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Psyche 3:21-22, 1880.
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22 [1502-15181 PSYCHE.
CUapmain., T: [Biug. 11utice.l (2001. Aiizei- per. 17 Xov. 1878, jahrg. 2, p. 600.)
B. 32 Jan. IS16 in Nottlngham Enflaud; d. 2T hug. 187V. lit Burghill Hereford, ~n~lnnd. Spoilt much oi life in f+laaqow, where ha studied the entiomolwictil faun% of Scotla~id. G;D, (1WS.S
Anzeiger, 17 3tov. 1879, jahrg. 2, p. GOO.) [Bin?:, sketch by Dr. E. Candh. (Comptes W p. 1-4.1
rendus aoc. entom. Beige, 4 Oct. 1 79, s. 2, no. DT, Clwpuia coleopterist wa~ b. in 1824, in Vei'viers Bel:3-iuifi, where he afterwards practiced medicine. Ha d< la IIeifiy npilr Terriers, BO Sept. 18T9. 0: B, (1'503) Ctimvmes, Auguste. Biog. notice.] (Zool. Aiirei~r, d Oct. 1879, jafirg, 2, p. 628.) fir. Chii~~iiKn, Prof. honor. de I'Academie do Lawme, an ?ntwmoligicttl writer, d, 36 Supt. 1879, at. Lauuuiii iwitmland. 6; D, (1503
Ctienu, Jean Charles. [Biog. note.] (Boat. d- ndrerr., 17 NOT. 1879, no. 22323, v. 134, no. 73, 2 cm.)
Dr. Clienn WB b io 1833 in Metz Pmnce * d. NOT. 1879. . . . ~rnm IEXI to 1 ~ ~ 1 was
with 0 t h ~ ~ in
pnbliihinp an tEucyclnp<flia d'lii&totre nafrurelle,' a work which made thirty-me vo1mnes."-ht. d. Mli-trt. B: P. ,If. (I W)
Fed- Giacinto. IBiog. note.] (Natural
novitfites, Feb. 1879, no. 3, p. 47.)
Dr. Fedrizii, aa entomological writar, d. in Padua, Itd in lyis. G:D. (I&)
Fitcll, Am. [Biog. notices.] [Amer. nat., Dee. 1879. v. 13, p. 796.)
[IXog. sketch by E, P. Thwnston, entitled "Sketch of Dr. Asa Fitch."]
(Pop. ici. mo.,
Kov. 1879. v. 19, p. 116-120, por.)
~&taldi, ~artolomeo. [~iog. notices.] at- VTW novitatee, Feb. 1879, no. 4, p. 57.) (Zool.
Anwip'r, 21 Apri 18779, jnhrg. 2, p. 216,) Gem, Paul. [Biog. notices.] (Naturae
isovitnfes, March 1%B, no. 5, p. 67.)
Ansreiger, 10 March 1879, jahrg. 2, p. 114.) (Am. nut., April 1870, v. 13, p. 276-276.) M. Odrvais Prof. of Comparative Anatomy nt the Mu- see tt'llktoid nfttnrelh, W!B b. SO Sqt. laic, in Pnria ; d. 10 Feb. 1579, in Pn&. G: D. (15(13)
Loew, Hermann. [Biog. notices.') [Zool. An- zeifp'r, 23 June 1879, jnhrg. 2, p. 338,) (Amw. nftt.. Dee. ICTil, v 13, p. 7V8.)
Dr. Loew, the dipteriat wa'i b. 7 Jal ISffT In When- felh Prwia; d. 21 A& 1979, in Hdle & tho We Prussia. G: D. (isloj
Monereiffe, T. rEi0g. r~olice~.] (Katunm novitates, Aug. 1879, no. 17, p. 174.) (Zoo!. Anzeifer, 8 Saw. 1879, jalirg. 3, p. 480.) IBiox. sketch by F. Buchanan "White, en- titled, "In memoriam Sir Thomas Moncreiffe, Bart."] (Scottish naturalist, Oct. 1879, p. 145-1 8, POT )
Sir T: lloncwifFe, of Moncrelffe, Scotlmd, Preaidont of tho l'ertli?liira Sority of natural History,md of the Cxyp- top~nic Societ) of Scotl~ind, n Iepidopteris d IC! AUE. Kg. G:i. (mi)
Moquerys, S. [Biog. note.1 (Katarae novi- tatca, Auril 1879, no. 7-8, p. 92.)
II. Xqten'~, coleoptariat, d. 12 Feb. 1879, at Rouen IThincq seed $7. G: D. (is14
Pictet, Edouard. [Bio notices.] (Nature, 23 May 1878, v. 20, p. 88, 6 em.) (Naturae novitatea, June 1879, no. 12, p. 135.)
Xournptoriflt j (1. In la9, in Genera, aged 44. G: D. (1513) .
Reicheabach, Heinrich Gottlieb Ludwig.
[Biog. notices.1 (Naturae novitates, April 1B79, no. 74, p, 92.) (ZuoI. Anzeiger, 7 April IS79, jnhrg. 3, p. 192.)
[Notice, by Friedrich,entitled " Necrolog Bt. G. L. 11ci~:henbaclis.") (Sitzungsber. d. ngtur. Geeellwii. his ?-u Dresden, Jan.-Jmie 1879, p. 07-1 fw \
Roudani, Caimllo. IBiog. notices.] (Naturae novitfitefi, Oct. 1870, no. 21, p. 207.) (Zuol. Anwigcr, 17 Kov. 187R. jahrg. 2, p. 800.) Prof. EamA-iui, dipterist, d. 18 Sept. 1879, in Pnnnii, Italv, ageti 71.
G: D. (135)
Saimders, W: Wilson [Biog. notices.1 (Nat- urfte novitates, Sept. 1878, no. lB, p. lm.) (But- anisclw Zcituug, 14 Mov. 187S, jahrg. 37, p, .- n
14.j.) (Anwr. nat., Dec. 1879, v. 13, p. 793.) Bfttnnist awl enfcoinolo#4 b. In Little London, near Wewt~vw, ~ir'kirichmnshim,'l%n ?!Lu~, 4 JUDO lW9; d, at Rq~t~d, Wd~fhing, 13 Stpi. 1878.
V; D. (1516)
Smith, F: [Bioq. notices.] (Psyche ndver* tiwr, March 1871, p 7.) Zool. Anzeiger, 24 Nnrch ISTO, juliq. 2, p. 168.) (Naturae novi- tates, Mnreh Xi), no. 6, p. 81.) (Can. entom. April lWQ, v. n, p. 78.) (Naturalist [York- rilira , April IS'"!, p. 138.) (Entom. m. mag., April 16-9, v . 15, p. 263-284.
Biographical notin?, by 1. W. Dunning.]
(Entomihfist, A ril 1870, v. 12, p. 89-92 ) MF. sdth, ata ant i'eep(?r hl. Bept. Britiih Miiiqeuq ilym~ntiptcnat, b. in I@:, in Lnndon; d, 1G Frh, 1W9, in Lonrlon. G' W. (1517)
White, Adam. fBiog. noticcb6.] (Zool. An- wipr, 17 Feb. 1879, jfilirg. 2, p. 96.)
nrt~prtiser, March 1879, p. 7.)
Mr. White was b. 21 April 1817, in Edinbnrg, Scotland; d, 4 J(HI. 1879, in CHwgor Scotland.
He WHB la the En-
tom. Dcpt. British ~iiieu~froia 1% to 1SC-3. G: D. (1SIS)
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