Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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H.B. Weiss.
Coleoptera Associated with Polyporus versicolor L. in New Jersey.
Psyche 27:137-138, 1920.

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19201 Nininger̀ÔNote on Life-History of Anthophora stanfordiana 137 bay, extending over several square rods, several thousands of these bees were nesting. The appearance of their burrows was the same as that already described.
To the writer these studies revealed some very interesting facts: First:
In their natural state these bees are subjected to from seven to twenty inches of rainfall during the winter. The majority
of these cells in the laboratory were allowed to become dry within a few days after sealing and never received any moisture other than that which they could get from the air in an ordinary school room, yet these bees seemed to emerge normally and at approxi- mately the same time as control specimens which were watered several times.
Second: Those left in broken cells, some of which were allowed to lie on dry sawdust in no cell at all, emerged normally, differing in this respect from Xylocopa orpifex and X. varipuncta, which were subjected to the same test and which failed to emerge normally when left out of contact with an enclosing cell wall. Third: Several larvse were left exposed during the entire season in a cabinet in which were kept chemicals, including HC1, HNOa, and NH40H, and tho kept in stoppered bottles the fumes from these chemicals were plainly perceptible each time I opened the cabinet. These specimens all emerged normally in the spring. The distribution of this species as given by Lutz and Cockerell in their forthcoming catalog is as follows : Anthophora stanfordiana Cockerell, 1904 c, p. 32. ? , 3 ; Stan-
ford University, California; V; Nests. Viereck, 1905, p. 314. Cor-
vallis, Ore.; 111, V, VI (Cordley). Kellogg, American Insects, 1908, p. 516. Description of Nest. Bray, Pomona Journal Zool., 1917, p. 93.
Claremont, Calif. ; V; at Amsinckia intermedia. COLEOPTERA ASSOCIATED WITH POLYPORUS
New Brunswick, N. J.
The following notes relate to observations made during a year's collecting on the sporophores or fruiting bodies of Polyporus versi- color L., in various parts of New Jersey. Eighty percent of some


138 Psyche [December
fifty species of polypores found in New Jersey were observed to be infested by insects and Polyporus versicolor appeared to attract the largest number of species all of which belonged to the Coleoptera. This polypore is extremely common in most parts of New Jer- sey, occurring on all kinds of dead wood, many stumps being com- pletely covered by it. According to Murrilll it also causes a serious root-rot in many trees and is a wound parasite in Catalpa. The
pileus or shelf-like part of this fungus is thin and leathery, densely imbricate, variable in color and marked by narrow multicolored zones of various colors ranging from white to yellow, brown, red- dish, greenish, blackish, etc. The context or inner substance of the pileus is white and it is this portion which appears to furnish most of the food for insects although at times the entire fungus is riddled.
It is difficult to explain why versicolor harbors so many insects unless it is the qualities of the context which attract them. Other polypores having a much thicker and fleshier context attract con- siderably fewer species.
Altogether twenty-four species of Cole-
optera, representing thirteen families, were found associated with versicolor as shown by the following table: COLEOPTERA ASSOCIATED WITH POLYPORUS VERSICOLOR. Family. Species. Location.
Carabidse Tachys flavicauda Say
Scaphidiidse Scaphidium 4-guttatum Say
Erotylidse Megalodacne fasciata Say
Mycetophagidse Mycetophagus flexuosus Say Histeridse Hister lecontei Mars.
itidulidee Phenolia grossa Fab.
Rhizophagus bipunctatus Say
Trogositidse Tenebriodes corticalis Melsh. Bostrychidse Endecatomus rugosus Rand.
Cioidse Cis fuscipes Mell.
Cis wenzeli Dury
Xestocis levettei Csy.
Sulcacis lengi Dury
Strigocis opacicollis Dury
Octotemnus lcevis Csy.
Ennearthron oblongus Blatch.
Scarabseidse Onthophagus hecate Panz.
breeds in
breeds in
breeds in
1 Northern Polypores, p. 6, 1914.


19201 Weiss-Coleoptera Associated with Polyporus versicolor L, 139 Tenebrionidse Hoplocephala bicornis Oliv. in Hoplocephala viridipennis Fab. in
Boletotherus bifurcus Fab. on
Melandryidse Penthe obliquata Fab. on
Eustrophus bicolor Say on
Orchesia castanea Mels. in
Anthribidse Euparius marmoreus Oliv. in
This table also indicates whether the species were found in, on or actually breeding in the fungus. Probably all of the Cioidoe mentioned develop in the fungus and it is believed that the re- mainder of the species mentioned except those belonging to pre- daceous groups such as the Carabidoe and Histerida are fungus eaters.
In fact, in addition to the Cioidoe listed, such species as Mycetophagus flexuosus, Phenolia grossa, Hoplocephala bicornis, H. viridipennis, Boletotherus bifurcus and Euparius marmoreus were observed feeding on the context.
Most of the species listed were taken during the summer months but many of the Cioidoe can be found in the partly eaten fungus during the winter either in the larval or adult stages or both. Some
of the other species can be found overwintering in the fungus or beneath the bark of fungus covered logs. Except for a species of
thrips and several Hymenopterous parasites of beetles, only Coleop- terous insects were found on or in Polyporus versicolor although other species of polypores were found to be inhabited by a few members of the Lepidoptera, Diptera and Hemipiera in addition to Coleoptera.
Smith College.
An opportunity of collecting in new localities was lately afforded me, when, through the kindness of Mr. C. S. Neumann of New Britain, Conn., I took part with my colleagues Professors Gorok- hoff and Kennedy in an automobile trip through northwestern Massachusetts and southern Vermont. The non-entomological members of the party good naturedly consented to frequent pauses


Volume 27 table of contents