Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Article beginning on page 55.
Psyche 3:55-58, 1880.

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Authors and societies are vested to forward their works to the editors as soon as paWshed, The
date of publication,gimn in brackets [ 1, mairks the time at which the work was received, unless on earlier date of publication is known to recorder or editor. Unless otherwise slated each record is made di- rectlyjrom the work that is noticed.
Correctims of errors and notices of omiifsio~ are solicited. Abhott, C: C. Swarming of a brood of winged Brendel, 3': Intciligence in caution. (Amw. ants f formi'ca]. (Amer. nat., June 1873, v. 7, nat., Oct. 1870, T. 13, p. 654-1366.)
p. 369-372.) G:Ìö (1566)
'' '. (t556) aochheal insect (The). (Joum. applied &., Mdrich, C; Wrens and the bee-moth. (Amer. Jan. 1990, v. 11, p. II, 27 cm.)
naf., April 1879, v. 13, p. 262.)
Rfjwint of H. B. M.'s "Curious facts concerning the Tl~inka wren% which ne&d mat hive8 of n p vnellfh cwhi11m1 in&. . ." (%S. amer. Z2 NOT. WCt, v. 4, p. lets?necl thn number of gaStrrm mftnu.
D. ( W}
325, rol. 1,) [P~YCBEE, Rec,, no, 136j.
[American association for the advancement G: D. (15C6)
of scicnce -å£ntomoJa?~c -Saratoga [N Colman, A. B. Premium eway on the die-
Y.] wting (1879).] Convention of ~cientists. cnfies of swine. (Trans. dept. agric. state of (Springfield [Mass.] d. republican, 27 Aug. Ill. for 1877,1878, v. 15, [n. R., v. T,] p. S-2Pr-360, lhO, p. 4, col. 6, 10 cm.)
6 fis.1
Kfitire of the nwrtina of the iisaociati and of the
3) at mange OT mÌÔiiwMel
doings of itlm club.
%: Vn (IMN) caused by sarcoptes swis, and gives a highly magnified figure Balfour, Francis Maitland. On certain points of thE'in8ect- i?: F. W. (i.-i~~) "I the anatomy of mipatus '=prs+ {eoln
aook, Albert J:
A formidable bee4enemy, m̤
Aiizoiger, 23 June 1&9, jahrg. 3, p, 332-334.) Affiiiitin ofii~ripofsi bwed upn ehUty ri thn wmrntal ft7(r" bee joUTO'9 '' 151 organs, t lie nervmii system =mi tho ~o-falled tat bodif"! of P- 464.1
Mnaelry. (r: J). 0559) Enters hives and kiila and eate be- Seems not to mind the attacio) of the bees. Found from Mo. to Texas. Baly, Joseph S. Descriptions of a new genus A.A C. (156~) anti of new species of hdticinm, (Ann. and mug. nat. hist., April 187?, s. 5, v. 1, p. 312.) *Ibert J: Another
Dparribea tbc genus odtoiiw-h~, and 0. rwt~.cii~~ and o. (Amcr. bee journ., 1870, v. 15, p. 39%)
eke^ mfrn'-i, from Mexiccii,
R. a' (l-'iCO)
A epeciea of max from Loiitbitiia kills bwi; deadribed Boisdnvd, Jean Alphonse. Species g^tuSraI A. 3; C. (15~) dm l(?pidopGree he't4rockres. Par MM, Boia- Cool;, Albert J: Bee enemy, s&ftrtts hna. diival ct GiienGe. Tome ler. Sphingidps, Sc'sii- (Amer. bee joiirn., 1876, v. 16, p. 370,) deg, Castnides. Paris, Roret, 1S74. 4 + 3i3 ThiÌ bug sucks tin Mood from
be- in North Care-
p., 23 X 1 ^. lint% A. J: C. (1570)
Gfliiord classification and description of specie 0.1 the fiuniliei mmtinned. Retareneaa tothedimmion of North Cook, Albert 3 : Hone dew on the tamarack. American mntcna1 are contaliiet'l la PSYCHJR 1P7P v. 2, p wri-so,
: ,
(Arner. bee joura., I%'^, v. 15, p. 353.) Thi~ uectaf *pear& Ingrent quanttty, nnd i8 ver attrac- Bo~ditCll, F: C.
Habits of mfiaoh-s den-
tive to t h ~ bees. ~t is shown to coins from tire tadinn8 c- Mor,
(Arner. nat,, Aag. 1873, v. 7, p. 49%
ricifrr. The chmicter and hnbita of the Iouw ar~ de- 600.1 act1 M. A. J: C. (1571)
~ns&bes larva, papa, and brings in pinus mflis. 0: D. (1562)
Breltenbach, Wilhelm. Ueber die Function der Snfthh-cr der Schtrietterlin~sriissel. (En- tom. Xfichricliten, 15 Feb. 1880, jnhrg. 6, p. 29- PA \
I~iscusseathefunction of Fritz Milliards ^SchmeckBtUta '' on the end of the pmboaciu of lepidoptei-a- 0: D. (Em)
Breitenbach, Wilheltn. ~ i r Systematikder Lepidopteren.
(Zoo!, Anzeiqer, 11 Aug. 1879,
jahrz. 2, p. 427-428.)
C'onmi<1flrrati<in of tin" appendage% of the probowis aa a bwis fur grouping lepkioptora. G: D. (ISM) Cook, Albert it: Theleamiurn of the tulip tree. (Amer. oat, May 1879, v. 13, p. 324428, il.) DMflribya and am& feinrtles of ?em/um wferae a new 'ipwi~a ffinnd m Wiwimdrm tdipffrrff, ~t h a d Michip. m . 7 ww~ficcr collects th~ ~xdntiwi fwrn tht~ lrcofiittm. IIuw to destroy ?ecfifnTus^ fid~pi~mf. fc D, (1572')
Cook, Albert 3: Parthenogenesis in the honey- bee. (Amer, nnt.,June 1879, v. 13, p. 393-394.) J>rfenBe of Paliiraon'fl theory of partlienrqeneHa of flpk wefI<'i^s against the stntemflntaqiwtfd in "The oTlpflaH ion flf thf qwn 1)- and JDrirriKm't them '' (Amm nat April IW v. 1.V p. SCT-217 l [~WTB, dc., no. 1621 2
nut? by iflitem .~nt^wfil'ist i~ iif~ptl. G: a. $673)


Cook, Albert J: Pollen masses of species of asciepias not destructive to bees.
(Amer. bee
journ., 1879, T. 15, p. 426.)
A. 3: C. (1674)
Cook, Albert J : The sting of the worker bee, (Amer. bee journ., 1879, v. 15, p. 542, il.) The etiiig md metliod of using it axe descri'hed. A. J: G, (1G7S)
Cook, Albert 3 : The tongue of the honey bee. (Amer. bee journ., 1?79, v. 16, p. 4@0, il.) The tongue and the method of aippin
honey are de*
~crihtd. I. J: C. (IBIS)
Covey, 3: G. 'Remedy for foul brood, (Amer, bee journ. 1879 T. 16, p. 324.)
~h~~~~afun'olddl&,fatflrlt^larvalbflea. "A aure oure ih~eflflri&w~.
A. J: C. (1577)
Croneberg, A. Ueber die Gitdriiaen von
(Zool. Anzeiger, 26 Aug. 1879, jahrg,
2, p. 459-4.71.)
0: D. (1578)
Dadant, C: Grimultttion of honey a test of purity,
(Amer. bee journ,, 1879, Y, 15, p. 1.)
It is asserted ths? only pare honey g~aitulab, though some kinds of honry will not myatriize,
A. A C. (1579)
Decoction of the tomato-plant [lycopmicum fwubndtrn] as an insecticide. (Sew remedies) Oet, 1879, v. 8, p. 394, 4 era.)
From PAm. journ. <md fm.j orighdy trom the htsche Gwlittr-Zdlwg. @: D. (1580)
En~lmaan, Th. W. Xur Amtomie und
Physiologic der Spinndrusen der Seidenraupe. (Zool. Aiizeipr, 26 Aug. 1878, jahrg. l, p. 100- 7n.a b
1W. J
Awordiug to researches made upon h b p BKMI b Th. W. vau Lidth dc Jeude.
G: D. (^686)
E'qbre, 3. H. Souvenirs entomologiques : "Etudes sw 1'instinct et les mreurs des inseetea. ++, C. Delagrave, 1879. t,-p. cover, [4+ ] .S4p̣19X12,t14X85 3ir.50~.
BidoffitKd obsen .itions and cxpflrimanta upon då£ffflien Fancon, L. Exphienee relative au trails ort des phylloxeras par Ie vent. Lettre h M.% mils. (Comptes rendua, 8 Bee. 1879, v. 89, p. 983.)
G: D. (1BS9)
Fertilization of flowers by hmming-bids, (Amer. nat Tab, 1890, v. 14, p. 12R-127:) Ob-ntinna
which bees do not appear to fertilize im- pvtim.! ff~li a. @:i). (WW)
Focke, W. 0. Tab& und Hummeln. (Kw.
rn-m [Leipzig, March 1880, Bd. 6, p. 473-474, fif.1 to obtain the honey. G:U, (1657)
got on the left aide at the breast of the larva of a!!u iw~dfiri* from Cuba* Q: D. (1581) SFremy, Edmond. Questions relatives au phyl- loxcrfi, aclflress6ea & M. P. Thenard. {Compte~ -0,
mw den Zuaammenhang der
rnk 1 pec. 1876 T. 89, p. 024-926.)
Krcislaufu- and respiratoriachen Organe bei ppon ti& iiec carhon'diealphid+, [CS~J, % A. p. E, den Arthropoden.
(Zool. Anzeiger, H Nov.
Ttieimnlb'i "Rf'pnnac m^ firnations ilc M. Fremy . . ." 1878. iabrtr. 1. TI. 274.1 [POTrirr, Ttec,, no, IGYi]. W. (l691) ~iwtfl obtain of buttarflieu for rearLn
uni~cmi ty, 1879, p. 25-42.)
Separate. with t.-D. co~er. entitled, " Re~ort xi-,,=, w. zur ~ ~ t ~ i ~ k l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d j ~ h t ~ of ti"(> cur&." ~hrbondde, Ill., 1879, p-26- der Borkenkafer [scolytidae}. Untorn. Xei t- 4% ^ n . . . 1 1 Stettin, O&.-U~C. 1k9, jdirg. 40, d u r ~ $ $ ~ ~ ~ ~ ?:&% ~ $ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ $ & ~ , ~ p. 501-506.)
Illinois, iliatinintiehi& 4 f amihea, 3^ genera, mud 113 flpwteftf On Europenn 8piea. Q: B. (1W) å£ P. X (133)


French G: Hazen see THOMAS, Cps and 0: Eazen rit~s4 ~otea on eon) ineeeta, . . . [^Bitm,~ee., no. lb'241.
Gel-hard, Bernhard. Symtemati~ches Ter-
zcichnies der Macro-lepidopteren von Nard- Amenha. Leipzig, 187s. 16 + 1&6 p., 20 x 13, t 15.5Xf. 1'ap.,M. 4.6K
Grit. rev., by H. A. Hagen, entitled "Ger' hard's . . . Amcrika." (Entom. Zeitung . . . xu Stettin, 0ct.-Dee. 1879, Jnlirg. 40, p. 476-476.) List with authorities, B.~(IB~IB, mid, in part, habitats of t l i ~ ~pwiea. Inilfx, of qecie? :in4 of gmerii. RflYim4 In I'WIIE, April 1W1, v. 3, p. 3. G:II, ^ISM) [Ulo~~tna mwsitans, the tsetse fly, cannot kill clepliant~. (Springfield Mass.] d. republican, 16 OW. 1879,p. å£ 4. 5, b CTW)
G: a% flrn
. ,
Oraber, Vitua. Die sbdomaialen Tym
oqpm der Cilmden urd GryHoden.
echriften d, kais. Akad. d. Wissensch., matlic naturwisaenscli. Clasee, 187ft, bd. 36, p, 2% 296, 2 pi.]
Separate, with t.-p. cover and t.-p., Wen, K. Gwiild, 1PT6,24 p., 2 pi., 30 X 26, t 23 X 17.2.) Chicfly anatomical. G: D. (USSfi)
Greene. J. W. Beee eaten bv shrew. sonar. (Airit-r. bee jowa; 1879, v. 15, p. 108.) ' The bliiall ahre# enter the hives and eat the bm. A. J: C. (1697'1
Hagem, Herrnann August, Troublesome in-
serte. The carpet beetle and other domestic pests. An interesting communication to the Boston society of natural hifrtoi-y [I? Bee. lHi.41. (Boston d. advertiser, I!) Dec. 1R78, no. 21940, v. 132, no. 147, n. 1, col. 9-10. 103 - .
Eiviiges and migrations of Arsthrenus acrophtilarise * meaits againet it. Abmdimce fit PÌöl $witme. ~igration; of in~rvta. and plantfl. R;P.M, (IMS)
Hagen, Hermann August. Hoehlen-Chriifer
iii Nod-America. (7001. Anzeiger, 28 J K I ~ 1P79, j~hrg. 2, p. %@-400.)
Xntra on c/nimfw wltliont eyes, with ana pair of ~ C S and v lill two pair3 at ayw; rI~ft~ter parasitic under the elytra, of dm, arfint?~afrf'n~n, JW ~svlvs, md on the less of flim ; the groups of the fAf/whi/titf. ft: II. (IBBtl) Hageri, Hermann August, Gerhard's syst.
Verzeiehniss der Macrfllcpidopteren von Ford Amorika. (Entom. Zeitung . . . zu Stettin, 0(:t,-Dee. IPTti, Jnhrg, 40, p. 476-476.) A rdt. TPT. of the almve nmrd work [Puim, Itce. no. 1BMJ (i: J3. (ieoft)
Hogarty, W. G. Do bees injure fruit?
(Amer. bee journ., 1879, v. 15, p. 314.1 Tin'anmweris no, Many author?ure wed, and milch ~~rnental evidence given. A. 3: 0, (1G01) Hopffer, Carl [Heinrich]. Exotiache Schmet- terliugc.
(Entom. Zeitung . . . zu Stettin,
Oct -Uec. 1879, jahrg. 40, p. 413-454.
Nflstly an South Awiirinui 9peclea. Note W) oil di~triimt ion of qpfå£u/å v å´t,071iilftr G: 4. (1 (2)
Illinois - Siate entwidoffwt 11877 {Cyrus Thoma)]. 7th report . . . on the noxious and beneficial hsecta of the state of 'Illinois. 2d animal report hy Cyrus Thomas. Spring- field, 111., 18iF, 290 p., 23 X 14, t 18 X MS, 48 fig.
Rev., entitled, "Thomas' Noxious insects of Illinois!' (Amer. nat., Jan. 1879, T. 13, p. 34.) Ocnml annual M'connt <p. 3-14) of the more important hwta noticed ; stutiaticfl of the value of biiu OA destroy- ern oi msecta, and of the injury done to tlit corn wftp by lnfwt~. Table of twnfcpnfs (p. 274) Krrata and rmipeiida (11. 275).
L15t of illn'iiTmorw (p. 276). Index co flic $nits and other *uhtanc?-i hijkij-ed.'by iuaffcta iueiiticinei1 in thn repn (p, 27-2iS (heral index (p. 2Ìöa-2iK)) Contsiins tlu. ~OIIOTV~~,~ r~istAct fi-aya, y. T.
T~TOHAB. CYYIIS rtwd G: UUWU ~BNcH.. N&ta* On Rom Insect bo er in powder barrels (An.) (Amer. mt., ~prif 1879, v. 13, p. 282.)
.Lawn of wllidium vvriubUe bores, the hoo of powder barrel^. fi. (1606)
Italian silk. (Joum. applied sci., Oct. 1879, T 10, p. 149,14 cm.)
6ratis.tioo of silkworm laisbig and ilk manufacture in Milan. ff:S), (16OT)
Juice of the tomatn-plant lycopefstcum escden- tud as (in insecticide ( 4 he). ("Gardener's chronicle," . . .) (Springfield [Mr] d. mpnb lican, 30 Sept. 1879, p, ", col. , cm.)
G:D. (1W)


Kadyl, Heinrich. Beitrag zur Keimtms [sic ] der Vorgange beim Fieriegen der blatta &em tab. hol. Anzeiger, 15 Dec., Jahrg. 2, p. 6%-83G,l
G: D. (1609)
Xatter, F. Index entornologicus. Pars I, qw eontinentur aornisa entomologicorum Europe exceptis Gallime coleopterologia, ~ocietariirn aurtornmque entomoto$icortim. Putbus a. Rii- gen, A. Dose, ISM. t.-p. corer, [4+ ] 124 p., . Ifl X 11.5,113 X 7.7. 13am.,M. 1.60.
Con tainm the names of 73 American entomological collec- torn desiring exchan~n, fflcibractfyi "from the ~å´I-otf~rvlista dt- rectory Led. 18781, ~iud a li?t of entomological hocleties and pnbh~~tionn fromall part< of the world. fiuewed in Psv- CHE, April ISSO, v. 3, p. M. (,: D. (1610) KFaata:, Gustav. Ein Wort gegen die Ver- mehrnvig dee Ballastes der Synonymia. (En- torn. Xeitung. . . mi Stettin, 0ct.-Dec. 183, jshw. 40, p. 506-508.)
a: a. (1611)
Kramer, P. Ueber die postembryonale Ent- wicklting lei der Milhengattung giyciphapis- (Arehiv f. Nftturgeschichte, 1880, jnhrg. 48, M. 1. p. 102-110, PI, 7.)
G: D. (1812)
Xranss, Hermann. Otocystenartigea Organ
bei ffthanus aiitt(4is Lion6 (Zool. Auzeiger, 6 May 1870, jahrg. 2, p. 320-230.)
G: D. (1613)
Landerer, Xaver. Miscellaneous contribu- tions from the Orient. (New remedies, Oct. KT9, v. 8, 293-294,30 cm.)
Direct* aae of tobscw decoction with fteeh l^am and flowrs nf wn'tfm oknn&r ns Ì brg pimu [fi cm.3 G:D. (16l4)
Itlchtenstein, Jules. Lee piicemiis des or- meaiix, a-rec description de deux insectes nou- wanx. (Feuille <iea jeunes naturalistes, Nbv. 1879, p. 6-9 ; Dec. 1879, p. 2!2-24.)
B) nopea of the species of uphtffue nnd (wocitdaff found on vlm,~i.r ca-tri-s, with notps on their biology. D#ctIbe& p^tph?gts VIMA anad Titsemt~,yi~p/frrf- G: D. (lfl15) I-o~lrwood., S: A viviparous fly. (Amer. nnt., April 1873, v. 7, p. 19%lfl7,-fig, 34-35.) Larvae of sarcophnga aamrtrwi ~rpf-Tlmeiita upon, their vitality in t~irpentmfi. in ~owler'~arscnical doliriim am1 in ffleiwis of peppfirmint* FimirCfl larva, pupa and im ft. G: D. 7,516)
Lombard, F. Destruction des acania et des anthrhes. (Feuill- <tea jeunes naturaliutes, ,Tun. iV80, ami. 10, p. 39.)
Emptoymcnt of carbon diflulphldn [Oh] In fob?tidlI to dcstro~ mftruf svad unfhfpnus.
0: Ìö (101T)
MacItCod, Jules. Phosphorescence des myr- inpodes. (Fenille <tee jennes naturalistes, Jan. 1880, p. 38.)
Phuaphoreueace of geo'phUw eLdTWW. Qi B. (1G18) MacLeod, Jules. La respiration chez lee in- swtes.
[peuiile des jeunps naturdiste, Oct.
1879, ann. 9, p. MS-150.)
A bnef ftcoomt of the raipirafcory flyefcam of inaefita- how to study it hy diwction of sytimss; rnechnim of respirat.ion+ G: D. (161B)
Macllenhaner, F. Preparation der Libellen fii Sammlunffen (Entom. Xeituag . . . zu Stettin, Oct.-Ilcc. 1879, jahrg. 40, p. &3.} M,^da of presewalion in &lc&hd. G:B. (IeaO) Ovipo~ltlon of the queen bee rapis da'/teal and Dzicrzon'a theory (The). {Amer. nat.; April 1870, T. 13, p. ZGO-MI.)
Crit. rev., by A. 3'. Cool:, entitled, "Parthe- nogenesis in the honey bee." (Amer. nat., June 1S79, v. 13, p. 393-391.)
Qi'irK^on from Cmnptes rftndw. 9 Snpt. l8f8 d $. yml)
Smith, Miss Emma A, Re ort. (7th rept.
state entomoloawt 111.. for 1877. 1878, n. 107- . .+
191, flg. 24-31 .)
OtBamtions marts upon noxious iluecta oS northern nil- tHH% tlnriiig tho siimmer of 1377. Trfiatfl 06pteifll4 of em- phyt^ fwif-itlf~iwå´? ywfwt &elm, arfflfro a v.CtVf01'tflnu and /ecm ?u nf- ucericuz~ T 3. ;)/. (ice) menard, Arnoutd Paul Edmond. RfSponae
aux questions de M. Fremy relatives l'em- phi dn siilfure fie carbnneJCSal appliqu6 ii la destruction dn phylloxem (Uomptes rendiis, 1 ~ec. 1~9, V. no, p. 926-031,)
Extract. (Ker. acieiitidque, 13 Dee, 1879, p. W"i, 12 cm.)
Reply to JSr fiemy's " Questions relative au hylloxera . . - l.hTOHi', ~ec,, no. 1 ~ 1 .
G: 5. (~tssj
Ttimas, Cyrus and G : Hazen French. Notes on corn insects, or insects injurious to indim corn. (7th rep. state entomologist Itl,, for 1877, 1878, p. l.'+lM, 23 fig.)
P. 17-78, fig. 1-16, by Thomns, tmta of the wieoptero, orthopterft mid InHmiptftm, especially of btiuniu lewoyteru*; p. TY-lw, flg 19-23, by 1'i'e~ch, tri-Ate of the lnpidoptcra. If: P. M. ;1M)
Thomafi Cyrua Stasseftle'ttwIoffist OJIaiiwia, sw LLmcat, -sfate'&oiiwiwist [lOTT].
Xrelease, W: On the fertilization of several species of lobdia, (Amer. nat., July 1870, T. 13, p. 437433, il.)
Nration of appcfea of inaecto TiaIting apeclea of (Obet(a. e: a. im'i
, ,
Voges, Ernst. Beitrage zur Kenntnie8 der Juli- den,
(Zeitsch, f. wiisemch. ZooL, 1878, v. 31. 127i194, pl. 11-13.)
&riirture of ffir hart parts, openings of the traehed up tflm and the11 muwlea, winparifion of them openiup vith thosc of othcr uyriap&ds, glandular apparatu? and Its sfn cretim in ^~n'mbdf~ citpvl^ffr (rmw apccim), fopulatory o~gans and tbttr form a,% generic and specific charnrtrrg, Bescribes; 3 new qwciew nf juh, 19 of 8pfivstrefitus 13 of pir rob flu ?; none from S. A. G: r>. '(ICN} WacKerzapp, Omar. Weiteres zur Beo~t-
tun" der> Scliiiiettedinge. (Entom. Nachrich- t q 1.5 Jan. 1P80, jahrg. 6, p. 15-17.)
Copulation of agha twt and the attraction d the f d e for the ~de. G:D. (IBCT)
Weismann, August. Ueber Buftseituppen.
(Zool. Anzeiger, 26 Aug. 1878, jateg. 1, p. 98- flfl. l
fit-&t-^flllu and ecdm of wings of lepldoptsra. G: D. (I=)


Volume 3 table of contents