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Psyche 3:12, 1880.
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1E-I No, 1.-40 on mheet.
Blank Labels for Insects, of the sizes annexed, printed in red, on good quality of paper, at two cents a sheet, or sixty sheets for a dollar. Address B: PICKMAN MANN,
Cambridge, Mass.
I am desirous of obtaining as many North American TORTRICIDAE as possible, for the pur- pose of studying this family. I shall be glad to name and return any TORTBICIDAE forwarded to me for this purpose, save such as may prove new and desirable to ret,ain for description. Pack carefully, and direct to
PROF. C. H. FERNALD, Or0n0, Me.
ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION (POSTPAID), M 6.50 = $1 62. Entomologische Nachrfchten,
VI. Jahrg. 1880.
Herausgegeben von Dr. F. Katter.
Baron v. Harold, Entomological Museum of Berlin, says of this magazine : -
å´I i'5 a complete repository of interesting and instruc- tive notices ; of practical directions for collecting, observ- ing, and preparing specimens ; of proposals for exchange and sale of insects ; of literary information and notices of books ; and correspondence. In short, it has proved itself the special organ for the encouragement and progress of the Science of Entomology."
May be obtained of all booksellers ; and from the publisher,
Back volumes may be had from the some, 1875 i 2.50 M; 1877i3M; 1878i5M; 1873A6.50M.
Living cocoons,pupae anCi ova of American lep- idoptera' bought or cxclianged for other species, by Monsieur ALFRED WAILLY, (Membre-Laurtat tie la Soci6tl d'Accliniatation de France ), 110 Clapham Road, London, S. W.,
No. 61 was issued 9 Aug. 1879.
Copies of this nunlero of PSYCHE will
be sent to a large number of entomologists in Europe and America, in order to show
its change of form. PSYCHE, although the organ of a club having a local name, will continue to be devoted togeneral rather than to local entomology. Its editors solicit communications from entomologists in all parts of the world on the general anatomy, physiology and biology of insects ; also arti- cles, items, and brief accounts of the pro- ceedings of societies, so far as they are of general interest. Communications ma\ be
sent in French or German, and will be
translated into English for publication. The Bibliographical Record will be pre-
pared by co-operative labor, and the assist- ance of additional willing helpers is de- sired. Persons who give assistance will be furnished with printed instructions.
European exchanges and communi-
cations will receive more immediate atten- ion by being addressed to
Leipzig, Germany.
The undersigned has for sale Entomologists' ma- terials of all kinds, Insects, and 'Enton~ological books.
Collections of insects for beginners or for schools furnished at reasonable rates. Several large collections of American and foreign insects, principally Coleoptera, for sale cheap.
Books and mat,erials in other branches of Nat- ural History procured for parties at a distance, at the lowest prices.
Lists of books, specimens, etc., sent for 10 cents. E: P. AUSTD?. 46 East Newton St,
Boston, Mass.
Volume 3 table of contents