Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Print ISSN 0033-2615
January 2008: Psyche has a new publisher, Hindawi Publishing, and is accepting submissions

Article beginning on page 7.
Psyche 3:7, 1880.

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to bibliographical and biological entomol- ogy. Faunal lie ts, heretofore sparingly admitted in PSYCHE, will hereafter be ex- CAMBRIDGE, MASS., J-UAEY 1880. cluded. not because they lack in value, hut because they are of no interest to the ma- Cammwnicat~s, tsc~nges d ditorf copies &ftou~ jority of the readers to whom PSYCHE pro- lie actress& EDITORS OF Ps~m,C&rfdge, Mass. poses to address itself.
Communiaatitins for pitbUwtioa in PSYCHE must he , More attention than heretofore will be property authenticated, wui iw umyfnous artidw wiQ bup~Wshat.
m t m aitd contr(6utws are only woasitilefor tft< ~W~numta mode in their mm wmmun1Castiatt~. Torh on weffts not retatai to entomology wilt w>i be reviftoed in PSYCHE.
Far rates of swhÌ€en'pti awl of advurtishtffi see od- vertiåŽain wlumwf.
THE THIRD volume of PSYCHE will ap-
pear in the form in which this numero is given to the public.
With the improve-
meuta which this change of form admits
increased amount of matter presented to
the public in each numero, the editors hope to make PSYCHE atill more acceptable than it has been heretofore to its readers.
GAL CLUB, of which PSYCHE is the official organ, is a society bearing a local name, its members are chosen without local limi- tation, and PSYCHE will endeavor to repre- sent the interests of scientific entomology wherever pursued, and to advance, irnpar- tially, the welfare of all societies haying the same objects in view.
Systematic or descriptive, and economic
entomology are fields so well occupied al- ready by other American entomological
publications, that PSYCHE is justified in de- voting itself, as heretofore, to the general anatomy and physiology of arthropo
given in PSYCHE to items concerning the
latest scientific discoveries in entomology, the proceedings of societies, and the doings of entomologists. Brief items, and con-
densed abstracts of the proceedings of sci- entific societies in all parts of the world, so far as they are related to general entomol- ogy, would be thankfully received by the editors. Official notices of the times of meetings of entomological societies will be inserted in our column devoted to that pur- pose, free of charge. '
sequence of the new arrangement, will
contain yearly about three times as many references as heretofore, and these will be given in a much more convenient form. It will be compiled by a larger number of
workers, guided by printed rules to secure uniformity, and will be much more com-
plete than any similar record ever before attempted. In order to perfect this record the editors respectfully request copies of misceilaaeoas papers containiag entomd-
ogical articles that would naturally other- wise be overlooked. @. D.
THE FEBRUARY numero of PSYCHE will
contain a list, complete as the editors can make it, of the entomological writers who have died during the year


Volume 3 table of contents