Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Print ISSN 0033-2615
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Article beginning on page 11.
Psyche 3:11, 1880.

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THE IxnEX of volume 2 of PSYCHE, whict
requires considerable care and time in its prepar ation. will be forwarded to all subscribemto thai volume as soon as it is printed.
THB Do~t,fos prize of the Entomological So ciety of France was awnrdeti last year to MM Mulsant and Bey for their Histoire naturally des coI&ptferes de France.
TEE LIBRARY of the Cambridge Entomologi. ual Club has been placed in the charge of Mr. C C. Eaton, of Cambridge, Mass.,for whoso zealous and punctual labors the members of the ciuk have reason to be thankful.
MR. G. DIMMOCK left America, 26 July 1879, for Europe, and may be addressed at Leipzig Germany, for the season of 1879-1880. TJpou business connected with PSYCHE, he may be addressed at Cambridge, Mass,, U. S. A.
THE REOULAR meetings of the Cambridge En- tomologicili Club will be held at 19 Follen St., at 7.45 p. in., on the days following :- S> Ja~i. 1^04
9 April 1880.
13 Tub. ,, 14 Mny ,,
13 Mar. ,,
11 June ,,
B: PICKMAN MANN, Secretary.
THE REGULAR meetings of the Entomological Section of theBoston Society of Katural History wiiL be held at N. W. comer of Berkeley and Boylston Sts., Boston, Mass,, at 7-45 p.m., on the days following : -
28 Jan. 1880.
28 Apr. 1880.
25 Feb. ,,
24 Mar. ,,
26 May ,,
B: PICKMAN MAN'S, Secretary.
THE ASXUAL meetings of the Enton~ological Section of the American Association for the Ad- vancement of Science will begin at 2 p, m., on Tuesday, 24 Aag. 1880, at a place yet to be de- termined, in Boston, Mass,
Members who intend
to present eomtiiunicatioiis that may provoke discussion are requested to allow the Seiiretary to announce their subjects, in order that other members may come ready to enter into a thor- ough discussion.
amb bridge, as^.
THE REGULAR meetings of the Entomological Section of the Academy of Batuml Sciences, of Philadelphia, Pa,, wili be held at S. W. corner of 19th and Race Sts., on the days following: - 8 Jan. 1880.
9 Apr. 1880.
13 Feb. ,,
14 May ,,
12 Mar. ,,
11 June ,,
THE EEM-AKNI~AL meetings of the American Entomological Society will be held at S. W. cor- ner of 19th and Race Sts., Philadelphia, Pa., an the days following: -
8 Dec. 1879,
U June 1880.
&cording Secretary.
should reach the editors by the 10th of the month preceding the one in which they are to appear.
The undersigned desires, either by exchange or otherwise, Galls from all parts of the United States. He is especially interested in those much by Lepiduptera, Colcoptera, Samvptera and Diptern. Correapoiidence in reference to Gull growtlia, or ithw VB atable abnorrnities. is invited. CHAKM:~ V, RILEY,
Washington, D. C.
Check lists of the Ferns of Xorth America north )f Mexico, enumerating 31 genera, 132 6peCiQS anct 5 varieties, on one octavo page.
Will be sent by
nail on receipt of tile price, IS cents per dozen :opies.
8. STEBETXS, Bprinfffield, Mas;.
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