Article beginning on page 77.
Psyche 3:77, 1880.
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Mr. S: H. Scudder showed two plates of flg- nres illustrating fossil insects from the Green River shales of Colorado, and said that the baain CAMBRIDGE, MASS., JUKE 1880. of Floriasant, wherice these fossils are obtained, is filled with voicanic aah and volcanic aand, Dr. Cmmmiications, exclKvnga and editors'cmfes Wid H. A. Haften gave some account of his recent , be wldrw* to Emtow OF P e Y C ~ , C ~ f l e > Mass. studies upon the larvae of Ap'onina, and men- Cwamdcatwiis for pwbwcation & PSYCHE mwst & tion~ t~ the ~arva of ~iw~iamwra [a, dipteron~ poperlp aufheniå´teatml and no (wH?-R~# artides wiU bÌ yif W-tihw!.
had been discovered. Mr. S: H. Scudder said mitors awt contributors are oslu r e w ~ ~ e for the that he had finished the preparation of 8 paper " -
statwt^ftfs ma& in. their own c~rnW&nicat~W. on Reti& frwstruna, which is destroying Pisus ~fiyrkn on subjects not dated to entornology rigida on tile island of Nantucket, Mass. He be reviaoed in PSYCHE.
finds that the moth has two brooda in a year. Fw rates of mdwen'ptiotl <mS of cutwertisi̤g see ad- vertr*1"~l.q cvZvtm.
14 MAY 1880. - 68th meeting. Mr. S: H. Scud- der described the formation and clidtacter of the insect-bearing peat-bed8 of Kantucket, . . . and PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES.
gave notice that Mr. 'Whitman, residing at No.
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