber.
(Sei. amer., Nan. 1880, v.
43, p. 3, col. 3,3 cm.)
L'pm atin from awc~ (KKpofsroi 0: D. (1649) [Carboniferous birtterfliea.
widtrend der Steinkohlenzeit
(Iiosmoa [Leipzig], June 1879, M. 5, p, 218- 210, -12 cm.)
hiem the qaefltimu under diacuflaion in H. McLwh- lau'a and Ai R. "Wftlly^fl "Did flm exiat during the carhoniferwn epoch 7 (Nature, April and Slay 187q [PSYCHE, Rec., no. 1% WO, 1 1 0:D. (1650)
Gr-aber, Vitua. Die Insekkn. I. The3 : DOT Organismus der Znsekten. Mit 200 Original- Ik~izschnitten, ti-p. cover, 8+M4 p. ?. Theil, 1 lIiiIfte ; VergleichendeLebensgeschichtc der Iniiiikten. Mit 86 QriginaI-HoIzscIinitteii. bp. cover, 6 + 2G2 p. n. Tlieil, 3 Halite: Ver- glcichentle Lebene und Entwicklungsge-
sdiichto fler 1 nsekten. hl it 127 Original-llolz- seltnittcn. t.-p. cover, 8 p-+ p. 263-UO.l. Mun elicn. 11. Oldenhourg; I. Th. und n.Th., 1 Hiilfte, 1877 ; 11. Tli.,-2 FKlfte, 187% (Die 5;iiturk~ifte. Eine nftturwissrnscliaftlicl~e Volhsbibliothek, bd. 21-22.) complete, p:i.p,, 9 M.
Rev.. entitled. " Gwbar's Itiswts!'
Hagren, Hermann Aupt. Dentruction of ob- noxious insects, phylloxera, potato beetle, cot- ton-worm, Colorado grasshopper, awl green- home pe8tS.b~ appliciitinn of the yeast flingua. Cambridge, 1879. Ihlf t.-p. cow + 11 p., 23 X 15, t IT X9.G. [Sold by C: W. Sever, Cam- brirltre. Unas.: uricc 10 cts.1
~rprmt; wttli I&& additions, of the anthor'o "Ohtiox- ions peats. . . ." [P~YcHI:, Rrc., no. 1W]. B:P. (1660)
Xrause, Ernst. Nachschrift iiber Ideen-Adop tiv-IWer.
Koamoa [Leipzig], July 1879, bd.
0, p. 21'5-324.209 cm.1
Crit, rev, of Gmnt AlIeda "Colour mini ito orluin nat., &. 1$i~, y. 1'2, p. (ISM, m. 1879, v, md tieveiopent- . . ." [PSTISHE, h., no. 16481 in whTch IS, p. 774-775.1
Kr^ii~o acriise'i the author 01 taking, withoitt: aehiiowl~d~- melit. the theories ef othcrij.
Rev.. entitled. ""Dcei neue Werke uber In- a:u, (IGI)
(Nation, 11 Dec. 1879, v. 29, p. 403-
W, 10 cm.)
Rev. in E. Metsehnilcoff's "Znr Lehre flhr Insectenkranhheiten." (Zoo]. Anzeifrer, 28 Jan. lPSO, jdi~g. 3, p. 4447. )
Rev. (Aroer. nat.,Feb. 1880,~. 14,p. I&
131. )
MclJflCllIan, Robert. Did flowera exist dm- ing the carboniferou~ epoch ? (Nature, 1 Nay 1879, v. 20, p. 5-6, 14 cm.)
Rev., entitles!, "Gab es chon wahrend der Stci~nk?hlcnzeit Schmetteriinge ? (Kosmos Fxipzig) June 1879, bd. o, p. 218-219,43 cm.) ppow% t w VHWB ~preaard in A, R. Wtllacf'9 "Did flowers exkt . . ." (.Suture, 24 April ISTO, v. 19, p. SS3 cps^cq ha., no. Id9>, G: K. (1666)
. .-
Abstract. (Eev. acientifique, 17 Jan. 1880, an. 9, p. 889, 7 cm.}
6:D. v667)
Potts, E; Shedding of the tracheae in the moitinrrof insects. ~Amer.nat.,;hily1879.v. . -
p. 4544
Kotice, by C: V. Riley, entitled, "The Ad; ding of the tracheae and double COMO~M.
Airier. net., oct. 1879, T. 13, p.
^^~~~itlMi^ on Sefftfrrp m i d
^ - Y2 D. (1rn6)
Potts, E: Two chrysalids in the came cocoon [of bmbp mart]. (Amer. nat., July 1879, v. 13, p. 455.)
Kotice, by C: V. Riley, entitled, "The shed; ding of the tracheae and double cocoons. (Amer. wt; Oct. 1879, v. 13, p. 653.)
0: D. (1676)
. .
Hyder, 3: A. Bees gatherin honey from the ~" (her. mt., Oct. 18^8, T. 13, p. 648.) Apis 77MUifim gathem honey from the iit~tirffe~t~~~ ghdi of wMpa WponiisSSes. GiÌö (IRSff)
R[yd=], 3; A. Note on a larval Khobi'us-like myriapod. (her. nat., May 1880, v. 14, p. 376.)
G: D, (1687)
Ryder,3: A. Scol(~~~tdrelSa as the type of a new order of articulnte~, syrn~hyla.
mat,, May 1880, v. 14, p. 36-37?.]
IJcfines n new order, symphyJa, nt u-liich mol &Ha Iflgivenas type. 0: 3 (less)
Rydex, J: A. A probable new species of 7 9 yiiia or gall-mite. ( Amer. nat., Nov. 1876, v. l L, p. 701-705, 1 flg.)
G: D, (1689)
Saimders, W: Insect powder. (Can. entorn., March 1879, v. 11, p. 41-43.) {her. wit; hpt. 1879, v. 13, p. 672-574.)
Powder of pyrethmm and Its urn. G: D. (lW) Sctmeck, J. The chipping versua the Euro- penn sparrow. (Amer. mt., Feb. 1?N, v. 14, p. 129-130.)
Pnsw dffmeJiSms rarely dfi~oum lacrae of rtf rapfie;
tpfcfth wm'difeata them readily.
[Sunia wrft~i$y given m S, Schncck,]
8%. (Kiss)
J. s
Scndder, 8: Hubbard. Notice of the butter- flies collsctefl by Dr. Edward Palmer in the arid regions of southern Utah and northern Arizona during the Bummer of 1877. (Bull. V. S. wo\. nnd @OK. surv. terr., 1878, v. 4, no. 1, p, 2:d-358.)
Eniim~iate~ 41 specie^ with localities and dateu; de- nenbe^ the follmvins & n. up.: ~temiiwts diwjm8, w cft/or /Aoft.~ra, Acterepiem libya; notw on othw ftrffcies. 8: P. AT. (lKB)
Seasonable hints [regarding the care of beee.] (Rural new yorker, 12 June lFa0, v. 39, no. 24, p. Jl7, COL 4, S4 cm.)
hactiral ~emarltB on the cue of bees in the month of . Juno. J. D. P. (16s)
Spengrel, W. Eiuige neue Verbesserungen
am Sclilittyn+mi&rotom. (7aol. An~iger, 16 Dec. 1879, jnhrg. 2, p. dl-648,4 fig.)
0: D. (1B99)
Sprague, C: J. Insects caught by the phy* iantlmfi.
(Amer. nit., Feb. 1880, v. 14, p. 128.)
FhysisniAti~ n^w captures iaasctn, G: 2>. ($TOO) Spraffue, H: S. Lectures for the people. The 8th lecture Wore the [Buffalo society of natural sciences. Insects. [Buffalo [S. Y.1 d. courier, 20 Feb. 1677, T. 43, no. 57.) A 2 1-1column full report of a popular general lecture on inscft~, G: D. (1701)
Statistics of cochineal production in the Ca- nnry Islands. (New remedies, April 1880, T. 9, p. 118, 0 cm.)
Prom A m matX cmd export jfmnt,; originally from Crmica dc li indftttlia [Mafliid, Spain], fr: ff. (1702) Taylor, J. E. Curious habit
of the En lish
!parrow. (Arner. nut., Nov. 1879, v. 13, p. (06.1
S [ ~ ~ ~ ] V P. L. The T ~ e r dk-worm. Th., H. A propoa de I'invftsion de la. tinnessa (Journ, applied aci., Oct. 1879, v. 10, p. 15% carhi en R-mce, duns l'&6 de 1879.
(FeuiHe ,
l54,M cm.)
des jeimes nnturalistes, an. 9, Oct. ISTO, p. Di~cuedn of the possibility of utilizing to a greater lL3.)
extent tlian at present the cwoong of the wild 8lUt motha q x c w ~ of dtmw 07 &wm~, in hdh; not;. gd &t& B n ~ ~ ~ b ~ ~ & ~ d & ~ d & ~ m ~ f $ ~ w a ~ ~ ~ ~ tic^ from variona sources.
oai itsect fliffhts. (7: J). (ITtKi)
Snow, Frank H. List of coleoptera collected in Colorado in June, July and August, 1876, by the &~SHS univemity scientific
tion. (Trails. Km~as fiend. SCL, 1877, Q, 5, p, 15-ao. )
Enmnomto 301 species belonging to 34 familica with note*!. G: A ~WT)
Thomas, Cwn<. Passage of specific charm- ter9 from one senna to another. (Amer. nat. Sept. 1873, v. 7, p. 666.)
Bppciuiens of acrididae from Arizona " which In specific cha!.icterfl including ~ven color, - exactly with acraf-o- ph'h-s J~~T&WA, hut differ in two prominent pnerEc cliarnu ter~:' a.-Ìö (li(i7)
82 [1708-17231 PSYCHE.
TIchODDOlroff, A. Ueber die Entwickelmga- Wallace, Alfred RusaeL Colour in nature. geschielite dcs Seidenwunns. Zool. Anzeiger, [A crit. rev. of ( The colour sense : its origin 3 Feb, IS*, jahrg. 2, p. W7.)
nnd development. An essay in comparative Brief rtisiilts of researeheu on llomfms wi, tti be ub- 'psvchology. By Grant Allen, LA. [Nature, Ualied littar in theArttifen i i ~ ito~htonaor~tnutet~oot. 0 April I$79, v, 10, p, ~ l ~ ~ ~ , )
Mw. .lUW.-a?i. G: J). (HOS)
Crit. rev., by R. M~T~sic1~la.11, entitled "Did Todd, James "E. On certain contrivances for flowers exist duringthe carboniferousepoch ? " cross-fertilization in flowers. (Amer. nat., Jan., (Nature, IT April 1879, v. 19, p. 554, 6 urn.) IHT!), \; 13, p. 1-6, fig. 1-8.)
Crit.;ev., by G. Alien, entitled, " Colour in Aliuo'it wholly botanical. fi: a. (1709) nature. (Ma tare, 2-i April W&, v. 19, p. 680- Torrey, Bradford. Migration of dragon flies. 681i 3 cm-) (Amer. nat., Feb. 1880, v. 14, p. ?2-133.) llqly to all en'^ rev., by Wallace, entitled, Migntiflna qean in Weymoutli ami Boston, ~asi. " Remarks by the reviewer." (Nature, 24 April Q:S. (1710) 1879, V. 19, p. 531, 10 ern.) Trade in cochineal (The 1. (Journ. applied tidiepix ~.$~~~~~~~~ !r ~$~~,'&
a&, 1 March 1880, v. 11, p. 42, 6 cm.)
Statistic* ~f a ftation of tocliinial from the Canary ^-IJfi1 187S)3 v- ''7
682a I0 em^
IBIMK~B from I& lyre, teh~ii train Cmicm <ie ~aiwiw- Answer to Wdace's reply to McLachlan,
{rili adr rid, Spain].
G: .0. (1711)
by M~,Lachlan, entitled, " Did flowers ex- ifrt. . . . (Nature, 1 May 1879, Y. 20, p. 5-8, Treat, Mfiry. The habita of a, tarantula. 14cm.) (A~CT. niit.,Ay 1879, v. 13, p. 48fr-^89,3 figs.) Rev. of Wallace's reply to McLaehlan, en- T-imrca and d ~ = nest d raMJtksla. $!?$% titled, "Gab es schon wilireod . . ." (Kosrno~ ap*m utliar liatiits of the apecleu.
miprig], June 1879, Id. 5, p. 21&-219,42 cm.) Treat, Mary. Obaervationa on the sundew. . G: D. (1718) Amer. nat., Dec. 1878, v. 7, p. 706708.) Wallace, Alfred Rmsel, Did flowers exist . 0 * * dnng the car~onife~u~ e Ii ? [Nature, 24 kgo flies, and many moth% and Hiutterfliea. G! Jy. (1713) Apri! Is%, v. 19, p. mz, I=.)
Trele-, "W:
The humble bee a dyet&olo-
Grit. rev., by R. McLachlnn, with same title. gist .imongalpineflowervisitors, (Amer. mt,, (Katlm, 1 187% v. 30, P. 6-6, 14 cm.1 April i%0, T. J.4, p. 2R8-291.)
lle~., entitled, " Gab es schon wiihrend der ~ev. and iitmtrwt of EL ~iiller's '6Bmltits mastrwatus Sfa-inkohlmzeit Scliinetterlinge 1 (Kwmw eh l ~ ~ ~ i e ~ e u ~ o ~ tinter den n1~1nm ~ h m c n h s u ~ " ipipztgl, J ~ P UW, Id. 5, p. 218-219,42 CIII.) (I~o~inos, ~ept. W9, bd. 5, p. 4M-431) [PSYCB-E, Rec. no- l^;,,, hcswin liwms;s nmonr ttw lepi<loptiira, con- IllCb].
G: D* (Indl
wry t<i *a rapre~sed in R. Ulchtilm'ii '- l>ul flowera [wnf*.a sbtea mbmol,,&& com~ssion,
exkt. , .
(Ynturu, 17 April 1379, v. 19, p, &%I) ~STCHE~ Re?., no. 16051. G: D, (1719)
Alipropriatione for the.]
(Amer. mat., May
1870, Y. 13, p. 342-313,)
Wallace, Alfred Russel. %mark8 by the
Q: D. (1715) reviewer. (Nature, 24 April 1879, v. 19, p. 581, 10 em.)
Vow, IQnSt. Zur Mmp&ologie tmd Anah-
^, ^ p -9. '*&IOrn in n*are"
mia der Juliden. I.
macl1eens~8km yon April im, v.ig p. ~90-ss1 [PWHE, +. no. IO~TJ. 6on- 10mvns. (pol. Anzeiger, 16 Bee. 1878, jahrg. tans a few ww& on cobmiion of catcrpilim. 1, p. 3613U3.)
0: Ìö (1T28)
D, (1716) Waterhome, C: 0. Note on the locality and Wailly, Alfred. On aife-pttiduchg bmbp
synonyms of sienotomis comuior Fabr., coleo- and other lepidoptera. Ee rinted from the ptera, ifimMue. (Annals and mag. nat. hiet., "Jownal of the society o f arta," FeTi-y May 1878, s. 5, T. 1, p. 424.)
13th and March 6th 1S80. I^mdon, [March] Chva 6. ‰âÂom a- mmW 8. mm~lala UmTBIB lYM- t.-p.+ G p., 25 X 16.5, t 21 X 13.3. JR. 3. (1721)
Miislly biolt̤ical Bwft(We Irvolii hibsiriuitt-s ns dwel- Wwmn, S: We&ll. Singular habit of a oped larva in ihr egg; the- atngfrs in which other b-ombycida hibrmrttri; rffecta uf the $~cither, c7ming 1.K91 gn ppwipa meloid
nat+a Jan' 13791 '' '$1
of lopiJoi>tera reared; pnhtng of several specie\ its d11m P* 45-1
tion, iti hmdrsmce bytuld ; number of ekp I d I,T irfwral Tricrfmilt iffl~ftttrii fond in great nainbcii8, in Kfliiifls $piv!irs and tlieir fertility wlien tI1iteri;nt spi-riw urn fiii det.4 ing h~.
G: S. (1723)
C R J S ~ ~ hybrid obtained by crossin^ rlittei mt sinieiw mid thc d~&*nerucy uf tlim l~>~bridv ih ?, sk~k of COI>I~IWIIW,L ; Wendd- hme int'?ws~g new
more t~xtcnilctl unto on uita~im ~nylliia =wstiim~apa- diptern. (Trfuis. Conn. wad., 1880, v. 4, p. phwj~ the Tusar or Tuiwr bllkworill u ith brid t1escri1> ZAt>ÌÔ24&
tion of eggs am) BII stsigea of the l&iic. Speuira upon ~Iiich notes me given : o~q;m lm~, iz. tmiiu,<* Lwl.. SvateJ with ha]f-t+ [New Haven# piti, a. cy~lkia, a. wyW~a, u. pent#* a. pyrt, ̣ ~oytei, a. aitilior, 18801. p. figwI 33 X 16, t 17.3 X tf^~, hwt~yx irifoh, mdwmris t~r^r^r/i 11% f/w fwi{i f.tlv{i~ 10.3. yo, pftpili<i UlCXClttGr, p. ~~uchaan, p, podiilirms inm ;a re-
pcgcfiba ThyncbwB&w $ackmiI dwfw poilinpsvs, crupin 8. ~z~rcri, s. priniielfieii, siavmiii, in 8. &is wrfcft- cmws dwfs, from
~ ~ ~ t h &nerictt,
rm men, G. prtr/~a-~us,z~ and l e i ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ f i ~ m k G: II. (1717) å£:P.M (ITSS)
Volume 3 table of contents