Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Print ISSN 0033-2615
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Article beginning on page 26.
Psyche 3:26, 1880.

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PSYCH!, Organ ef the Ciimbriil~~ Eatwl@l Club. UTSS OF SUSSCRXPTIOS-, ETC.
13?- Suimrfctions not discwifinufd are considered renewed.
Sample copies, postpaid, . . , 10 cents. Yearly subscription, postpaid, , . . $1. One volume (three years), postpaid, . . $3. Yearly, printed on one side of thin paper (for paattng the titles of the bibliographical record on title-slips,) postpaid, . . . $1, One volume, printed on one side of thin
paper, postpaid, . . . . . . $3.
One volume (regular) and one volume on
one aide of thin paper, postpaid, . . . $6, Twenty-five extra copies, wiWt idwwge of form. to the author of any lending article, (/å or&& at the time of sending corn, . Free. Authort extras over twenty-fire in nnm.
ber, under above mentioned conditions, each, 2c. &paratea, with ohmges of form- baa1 cost of molt changes In addition to above rates. ADVERTISING RATES. ETC.
0- Only tliorougbly reapectaMe adverti8eusent.s will be allowed ta PETCHB, and the advertising pftffes will be numbered consecutively with those of reading matter and Indexed at the end of the volume. The &itom reserve the Tight to reject adverttaernenta.
Bnbscribe~~ to PSYCHE can advertise insects for exchange or desired for study, not fw cash, free, at the discretion of the editors.
Regular style of advertiBementa plain, at the following rates; -
Outride Inaide
Piwi. Pw.
Per line, flr$t Insertion, . . 90.10 S0.08 Eighth page, first insertion, . . .75 .CO Qnarter " , . 1.3 1.00
Half " " ' . , . 3.27 1.775
Ona r6 ' . . 4.00 3.58
Each mbseqwmf 1nsertWTt one half the above Wea. Address EDITORS or PBYCBB,
Cambridge, Mass., U. S. A.
Subscriptions also received in Europe by R. FRIEDLAXDEB & SOHIT,
Cariatraese 11, Berlin, N. W.
Klfteger's beat lnaect-pins, 36 tmn. long. no. 0-5 ; 39 mm. long, no. 00-7. Per 1000: no. 2-8,$1.10 ; oth- era, $1.20. Per SOOti, $6.00 and (15.60. Other Sorts on hnnd or to order. fins sold at these rateÌ only in packageii of 500 ; smaller lota, 20 cte. per 100 ; Barn- pies, 6 cta.
Double boxw, for atorlng, 10 X25X 35 em., 45 cts. Light mailing boxes, 17 X SB cm., and half and qmr- ter size, 10.8, B cts.
Cork in sleets BOX 8.6 X 0.5 urn., IS oh. per sheet, $1.00 per 10 flheetg,
Stont glass tubes, for alcoholic specimens, 8 X s0 '
mm., TO X TO mm., 19 X 70 mm.. $1.30, 9I.40.81.~ per 100 ; rabher stoppers for these, 81.00, S1.W $1.50 per 100 ; tube wad stopper, 3 cta. Other sizes of tubes and stoppers on hind or to order.
Blank Inlielu, md-bordured, Six I4 mila., 35 cta. per 1000 ; '27 X 12 mm.. 45 eta. per 1000. A set of 100 generic and SW spaciflc Iftbela. printed on. above Manks. for Unibed States and Canadian butterflies, cornplate to W1k $LOO, Twelve sheets of printed labels, containing (lie names of the Sortli Amnrl- can States fuwl Territories, of months, aria sigma for sexes, 2 cts. a sheet. and 3 cts. postage. Pliotograplia of Proflrysa, the flmt known Sorth Americnn fosuil bntterfly ; of the anatomy Of tho upper and of t.he under side of Harpahis WHginosus, and ofthe underside of Lvmvaws ~8 1 each ftO cta. Tinnsportatim On pins and Ifthela, prepaifl ; on other goods ~xtra.
B : PICKMAN MA^, Cambridge, Mass.
The undedgmed desires to obtain, by exohaoge or otherwise, from all parts of the world, eggs, c~terpfll~ra and ChrystdicIs of Diurnal Lapitlop- wra. Dried specimens nre preferred, especial1 y of caterpillar& which should be prcpareil by in- flation. Correspondence is invttetl with persona eugaaea In the study of the early stages of butter- flies. S, Q. Scum,
Cambi-klge, Mass.
The t~ndersiigned hfl.3 foraalts Entomo10gial~'ma- teriols of aS kinds. Inflects, and 'Bntomological -
Collections of Insects for beginners or for sclicsols furnished at reasonable rates. Several large oollections of American and foreign Insects, principally Coleoptera, for sale cheap.
Eoaka awl materials in other branches of Hair- uml History procured for parties a-t a, distance, at the lowest prices.
Lbts of books, apeolmena, eta., seat for 10cents. E. P. Auaxu?, iS .E!ftSt Ke'wton St.,
Boston, Mass.


Volume 3 table of contents