Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Article beginning on page 47.
Psyche 3:47, 1880.

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M. DALMAB - so L̤ Wonder inf ormn us - has eweceded in debtroying the phylloxera. by wrap- ping thin copper wire round the stems of the vine, and passing the current from a powerful voltaic battery through it. Both the mature insects and their eggs are said to be completely disorgs&ed by the el'ectricity.-Athnnenm, 27 Dec. 1879, p. 863- THE IsrLumcE of quinine upon silkworms has been satistaftorily proved by C'LeDwx. Broods of caterpillars suffering from flucquerie were speedily restored by sprinkling their food with quinine sulphate. The same treatment proved successful in cases of "pebrine" with open'.,Nov. 1879, B. 3, v. 1,p. 765- A REVISION of the Lampyriclae will shortly be published by Mr. Henry S. Gorham of Ship ley, Horaham, England. Mr. Gorhnm would be glad to see spccimeus of this group from Amer- ica, and especially from Central America below the United States to the Isthmus of Darien. He also desires to obtain specimens of the genera Pitotoinus LeC., Phausis is& Jficrophotus LeC., Phyodes Hof., and Pierotus Lee.
ABRASION OIL is, according t o theUCEst. Land wirth. Wouhenblatt," obtained in China from the seeds of Etaeococca cordda, and is said to be an excellent protective against noxious insects. The tree, which belongs to the family of the Euphor- hiaceae, prospers in the south of France, where its ciiiture is reiiommended,in the hope of the oil proving a specific for the Phylloxera and the Oid- ium. -Mo, journ. sci., Nov. 1879, E. 3, v. 1, p.758. CASES OF poisoning by caterpillars have been observed both in cows and ducks, The former experienced gastric symptoms, diarrhoea, loss of appetite, k., but were all restored by means of mucilaginous drinks and a diet of boiled potatoes and bran. Kincty ducks were turned into a cab- bage-field infested with the caterpillars of the common white (Pierls brassicae). In one after- noon the field was almost clear but two ducks died after an hour. The next morning twenty were found dead, and altogether fifty-three per- ished. The flesh of tile dead, on examination, was found to resemble that of cattle which die of gangrene, indicating true poisoning. - Mo. journ. xi., Nov. 187B, s. 3, T. I, p. 765. SOCIETY MEETINGS.
THE REGULAR meetings of the Cambridge En- ornological Club will be held at 19 Follen St., ~t 7.45 p. m., on the days following :-
9 Jan. 1880, 0 April 1880.
13 Feb. ,,
12 Mar. ,,
14 May ,,
11 June ,,
B: PICKMAS MAKK, Secretary.
THE REGULAR meetings of the Entomological Section of the Boston Society of Natural History d l be held at N, W. corner of Berkeley find Boylston Sts., Boston, Mass., at 7.15 p.m., on the lays following :-
28 Jan. 1880.
26 Apr. 1880.
25 Feb. ,, 28 May ,,
24 Miir. ,,
B; PI CKMAK MAKK, Secretary.
THE ANNUAL meetings of the Entomological Section of the American Association for the Ad- vancement of Science will begin at 3 p. in., on Tuesday, 24 Aug. 1880, at a place yet to be de- termined,in Boston, Maes. Members who intend to present communicntions that may provoke discussion fire requested to allow the Secretary '
to announce their subjects, in order that other members may come ready to enter into a tlior- ougli discussion.
B: Picica~~ MANS, Secretary,
Cambridge, Mass.
THE KBC'L'LAR meetings of the Entomological Section of the Academy of Natural Sciences, of Philadelphia, Pa., will be held at S. W. corner of 19th and 'Race Sts., on the days following: - 9 Jan. 1880.
9 Apr. 1880.
13 Feb. ,,
14 May ,,
13 Mar. ,,
11 June ,,
THE ssm-ASNUAL meetings of the American
Eatomologiciil Society will be held at S. W. eor- ner of 19th and Race Sts., Philadelphia, Pa., on the days following : -
8 Dee. 1879. 14June 1880,
Rtcording Secretary.
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