Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Article beginning on page 8.
Psyche 3:8-10, 1880.

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8 [1447-14531 PSYCHE.
Authors and societies are reqwsled to forward their wmks to the editors as soan as published. The
date of publiiation,ai~å´e in brackets [ 1, marl-s the time at which the work was received, unkss an earlier date of puWcdon is known to recorder or editor. A colon after initial designates the most common given, name, as : A: A~gustus ; B: Benjamin ; C: Ckark D: David; å£, Edward; F: Frederic ; G: George j H: Henry; I.- Isw ; J: John ; K.: Kwl; L: Louis; M: Mark; N: Nicholas; 0: Otto; P: Peter; K.- Richard; S: Saniuel; T: Tfiomus ; W: Wii- iiani. The imtida at tlie end of each record, or note, are those of' the recorder, and will ie exphilied at the end of eadt volume.
Unless otherwise stated each record is made directly from the work that is sliced. When there are not s!ifficient titles of current papers tojilt the spm dhted to theSword, earlier ento- iiwlvgkd publications d l bis recorded. In this Kay it is expected to include, finally, in the Record,all titles of papers wt included in Hagen's Bihlidfieca entomologim., which treat of North American or genera! intonioliyy, and all papers on entomoiiyg ~ublished in Xwdt America. Corrections of errors and notices of omissions are solicited. African insect scourge (The). Tlie tsetse fly- (Joum. applied EC~., May 1879, v. 10, p. 74-75? 53 ern.)
Kotice. (Psyclie advert., July 1879, p. 7-8.) Habile of glowka morsiians, m~tly compiled from the wmkB of Dr. David Liying~tone. G:D. (1447) Asmead, W: H. On a new psocus. (k.
entom., Pee. 1878, v. 11, p. 228-239.)
Kescribea ps, eSric0;a n. sp. ; habits nt wag /: P. M. (144s)
[Blatta orientalis used for dropsy.] (New remedies, March 1870, v. 8, p. 67, 6
(Psyche advert., MayJune 1879, p. 8.)
G: D. (140)
Branat, Eduard, TJntersachmigea iiber dae Newensystem der Dipteren, [Separatubdruck tins den "Horae ~ociewtis entomologicae roe- ricae." Btl. xiv., 1?X] St. Petersburg, 1870. 4p.,25X16, t 18X10.8,pi. 1-4.
A brief summary of the results recorded in E. Br&ndtln " Vergleirheiid-unHtdrniache Untemchunjreu liber due Ner- veaaytitcm dor Xwdflugler (Diptma)."
Gi D. (1^55)
Brandt, Eduard. Vergleichead-anfttotaische Pkizze des Nervetisystems der Iiisekten. Mit
-2 photolithographirten Tfcfeln. Separatab' druck ans den " Horae ~0cSetatis entornologi- cae ros-iieae." Bcl, XT [1 xivk 1879, St. 1'e- tersburg, li'79.
t,-p. cover, 17 p., 25 X IT, t
18 X 10 8, pl. -3-4.
- , - .---
peels an*? is Lwvr thr more the faceted ey~an-ne~.lti^lflpprl., Occurrence of locusts ''with wing* and the under pa* ~t 13 i~ieonwt h cat1 i.1~~ saapiw.e-!ciplifipri ~nyliii n~niie of the body of
pala blue lavender color" at F~ime-lda,
tw brain : t11~ (10~1,ipiitnnt ~IIM that the Bum ~WB~,II+ Kev.
I?: p- ^\f, (IW
pd awl infiii~esoplirtc~iil ~an~lia,topcthipr foi~n tli~ hi3 n, or tipwi-mw~~wi ffi
11 t1 nerimi, sv^t-miL
iiw nvivibq fit E-IOP


Brow, Harry A.
Habits of umhiychilti c lift
driffirmis. (Trails. Kansas acad. ECL, 1877, 6, p. 11-12, fig.)
ladudpi description md figure. G: D. (1469) CWJtor-oil plant [ricks communis] (The). (Colonies an India, 5 April 1679, suppl., p. 2, 21 cm )
Statement (3 cm.) that buntby% arrindi
uires &nud
for fov<i. 5. D. (MI)
Ceylon coffee 1)li ht hemil& vwtatrix] (The). . (Colonies and ~ndia, 11 an. 1879, p, 1333 cm.) Quote? (3.K cm.)rein~r'ka by Joseph Ddttm Hooh upcm the <'findition6 fiimi4id by cultivation of phts Tor the Spread oi noxious inst-i-tq. [Hwnilcin 1% a fmi~m.] ft. I>. (14611
Clothes moth (The). (Jonrc. applied ~ri.,reb. 1879, v. 10, p. 25-26, 57 m.)
Haluts and trunsfonuntiona of tines tapetsvh, t, binefi. iflh <or t, a^ne^<f), and!!iionel?a. Re+ut^d from The u'wc~~o~man. Gi D. (14S2)
Edwards, W: H: [Danais archil)pus swarm- ing. [
(Con, entom., Dec. 1879, v. 11, p. 239.) <^ii:~i^es a statement from A. H. Miiindt that 1- rim- burs nf d, ftyv/~?ppus reniciitied cotimted mi the bratiche of A t1w for siinno flays in Sfpt. 1873, ai IFairliuv J!t, 3: F. ,'ff.. (1W)
Edwards, W: H: Description of a new spe- cies of javtpltih. (Can, entom., Dec. 1879, v. 11, p. a^
Deacrlbeftp, dT'm a. np. B: P. M. (1464) Edwards, W: H: On the larval habits of hi- m i ~ s a~lhernis, with its eft-form proserp'na, and nlm of /. disippus. From advance sheets of part 6, ~01.3, of Butterflies of North America. (Can. entom., Dec. 1870, v. 1-1, p. 294-22s.) rood-phtsartd nic+hedof mastluctiu~ the hilwrnacula. E: P. 3. (1W)
Entomological society of Ontario - Mora- ?red branch. ptb annual npral meeting,
and report of the council.] {CM. entorn., Dec. 1 W), v. 11, p. 229-23.)
Proceedin& election of ofttwri, annual re ort. B: P. (1466)
Freeman, F: The history of Cape Cod
[Mws.] : the annals of Barnatable county and of its eeverd towns, including the district of Ma~hpee. 2 v., Eont., [ISGO-lW]. Eark v, 803 p., 23 X 113, t 17 X 9.5.
De'scnbefi (7. 1, p. 524 foot-note) the French soldier8, in the Amvriran camp at West Point, diflriii~ the Revolution, roastire; and eatfng pinlioppn. Tiiia foot-noteie qnoted In PJY'AP ndvwtisw, .Tiily li*';fl, p. it-Id. G: D. (1467) CtraissBlopper raid in SLasta. {" Yreka jow rial." d Ann. IPTEl.) (Weekly bulletin, San I-'r:incisco, Cal., 14 Aug. 1879, v. 24, no. 29, . . . (1 ern.)
Rni n w of locusts near Sliasta, Cul. B: P. X, (1468) Grasshoppers and the dairy farmers,
" Triiclctie republican," 0 Aug. 1879, . . .) (Weck1~- bulletin, San Francisco, CaL, 14 Aug. 1579, v. 24, no. 29, . . , ,7 em.)
The ~ftviig~ of Inrusts in khe mountains and ~alleya around Trnrhw, CaL, haw obliged the dair en to weh
new pasture-; for their cattle,
8: $?,~f, (14rn)


10 (1470-14871 PSYCHE.
Grote, A: Radcliffe. The species of eratyla, spragd, frwa, xaathoptera, exy ru and prdy- mia. (Can. entom., Dec. 1879, V. 11, p. 2X- O^Q \
h^sribes the neuration of in& of the
6cnptiw and synonymical notea; catalog
Hagen, Hermann August. Among the bugs.
A forenoon with an entomologist. "Interesting facts about insects in genera1 and one in par- tieuiar. (Boat. evening joum., 11 July 1879, Y. 40, no. h2S3, p. [I], uol. G-7,M em.] h d n t of a v~qit to Dr. men, ftt the Muwim of win- parativt* 7ooIogy, Ciunbriclfl^ k. ; habit* wt onihrwus tcrq?hdffr^ff.?, and imam qatnht it. J3i P. If. (1471) Hagen, Hermann Ait~uet. Museum pests.
(Jcmrn. applied sci., June 1879, T. 10, p. 90-81, 101 cm.]
R~pritit of the author's "Museumpests observed in the enttmioIogiciil collectitm at Cmbridge [Mass.] " [Fs~cfre.) Rec., no. l473], Q, f. G: D. (1473)
Hagen, Hermann August. Museum pests ob-
served in the entomological collection at Cam- hid" ~[MWS. . (Proc. Bast. we. nat. hist., Jan. [6 Feb.] 1879, v. 20, p. 58-03.)
Abstract. (Nature. 28 Mav 1879. v. 20. B. , *
106, 17 em.) '
Reprint, entitled, " Museum-pests." (Joarn. amlied sci., June 1879. v. 10. w. 90-91.101 cm.) Treats of apsci~ of derwtesie~, ~it&eam; snfhrmua,p!i- å´tit /~å´itoH^w wfVtUt-us tiwfr atto UR c!d~il~v, un ucarus cpdha~~y tywq,yp~w~),lpmmL mf o&wwn; mnparcs the ~!LVII-J~U å´oJ iiiaei^ts in J^urop^Bn with tho?? in AWPTIOITI eoikchoi~i. G: B. (117a
H-&, Herrnann August.
The yeliow fever
(Boston d. advertiser, 21 July 1879, no. 22121. v. I%?. no. ITS. p. E l l , coi. 8.1 Information nought ehnt a hi which &pears at the times of outbreak of yellow fever in the sonthorn United Sta-l ca. B: 1'. M. (1474)
Henstis, Caroline ESiza. [PapXo thoas.] (Can. entorn., Dec. 1870, v. 11, p. 239-240.)
Dntss of pupation and hqinutioii of
thoas in New
Brunswick. 2 P. 2.f. (Z476j
Insect pest to the fruit crop of Santn Cim Valley (An). (" Sau Jose times," 10 Aug. 1879,) (Weekly bulletin, San Francisco, Cal., 14 Aug. 1879, T. 24, no. 29, . . . ,17 cm.) Aim entltlud "A pest to the apple and pearcrop of the Banta ~lai^aval<ey." The "re4 w,i1~lonso " or "redacale," first notiwd nmr Son Jose, Cd., :?QT 4 yeiiru ofy upp pod tr> have Iwen imported on SiFiiv nrsuigcs vetv tie'trnptive to npple trcc*~ nml pear trees: it; hahit^; &?I& PT" dp*tioy- inf; it. V#p/^frp~a ponwdn, rerentlv Unportcd ^Q <~~<t-rnctivc. 3: J'. N. (lh)
Moffat, J. Alston. [PapYio thoas,] (Can. en- tom., Dec. 1878, v. 11. p. 210.)
P. thoas feeding on dtrfainnw fTiixineUa nt Htiailton Out. A- P. 31. (147;)
Morris, Ernest. 'Insect peat8 of the Amazon, (Clmdeatowc [Mass.] newa, 17 May 187ft, v, 1, no. 27, . . . , 43 cm.)
Meutim of the wreonfil ~uinoyances caused by in& in the valley of the Amazon. &P.M. (UW}
Niin insect of Yucatan (The). (Journ. appEied mi,, Feb. 1879, v. 10, p. 24-25, SB em.) Abstract. (Colonie~ and India, 26 Apr. 1870, p. 9, 15 cm,)
Notice. (Psyche advert., March 1879, p. 8.) Cheinical nuturn, source and ueea aa drying oil and w waterproof vnrniah of din, the mtion of an Insftit po-i<xl to be allid to -us co~flinå´i~~<få´rr/ ~acta on tlw sntlimitv of Dr. Arthur SchotL of the f^cientifkc comm1'5- Notes on commercial drugs and chemicals. (New remedies, June 1879, Y. 8, p, 161-185, 55 cm.)
linef wmmerciul notea on bIflf6a ariwtalis aa rt remedy for drop (3 @in.) and on insectpowder from ch~sGnt/Iå£ mwt dpym&m (3 cm.}, with its great dvftiace ill price exl~ 111 1279. G: a. (Mcij
Oll-produc&g insect (A new). (Culoniea
and Jnilia, W April 1879, p. 9,15 cm.)
K'ofnu on nun, the fatty product of rt 8fiedie.5 of IMAHW. '
&e '"Xiin imct of Viicat~ii." Gj D. (1481) Plague of locusts in Russia (A). ("London timw ") (Weekly bulletin, Still .Francisco, Cnl., I4 Aug. 1871, v. 24, no å´y . . . 11 cm.) A littlg about the ravages of loeuats, and mom fiibnuk. other snb)ect.9. B; f. Sf. (14SS)
Flant-prodncing caterpillar of New Zea-
land (The). (Colonies and Iudia, 11 Jan. 1879, p. 9, 12 em.) Jown. applied sci., Feb. 1S79, p. 28-21, 1.1 Em.)
Notice. (Psyche advert., March 1879, p. 8.) GrowHi of sphcseria 70isrtsii from larva of he ms. Em;%)
Keeltag silk by electricity.
(Colonies and
India, 11 Jan. 1879, p. 73,4 urn )
The "breaking of. aatngle ftl&ment of dkbrfrikB a current of elwt~ieity, by suitable ftlanna, warns AH attfindmt. From The flecfn'ftwn- G:S, (14S4)
Rural (pseud.}. The wheat mid . (Ells-
worth lMe.1 American, 4 Sept. 187Tn0. 1281, v. 25, no. 36, p. [4], col. 1, 45 cm.)
Pnn'tical etfitflment of the dilTflrencfl~ between the wheat midge (cwfdomyiff ifisiti) the Iteftah fly (c. de sfrnrfw) wid tlv whtaiih wwvil (diop^hif yf/nftrtuf) ; meam of iuppofiinff the mid#*. å£ p. 3f. (1M) Saanders, W: Entomology for bcginnem.
(Can, cutom,, Dee. 1879, T. 11, p. 221-ii2.3, lg. 1L14.)
Yroposfti to prepare a series of articles ndapted etpecidly to h~pimere; Inure8 dytiscus hun'isii and hydrophihs tTttfT?ffulfff-is, dewrmw the former; habita of the fmer and of A+ pcff# of Europe. 3: P. M. I(4iT)


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