A.M. Wilcox.
Notes and Descriptions of Species of Telenomus having ten-jointed Antennæ (Hymenoptera; Scelionidæ.).
Psyche 27:78-80, 1920.
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78 P8yche [August
and at the cross-veins. The first submarginal is longer and a little narrower than the second posterior, its stem about one-half the length of the cell. The basal cross-vein not quite its length from the anterior. The scales are dark brown, somewhat truncate on the costa, the first long vein and the stem of the fifth, otherwise they are long narrow lanceolate. Halteres have light stem and dark knobs.
Length (abdomen 4 mm., body 7 mm., proboscis 3 mm., wing 6 mm.).
Taken, Selenga, Siberia, July 10, 1919, by First Lieut. J. P. Kopecky, M.C., U. S. Army (A. E. F.-S.) and described from two females sent with specimens of Anopheles lewisi, described above. It is quite in the possibilities that this may prove to be only avaria- tion, of lewisi, but as the Anophelines of this region are not well known it has seemed worth while to describe it. NOTES AND DESCRIPTIONS OF SPECIES OF
Gipsy Moth Assistant, U. S. Bureau of Entomology. While working over a collection of Proctotrypoid parasites during the winter of 1918-19, I found many specimens of Telenomus with the females having only ten antenna1 joints. These were separated into three species.
The following two species appear to be new to science and their descriptions are herewith presented. In the form of the abdomen they resemble Phanurus but the head is transverse and not quad- rate or subquadrate as typical of that genus. They are, therefore, placed in Telenomus.
Telenomus hemerocamp~ sp . nov.
Female. Length 1.25 mm. Black, shining; the legs, except the coxze, dusky yell~w, upper sides of femora slightly darker, especially the posterior pair; wings hyaline, ciliated; head about three times as wide as thick as seen from above,
Ocelli in a curved line, the
lateral ones nearly touching the margin of the eyes, the median 1 The wrtter desires to express his thanks to Prof. C. T, Brues of the Bussey Institution, Har- vard University, for his valuable assistance in the preparation of this paper, for the loan of specimens and for the examination and comparison of the species treated.
19201 Wilcox-Species. of Telenomus Having Ten-Jointed Antennie 79 one set in a shallow fovea. Head margined behind. Vertex shagreened; front below shining, smooth except, for a single row of ' minute punctures along the inner margin of the eyes and a sha- greened area on the sides below. The row of punctures extends along the vertex behind the median ocelli and are somewhat larger than those on the sides. Mandibles dark reddish brown. Anten- nze ten-jointed with a five-jointed'club, scape and pedicel dusky yellow, funicular joints pale brown, the club darker. Scape reach- ing to the vertex, pedicel twice as long as thick at the apex; first funicular joint twice as long as thick, slightly thicker than the pedicel; second shorter, two-thirds as long; third one-half as long as the first and rounded; first four joints of the club quadrate, about equal; last slightly longer and conically pointed. Prothorax about as long as wide, convex in front, thinly covered with whitish pubes- cence, shagreened. Scutellum shining with fine, sparse punctures which show faintly. Postscutellum finely rugose. Abdomen sessile, longer than the head and thorax, pointed at the tip. First segment wider at the sides than medially, longitudinally striated at the base; second segment .fully twice as long as wide, shining and striated at the base near suture, these strize not being as long as those at the base of the first segment. Behind these strize are faint aciculations, showing somewhat stronger at the sides. Following segments much shorter. Wings hyaline, ciliated; venation pale yellow.
Male. Differs from the female as follows: Legs and antennze paler. Antennze twelve-jointed ; scape and pedicel yellowish; the flagellar joints fuscous becoming darker towards the tip. Pedicel and first three funicular joints longer than thick, about equal in length; fourth to ninth moniliform; the last joint twice as long as the penultimate, pointed.
Type locality. New Hampshire. Type: Gip. Moth Lab. No. 4176E.
Deposited in U. S. Nat. Mus.
Type Cat. No. 23066,
U. S. Nat. MUS.~ Host: Hemerocampa leucostigma Abb. & Sm. Described from four specimens reared from the eggs of H. leu- costigma collected April 149 1910.
Telenomus euproctidis sp. nov.
Female. Length 0.75 mm. Black, shining; the legs brownish; wings hyaline with long cilia. Head about three times as wide as
80 Psyche [August
thick as seen from above.
Lateral ocelli nearly touching the eyes, the median one setin a shallow fovea.
Vertex shagreened, with a
few punctures; front below smooth, shining, with a row of punc- tures along the sides near the eyes, shagreened on the sides below. Antenn* dark brown or black, ten-jointed, with a four-jointed club. Scape nearly reaching to the vertex; pedicel more than twice as long as thick; first funicular joint two-thirds as long as the pedi- cel, second and third one-half as long as the first, not as thick, about equal, fourth considerably wider than long; first, second, and third club joints nearly quadrate, about equal, the last longer and conically pointed; Thorax about as long as wide, convex in front, thinly pubescent with whitish hairs, faintly shagreened. Scutellum smooth, shining, finely pitted around the outer edge; postscutellum finely rugose. Abdomen smooth, shining, longer than the thorax; first segment considerably wider at tip than at base, rather deeply, longitudinally striated at base, stri~ a little longer than one-half the length of the segment. Second segment more than twice as long as wide, striated at base, the strie not as deep as those on first segment but slightly longer; following seg- ments short and coming to a point. Wings hyaline with rather long cilia; venation pale yellowish brown. Male.
Differs from the female as follows: antennze and legs, except cox*, considerably paler; abdomen not pointed at apex. First three funicular joints of antenn~ about two-thirds the length of the pedicel; fourth to ninth shorter, moniliform; the last twice as long as wide and pointed.
Type locality: Japan. Type: Gip. Moth Lab. No. 3348A Deposited in U. S. Nat. Mus. Type:
Cat. No. 23067, U. S. Nat.
Mus. Host : Euproctis conspersa Butl.
Described from several specimens reared from the eggs of E. mnspema from Japan, August 25, 1910.
Telenomus dalmani (Ratz.).
Ichneum. der Forstinsect., vol. 1, p. 185 (18441, (Teleas). Mayr, Verh. z001.-bot. Gesellsch. Wien, vol. 29, p. 708 (1879). Telenomus $skei Brues, Psyche, vol. 17, p. 106 (1910). There are a few specimens of this species from Dresden, Germany, in the collection and many others from New England. The speci- .
mens from New England were first determined as Telenomus$skei
1 9201 Striclcland-The Noctuid Genus Copablepharon 81 Brues3 but later were found to agree with Mayr's description of T. dalmani. The type of T. $skei agrees with the description and when compared with specimens of T. dalmani was found to be the same. Prof. C. T. Brues, who has gone over the description and compared the specimens, is also of the opinion that T. fiskei and T. dalmani are the same species.
This species has been taken in Maine, New Hampshire, Massa- chusetts, New York, Ottawa, Canada, England, Holland and
Germany. It has been reared from the eggs of Notolophus antiqua and Hemerocampa leucostigma in U. S.
Crawford records this
species as having been reared from the eggs of Orgyia antiqua in England, Holland and Ottawa, Canada.
Telenomus abnormis Crawford.
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 41, p. 270 (1911). I have not seen this species.
It is described as having the second
segment about as long as wide.
It differs in this character from
any other species under consideration in this paper. The females in this group may be separated with the following . table:
1. Antenna1 club five-jointed .............................. .3 Antenna1 club four-jointed .............................. .2 2. Second segment of abdomen about as long as wide abnormis, Craw.
Second segment of abdomen much longer than wide euproctidis sp. nov.
3. Abdomen truncate at apex. ................ dalmani (Ratz.) Abdomen pointed at apex. ............ he me roc amp^ sp. nov. THE NOCTUID GENUS COPABLEPHARON (HARVEY) WITH NOTES ON ITS TAXONOMIC
Entomological Branch, Ottawa, Canada.
The Genus Copablepharon was erected by Harvey ('78) for a single Californian species, absidum Harv. which he had previously ('74) placed in the genus Ablepharon-Arsilonche. In his descrip-
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