Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Book Review.
Psyche 27:129, 1920.

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19201 Book Reviews 129
THE ORTHOPTERA OF NORTHEASTERN AMERICA, by W. S. Blatch- ley. The Nature Publishing Co., Indianapolis, Ind., 1920. In this volume Professor Blatchley has added another to his valuable series of entomological treatises, useful alike to the special- ist and the general student of entomology, and one which was much needed, so many scattered descriptions having appeared in recent years at the hands of a number of authors that their collation and correlation by a special student of the order was greatly to be desired. Professor Blatchley's residence in Indiana and Florida and his long familiarity with the group enabled him to bring to the task an equipment possessed by few; and his views on the syn- onymy, etc., of the various forms should accordingly receive the consideration they deserve, even though it is, perhaps, too soon to decide definitely the standing of some of the less known forms. The notes on songs, habits and distribution naturally constitute the most attractive part of the book to the biologist, but the bib- liography and synonymy are equally helpful to the student. The volume is well illustrated with text cuts, and well printed except for several instances of inversion of cuts, cases apparently of mistaken humor (?) on the part of the printer's devil (or should it read vice versa?). So flagrant are these in character that one might truthfully say that Professor Blatchley owes it to his fellow-scien- tists, having manuscripts to publish, to acquaint them with the name of the firm responsible for such actions. The book is a very presentable, readable, and useful account of the order as found in eastern North America, indispensable to every student of the orthoptera, the first of its kind in its field, and we bespeak for it the welcome it deserves.
A. P. M.
Pswhe 27:129 11920). http //psyche enkliib ore/27/27.129 him1


Volume 27 table of contents