Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Article beginning on page 59.
Psyche 3:59, 1880.

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"LCHTDON P~RPLE," according to Prof. C: V. Riley, can be sold for ten cents per pound. Half a pound will kill the cotton worm on one acre of land.
A. DUBROKT, author of the " Easai aw Ie genre C'helidura" and "Enumeration dea orthoptcree rapport& par MM. Doria, Beccai, et d'AIberti8 des dgions Indienne et Austro-Malaim," pub- Ushed in the Ann& del Museo Civico di Storia Haturale di Geneva, will hereafter publish (he writes me) under his own name, A. de Bormans. - S. B S. in Lib. Journ., Dec. 1879, v. 4, p. 457. In CI.OSIKG upon this subject, I desire to ac- knowledge the very generous offer of our State Entomologist, Hon. Cyrue Thomas, of Carbon- dale, of an entomological treatise upon the in- sects injurious to agriculture, stripped of all teehnicd phrases, and, hence, adapted to the uses of the common people. In my judgment, a paper of the character proposed, has for many years Iwen especially needed, ae the reports hith- erto published on that subject have been couched in language beyond the comprehension of the average farmer or fruit grower. It would he well for the Board to take Rome action with re- gard to its publication in ow next volume of reports."-Pres. D, B. GSLham, in Trow, dept. +c. III., for 1877, 1878, v. 15, [n. s., Y. 7,J p. 9. As OPPO~TUNITY for scientists.- Lord Wal- aingham and other gentlemen interested in the disease of gaxa~-biird8 has fhave] authorized the Entomological Society of London to offer to public competition the foliowing prizes: $250 tor the best and moat complete life-history of Sclwostomct syqunzus, Dies., supposed to produce the so-called "gapes "in poultry, game, and other birds ; and S350 for the beat and moat complete lifehistory of Strm~giIus pwpaciiis, Cob., sup- posed to produce disease in grouse. All the stages of development must be observed and recorded. The competition is open to dentists of all natiom. One person can take both prizes. The essays must be sent in by October IS, 1882, addressed to the secretary of the Society, 11 Chandos street, Cavendish Square [London, Eng.]. -J, M., in New England J'oum. of Educ., 80 Oct. 1879, v. 10, p. ^.^
TUB REODIAS meetings of the Cambridge En- tomological Club will ba held at 19 Pollen St., at 7.45 p. m., on the days following : - 9 Jan. 1880. 9 April 1880.
IS Feb. ,, 14 May ,,
12 Mar. ,, 11 Jnne ,,
B; PICKMAIT MAKN, Secretary.
THE BEQ~LAR meetings of the Entomological Section of theBoston Society of Natural History will be held at N. W. corner of Berkeley and Boylaton Sts., Boston, Mass., at 7.46 p.m., on the flays following : -
28 Jan. 1880.
26 Apr. 1880.
25 Feb. ,,
21 Mar. ,,
28 May Ì
B: PICKMAK MAXK, Secretary'
TUB AHNUAL meetings of the Entomological Section of the American Association for the Ad- vancement of Science will begin at 2 p. m., on Tuesday, 24 Aug. 1880, at a place yet to be de- tennined,in Boston, Alase. member^ who intend to present communications that may provoke discu~eion are requested to allow the Secretary to announce their subjects, in order that other members may come ready to enter into a thor- ough diacuasion.
B: PICKMAK MAm, Secrftwy,
Cambridge, Masa.
THE RBOCLAR meetings of the Entomological Section of the &ademy of Natural Sciences, of Philadelphia, Pa., will be held at 8. W. corner of 19th and Kace Sts., on the days following: - 9 Jan. 1880.
9 Apr. 1860.
13 feb. ,,
14 May ,,
12 Mar. ,, 11 June ,,
JAMEB H. Ilimxfta,
THE SEMI-A~UAL meetings of the American
Entomological Society will be hd5 at S. W. cor- ner of 19th and Race Sts,, Philadelphia, Pa., on the days following:-
8 Dec. 1979. 14 June 1880.
Becvrding Secaretary.


Volume 3 table of contents