Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Article beginning on page 23.
Psyche 3:23, 1880.

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THK LIBRAST of the Swiss Entomological
Society has been removed from Sdiaffhausen to Xo. 195 ii, rue dea gentilshomnes, Berne. "
THE EXTOMOLOOICA~ library of the late Pro- feeaor Loew hab been put on sale by List and Franke of Leipzig. It contains many rare pa- pers upon diptera.
MR. TAN PER WOLF, Secretary of the Dutch Entomological Society, has recentiy been ap- pointed to the rank of Referendztrius to the State board of control.
T~E LAST mero of the Harvard Library
B~tlletitl published an account of the Entomol- ogical Libraries of the United States, by S: H- Scudder. The nest will contain the first instal- ment of a Bibliography of Fossil Insects, by the same author.
WHATEVER is sent to the editors of PSYCHE or to the CAMBRIDGE EXT~~~~OLOGICAL CLUB, as a gift or otherwise, should be so addressed, and should be sent to Cambridge, Mnsa., U. 3. A,; whatever is sent to the editors, for their private possession, should be distinctly addressed to them individually.
MR. W: 8. BARNARD, Instructor in Entomol- ogy at Cornell University, Itliaca, 'N. Y., informs å´a that the report, in the A? Y. Times, that his paper, read at the Saratoga meeting of the A. A. A. S., on the Bud-blight insect, stated that Ps+ pyri had not been described in thia corn- try,is not correct, and that the mistakewas made by the reporter.
M. PAUL NOEL calls attention in the December mmero of the FeuiHe des jennes inttiiralistes, to a new mode of collecting nocturnal lepidopteran He employs a lantern, hung about a metre and a half above the ground, as a permanent attrm tion, and then burns, from time to time, a small piece of magnesium tape, to attract specimens front a greater distance to a point where they can see ond come to the less brilliant light. AC- cording to M. Noel, a half-metre of tape suffices for the evening, costs but tittle, and gives re- markably good reeulta.
THE HEGULAR meetings of the Cambridge En- tomological Club will he held at 19 Pollen St., at 7.45 p. m., on the days following :-
9 Jan, 1880.
9 April 1880,
13 Feb. ,,
12 Mar. ,,
14 May Ì
11 June ,,
3: PICKMAN MAW, Secretary.
THE REGULAR meethgs of the Entomological Section of the Boston Society of Natural History wil! be held at N. W. corner of Berkeley and Boylston Sta., Boston, Mass., ah 7.45 p.m.,on the days following : -
28 Jan, 1880.
28 Apr. 1880.
25 Feb. ,,
24 Mar. ,,
28 May ,,
B: PICKMAM MASS, Secretary.
THE ANNUAL meetings of the Eatomoiogical Section of the American Association for the Ad- vancement of Science will begin at 2 p. rn., on Tuesday, 24 Aug. 1880, at a pime yet to be de- termined,in Boston, Mass. Members who intend to present communications that may provoke discussion are requested to ailow the Secretary to announce their subjects, in order that other members may come ready to enter into a thor- ough discussion.
8: PICWAS MAKM, Secretary,
Cambridge, Masa.
THE REGULAR meetings of the Entomological Section of the Academy of Natural Sciences, of PhilndeIphia, Pa., will he heid at S. W. corner of '
19th and Race Sts., on Hie days following: - 9 Jan. 1880.
8 Apr. 1880.
13 Feb. ,,
14 May ,,
12 Mar. ,,
11 Jime ,,
THE SEMI-ASNPAL meetings of the American Entomological Society will be held at S. W. eor- ner of 19th and Race Sts., Philadelphia, Pa., on the days follo~viug : -
8 Dec. 1878.
14 June 1880.
JAMES H. R~sinas, '
SewrdWg Seavt<iry.


Volume 3 table of contents