Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

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founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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C. P. Alexander.
New or Little-known Neotropical Hexatomini.
Psyche 21:33-44, 1914.

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19141 Alexander-New or Little-known Neotropical Hexatomini 33 Abra, Island of Luzon, on the Benguet Road during the construc- tion of that road. The location is definitely inland; the camp was in a deep canyon, where Dr. Graves wrote me "the Mountains are so high we see the sun only between 9 a. m. and 3 p. m." The Benguet River runs through this canyon, and there is no sea or blackish water within many miles. These Anophelines were there in great numbers, the collection from which the specimens were sent to Mr. Theobald, containing about fifty specimens, all of them this one species.
It is also of interest to note that for a while no other species were taken, although no effort was made to that end, and during that time malarial fever was very prevalent.
This can only mean that M. Ludlowii may breed in fresh water, but this, by no means precludes its breeding also in salt or brackish water, for a sufficient number of other Anophelines are shown to breed indifferently in fresh or salt water to make it at least allow- able to suppose that ludlowii may do the same. NEW OR LITTLE-KNOWN NEOTROPICAL HEXATOMINI (TIPULIDS, DIPTERA.)
Ithaca, N. Y.l
The following species were included in collections received for study from the American Museum of Natural History (Mr. Gross- beck) ; United States National Museum (Mr. Knab) ; Cornell University (Dr. Bradley) ; and the Muzeu Rocha (Sefior Rocha). I express my sincere thanks to the above-named gentlemen for this and other favors received from them, The present paper deals with the Hexatomin& an extensive tribe of crane-flies, which reaches its maximum of specific development in the tropics. The study of these forms was conducted as research in Systematic Entomology at Cornell University under Dr. J. Chester Bradley, to whom I am indebted now, as before, for advice and many val- uable suggestions.
1 Entomological Laboratory, Cornell University. Psit-fte 21:33-44 (1914). hup Itpsycht rinclub orgtiI/21-011 html


Psyche [February
Eriocera Macquart.
Caloptera Guerin; Voyage de la Coquille; ZooL ; pi. 20; f. 2. Eriocera Macquart; Dipt. Exot.; vol. I, pt. 1; p. 74. Evanwptera Guerin; Voyage d' la Coquille; Zool.; vol. 2, pt. 2; p. 287. Pterocosmus Walker; List Dipt. Brit. Mus.; vol. I, p. 78. Allarithmia Loew.; Bernstein und Bernsteinfauna, p. 38. Oligomera Doleschall; Naturk. Tijds. v. Nederl. Ind.; vol. 14, p. 11. Arrhenica Osten Sacken; Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil.; p. 242. Physecrania Bigot; Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr.; p. 123; pi. 3, fig. 1. Androclosma Enderlein; Zool. Jahrb; vol. 32, pt. 1, p. 34, fig. U, V. Eriocera is one of the dominant genera of the crane-fly fauna in Neotropical countries.
The key given below is based on a study
of specimens of many of the species and a careful consideration of the original descriptions. It should, however, be supplemented the original description wherever this is possible. A Key to the Neotropical Species of Eriocera. Wings dark colored with hyaline or yellowish cross-bands, or wings light col- ....................................... ored with dark cross-bands. 2 Wings, whether dark colored or not, uniform, or nearly so, in color, not cross- banded .......................................................... 13 Wings light-colored with three dark cross-bands, [small species; length, 9, 8 mm.]. (Porto Rico.) .............................. trifasciata Roderl .................. Wings dark colored with hyaline or yellowish cross-bands .3 .................................
Head dark colored, not red or yellow..
......................................... Head yellowish or reddish. .5
Base of the wings pale; femora with the basal third and a ring at the second third yellow; first four abdominal segments bright yellow; head with a
yellowish-grey bloom. (Colombia.) ..................... braconides End.2 Base of the wings dark; legs, abdomen (with the exception of the apical seg- .... ments of the Q ) and head entirely black. (Guatemala.) magni$ca, sp. n. Tip of the wing dark colored. ........................................ .6- Tip of the wing pale giving the wing the appearance of having an apical yellow cross-band.
(North Brazil.) .......................... perpulchra, sp. n. Wings pale brown with a moderately narrow, hyaline band, whose distal edge is limited by the cord; a small brownish stigma1 spot [antennae bright brown- ish-yellow; thoracic dorsum brownish-yellow with three greyish brown stripes; femora with middle third and apical quarter brown on a ochraceous-yellow ground]. (Colombia.) ............................. virgulativentris End.' .. Wings darker brown with the cross-band usually wider; stigma not distinct .7 1 Roder, V. von; Stett. Entomol. Zeitung; vol. 46, p. 338; 1885. SEnderlein, G.; ZoOl. Jahrbuch; vol. 32, pt. 1; p. 47, (f. Bl); 1912, a Enderlein, G.; 1. c.; p. 47, 48; (f. c 1) ; 1912.


19141 Alexander-New or Little-known Neotropical Hexatomini 35 .......
7. Legs with the tibiae, at least the posterior ones, with a broad white ring. 8
........................................... Legs without white bands. .9 8. Thorax uniformly black; [head and base of antennas uniformly fiery reddish- -yellow; wing band yellow; anal cells a little less brown than rest of the brown - band]. (Brazil.). ................................... tmioptera Wied.4 Thorax not uniformly black, dorsum very faintly striped, pleurae sooty-brown; [abdomen black; a scoriaceous, bluish-black band at the base of each seg- ment]. (Brazil.). ................................... .caminaria Wied.8 9. Femora banded with yellow rings on a darker ground; [large, 9, length, 18 mm.; head yellowish-orange; first antenna1 segment brown; abdomen with seg- ments 2, 3, 4 and the terminal ones yellowish-orange, the others black}. (Brazil.). ........................................... .fasciata Guer.6 Femora not banded with yellow rings; legs yellow, brown or black usually darkening toward the tips of the segments. ......................... .10 10. Antennae entirely orange; [larger; Q , length 15 mm.; wing-bands pale yellow]. (Brazil.) ............................................ ruficornis Macq.1 Antennae with only the scape orange, flagellum brown; [smaller; 9 less than 12 mm.] ......................................................... 11 11. Thoracic dorsum blackish-grey trivittate with black; [wing band and anal cells yellowish]. (Brazil.) ................................. melanacra Wied.8 ................ Thoracic dorsum neither grey, nor trivittate with black. .IS&
12. Abdomen black, at base of each segment a shining, scoriaceous, bluish-black band.
[This species is also included in couplet 8; Wiedemann does not mention white tibia1 bands, but specimens which Schiner determined as being caminaria had white on the tibiae]. (Brazil.). ........... caminaria Wied.1 Abdominal segments 2, 3, and sometimes 4, with at least the caudal margins whitish; bases of the segments usually reddish. (Northern S. America.) ................... longistyla Alex. ( = erythrocephala Fabr.) pre0cc.i. 13. Abdomen mostly yellowish or yellowish-brown, usually with a black band be- fore the tip. ..................................................... .14 Abdomen mostly black or blackish. .................................. .26 14. Frontal tubercle black or blackish. ................................... .15 Frontal tubercle yellowish or reddish. ................................ .18 15. Thorax red between the pronoturn and the suture, with a dark median line; [abdominal segments 6 and 7 black;
wings pale brownish; 3, length, IS
................................... mm.]. (Mexico.) mesoxantha 0. S.10 ............. . Thorax yellow or reddish-yellow, without a dark median line. .16.
4 Wiedemann, J.; Aussereur. zweifl. Insekt; vol. I, p. 28; (Limnobia); 1828. 6 Wiedemann, J.; 1. c.; vol. I, p. 31; (Limnobia) ; 1828. 6 Guerin, F. C.; Voyage de la Coquille.; Zool.; vol. 2, pt. 2; p. 287; pl. 20, f.2; (Eva nioptwa) ;. 1830.
7 Macquart, J.; Dipt. Exot.; vol. 1, pt. 2; p. 176, 177; (Cylindrotoma); 1838. 8 Wiedemann, J. ; Aussereur. zweifl. Insekt; vol. I, p. 548; (Limnobia) ; 1828. Fabricius, J.; Syst. Antliar.; p. 31; (Tivula); 1805. 10 Osten Sacken, C. R. R.; Biologia Centr. Americana; Dipt.; vol. I; p. 10; 1886.


36 Psyche [February
16. Antennae with flagellum light yellow; thorax uniformly yellow; [abdomen with segments 3-7 with brown spots; wings brownish, lighter-colored in the interior of the cells]. (Mexico.). ........................ .fiavida Will.11 Antennae brown or black; thorax yellow with black lateral spots or stripes. .. .17 17. Antennae black; a large black spot on mesonotum above each wing; abdomen black excepting segments 1-4 and 9.
(Mexico.). ........ brunneipes Will.12
Antennae brown; a short black stripe on each side of the mesonotum; abdominal segments 1-4 with a narrow posterior black band; remaining segments black excepting their yellowish bases. (Mexico.) .......................... .willistoni Alex. ( = fasciata Will.) preocc.18 18. Cell 1st Ma far out toward the wing-margin, so that Cul beyond this cell is shorter than Cu1+SI3; that portion of Rl between cross-vein r and Scz, very thin, indistinct; [antennae of the 3 very long, filiform, twice as long as the body]. (Eastern Brazil.). ............................. macrocera, sp. n. Cell 1st Mz nearer to the wing root, so that Cul beyond this cell is as long or longer than Cui+Ms ; RI between r and 802 equal to the remainder of Rl in thickness; [antennae of the known 3's short]. .............. 19, 23 19. Males with the frontal tubercle produced into slender horn-like points which are directed laterad; [abdomen with a subterminal black band]. (~olivia.) cornzgera, sp. n.
..................................................... Males (as known) with the frontal tubercle normal. ..................... .20 90. No conspicuous black subapical band on the abdomen; stigma1 spot conspic- uous; [length about 19 mm; wing 17 mm.]. (British Guiana-Eastern Brazil.)
................................................... kaieturensis, sp. n. A conspicuous sub-apical dark brown or black band on the abdomen. ....... .21 91. Larger species; [length, 20 mm.; wing, 18 mm.; [Scz longer than Sci}. (Ecuador.) ohausiana End.14
.................................................... ................................ Smaller species [length, 15 mm. or less]. .22
22. Antennae brown; body coloration dull brownish-yellow. (Peru.) p eruvzana,sp.n.
..................................................... Antennae yellow; body coloration yellow and black. (Mexico-Costa Rica.) .zonata 0. S.16
...................................................... 93. Females (as known) without a subapical black band on the abdomen; [length 25-28 mm.; wing, 20-21 mm.]. (British Guiana--Eastern Brazil.) ................................................... kaieturensis, sp. n. Females (as known) with a subapical black or blackish band on the abdomen. .24 '24. Mesonotum uniformly reddish-yellow; [antennae brown; wings tinged with brownish]. (Honduras.) ................................ obsoleta Will.18 ................................... Mesonotum longitudinally striped. .25 25. Scape of the antefanae yellow; legs yellow, segments tipped with black; 802 longer and more conspicuous than Scl. (Mexico-Costa Rica.) zonata 0. 5-16 11 Williston, S.; Biologia Centr. Americana; (suppl.; Dipt.; vol. I) ; p. 227; 1900. 12 Williston, S.; 1. c., p. 227; pi. 4, fig. 5; 1900. 13 Williston, S.; 1. c., p. 226; pi. 4, fig. 10; 1900. 14 Enderlein, G.; Zool. Jahrbuch.; vol. 32, pt. 1; p. 45, 46; fig. A1; 1912, Osten Sacken, C. R. R. ; Biologia Cent. Amer. ; Dipt., vol. I, p. 10; 1886. 16 Williston, S.; Biologia Cent. Amer.; Dipt.; vol. I (suppl.); p. 227; 1900.


19141 Alexander-New or Little-known Neotropical Hexatomini 37 Scape of the antennae brownish-black; legs blackish-brown except base of fore ................
femur; Scz shorter than Scl. (Mexico.). touvzsendi, sp. n. Color metallic blue with head orange-red. (Panama.). ....... lessepsi 0. S.17
............................................ Color not metalic blue. .27
........................................... Thoracic prsescutum red,. .28
Thoracic praescutum black. ......................................... .29 .........
Frontal tubercle red; scutellum black. (Mexico.) hcemorrhoa 0. S.18 Frontal tubercle black; scutellum red. (Guatemala.). ........ erythraa 0. S.19 ............................................. Frontal tubercle of'ange .30
............................................. Frontal tubercle black. .31
Abdominal segments 3-5 with basesred dish. (Mexico.). ..... .gracilis 0. S." Abdominal segments altogether black. (Colombia.). ........ macquarti End21 Wings luteous, blackish toward the tips. (South America.) chrysoptera Walk" .............................................. Wings mostly blackish. 32
Wings brown, darker along costa; cells uniform; wings not reddish-yellow at .......................................
basis. (Mexico.) pretiosa 0. S.2:
Wings brown, either reddish-yellow at base or else with hyaline in some of the ........................................................... cells. .33
Wings a little reddish-yellow at base.
(Brazil.) ............... nigra Wied.24
Wings blackish, some of the cells with nearly hyaline streaks. (South America.)
................................................. tenebrosa Walk.2* The following species are not included in the above key: Penthoptera fuliginosa S~hiner;~~ (Colombia) shining pitch- black; femora with a broad yellowish-red ring immediately beyond the base; head, antennae and palpi black; wings tinged with brown, more saturated on costal margin. Osten Sacken, (Studies on Tipulidae, pt. 2, p. 224), suggests that this is an Eriocera. Limnobia flauiceps Wied. ;27 (Brazil) thorax and abdomen black, forehead fiery yellow; antennae black.
Venation (PI. 6 b; fig. 10)
like Eriocera but cell R2 very short.
Eriocera magnifica sp. nov.
Dark brownish-black including the head; wings dark with a broad pale yellow postmedian band.
17 Osten Sacken, C. R. ; Biologia Cent. Amer.; Dipt. ; vol. I, p. 13; 1886.
18 Osten Sacken, C. R.; ibid.; p. 11.
19 Osten Sacken, C. R.; 1. C.
20 Osten Sacken, C. R.; 1. c.; p. 12.
21 Enderlein, G.; Zool. Jahrb.; vol. 32, pt. I; p. 45; 1912. 22 Walker, F.; Insecta Saundersiana; vol. I; p. 438; (Limnobia); 1856. 23 Osten Sacken, C. R. R.; Biol. Cent-Amer.; Dipt. ; vol. I, p. 12; 1886. 24 Wiedemann, J.; Aussereur. zweifl. Insekt.; vol. I, p. 27; (Limnobia); 1828. "Walker, F.; Insecta Saundersiana; vol. I, p. 439, 440; (Limnobia); 1856. 25 Schiner; Reise Novara; p. 42. (Penthoptera); 1868. 27 Wiedemann, Aussereur. zweifl. Insekt; vol. I, p. 550; (Limnobia); 1828.


Psyche [Februar;
3, Length, 14 mm. ; wing, 12.4 mm.; antennae about 3.8 mm. Fore leg, fern. 7.6 mm. ; tibia, 9.7 mm.; tarsus 1, 4.9; 2-5, 4.1 mm. Middle leg, fern. 9 mm.; tibia, 9.6 mm.
Hind leg, fern. 9.8 mm.; tibia, 11.8 mm. Q, Length, 21 mm.; wing, 16.3 mm.; antennae about 5 mm. Fore leg, fern. 9.9 mm. ; tibia, 10.6 mm.; tarsus, 8.4 mm. Middle leg, fern. 11.4 mm.; tibia, 10.9 mm. Hind leg, fern. 12.8 mm.; tibia, 13 mm.
8, Rostrum and palpi dark brown; antennae, two basal segments brown; flagel- lum very dark brownish-black. Front, vertex and occiput deep brown. Frontal tubercle moderately broad, deeply notched. Thoracic dorsum dark brownish-black without distinct stripes; pleurae more brownish. Legs and halteres dark brownish-black. Wings (fig. 7) brown with a broad light yellow band slightly beyond the middle, its outer margin just distad of the cord. Abdominal tergum, basal half shiny, apical half dull black. 9, similar to o" but larger and the genital segment reddish. Paratype paler and evidently newly-
emerged; same place and date as the allotype. Holotype, 3. Trece Agu ;s, Cacao, Alta Vera Paz, Guatemala. April 5. (Schwarz and Barber.) Allotype, $ same locality and collector as the 8, April 9. Paratype, 9 with the allotype. Types in the U. S. Nat. Mus. Coll. Paratype in the author's collection.
In its blackish head, magnified agrees most closely with braconides Enderlein (2001. Jahrb., vol. 32, pt. I; p. 47; fig. B1; 1912) of Colombia; the remaining species with banded wings have the head conspicuously orange or yellow. Braconides differs very notably in its pale wing-basis, light bloom on the head, different leg-pattern, etc.
Eriocera perpulchra sp. nov.
Head reddish; frontal tubercle notched; wings yellow with two brown bands. 8, Length, 20.8 mm.; wing, 16.6 mm.; abdomen about 16 mm.; Antennae 3.2 mm.
Middle leg, femora, 10.4 mm.; tibia 11 mm.; tarsus 8.3 mm. Hind leg, femora, 11.8 mm.; tibia 13.6 mm.; tarsus about 8 mm. 8, Rocrtrum and palpi dark brown.
Antennae, segments 1-2, orange-yellow;
segment 3, yellow basally, passing into dark brown at the tip; remaining segments dark brownish-black. Front, vertex and occiput bright orange, rather obscured posteriorly. Frontal tubercle very broad, truncated in front and broadly notched. Pronotum very dark brown.
Mesonotum, praescutum, medially broadly dull chocolate-brown with three narrow darker lines, one median, the other two on the sides of the broad median band, these dark vittae becoming indistinct behind; sides of the sclerite anterior to the pseudosuture brighter, orange; sides of the prsescutum behind, dark colored; scutum, scutellum and postnotum dark brownish-black. Pleurae dark brown, rather lighter colored on the ventral sclerites. Halteres, stem


1914J Alexander-New or Little-known Neotropical Hevatomhi 39 brown, basally, darkening to brownish-black on the knob. Legs: cox= and tro- chanters dark brown; femora dull brownish-yellow, tip broadly dark brown, an indistinct broad darker median band; tibiae and tarsi brown, the former lighter colored basally.
Wings: pale light yellow; a broad brown basal band filling in the space from slightly beyond cross-vein b to beyond the origin of R,; a second brown band filling in the space from the cord to the tip of Ri, down to the end of Cui. Venation (see fig. 8) : Sc rather short, ending opposite cross-vein r-m before the middle of Rs+s; cross-vein r about eqval to that portion of Ri proximad of it; Rs long. Abdominal tergites reddish-brown, segments 6-7 rather darker, brown; segments 8-9, reddish. Sternites reddish-brown.
Holotype, Savannah, North Brazil. August 22, 191 1. (Crampton.) Type in American Museum of Natural History.
Eriocera longistyla Alex.
Tipula erythrocephala Tabricius; Syst. Antliar.; p. 31 (non T. erythro- cephala DeGeer. 1776).
Limnobia erythrocephala Wiedemann; Dipt. Exot.; vol. 1, p. 17. Limnobia erythrocephala Wiedemann; Aussereur. zweifl. Ins.; vol. I, p. 30. Cylindrotoma erythrocephala Macquart; Dipt. Fxot.; vol. I, pt. I., p. 67. Eriocera erythrocephala Schiner; Verh. Zool. hot. Ges. Wien.; vol. 16, p. 929.
Eriocera erythrocephala Schiner; Novara Reise; Dipt.; p. 41. Eriocera erythrocephala Osten Sacken; Monographs Dipt. N. Am.; vol. 4; p. 248.
As I have shown elsewhere, the Tipula erythrocephala of rabricius is homonymous with DeGeer's species and I have renamed it as above. I have before me five specimens of this handsome little form, as follows : (1) 8, Waratuk, Upper Potaro R.; July 15, 1911. (Crampton.)
(2) 8, Upper Potaro R.; July 17, 1911.
(3) 3 9, Tukeit, Upper Potaro R.; July 24, 1911. (Lutz.) (in cop.) (5) Q , Tukeit, Upper Potaro R.; July 24, 1911. (Lutz.)
I am including a few additional details in regard to measurements and coloration: 8, Length, 9.1-10.3 mm.; wing, 9.9-10.4 mm. ?,Length, 10.8-11 mm.; wing, 10.3-10.9mm. First and second antenna1 segments of the same bright orange color as the dorsum of the head; flagellum of antennas and the palpi dark brown. Mesonotal prasscutum dark brown covered with a thick yellowish bloom which is less intense on the cephalic margin of the sclerite; three broad dorsal stripes, very indistinct.
The thoracic dorsum, viewed with the naked eye, appears pearly- yellow; scutum and scutellum similar to the prsescutum; postnotum darker brown, less pruinose. Wing shown in fig. 6.
Abdominal tergites, segment 1 very dark brown, only the extreme margin orange; segment 2 light orange-yellow, with a dark brown postmedian band; segment 3 orange, more yellowish on the anterior and posterior margins; segment 4, dark brownish-black, anterior quarter orange; segments 5-7 deep black, 8 and hypopy- gium orange. Sternites about as in the tergites; the lateral line dark on 2nd and


40 Psyche [February
3rd segments. The last specimen listed above ( 9 ) is similar but the abdominal tergum has the basal three-fourths of segments 1-3 almost black, the apical quarter yellowish. The 9, in cop, has the first abdominal tergite black. The specimens are in the American Museum of Natural History with the excep- tion of specimen No. 2, in the author's collection. Eriocera macrocera sp nov.
Head reddish-yellow; antennae of the d" twice as long as the body; the section of Cui beyond the outer end of cell 1st Mz is shorter than the fused portion of Cui and Ms.
c?. Wing, length, 8.3 mm.; breadth at widest point, 2.5 mm. Front, vertex and occiput bright orange-yellow; antennae very long, brown. Thorax and abdomen, brown. Wings with a slight brownish tinge; stigma darker brown, large but ill-defined; veins C, Sc and R rather yellowish; remaining veins brown. Venation (see fig. 4).
Costa incrassated between ends of Sci and RI ; Scs near the tip of Scl; the portion of Rl between Sc2 and cross-vein r, delicate, indistinct; Rs strongly arcuated at origin; Rz+s nearly twice as long as that por- tion of Rt before cross-vein r; the portion of Cul beyond the outer end of cell 1st Ms is shorter than the fused portion of Cui and Ms instead of distinctly longer as in all short-antennsed forms known to me; in other words, cell 1st Mi (discal) is very far out toward the wing margin.
Holotype, d\ Igarap&ass& Para, Brazil. January 30, 1912. (H. S. Parish.)
Type in Cornell University Collection.
The only South American Eriocera, so far described, with elon- gate antennae in the male.
From the related Northern species,
E. longicornis Walk., it differs in its reddish head and body-color. The type-specimen is not at hand and a more detailed description. will be given later.
Eriocera cornigera sp. nov.
Frontal tubercle of the male produced into long, slender points; abdomen with a subterminal black band; general color yellow. o\ Length, 12.8 mm.; wing 11.6 mm.; antennae nearly 4 mm. Middle leg, femora, 8.2 mm.; tibia, 8.8 mm. Hind leg, femora, 9.4 mm.; tibia, 10.,7 mm. Rostrum and palpi dark, blackish; antennse, first two segments brownish-yellow; third bright yellow; remaining segments dark brownish-black. Front brownish-
yellow; vertex and occiput brownish-yellow, greyish near the eyes; frontal tubercle ' brighter, orange-yellow.
Frontal tubercle extended into two elongate, pointed tubercles.
Pronotum prolonged into rather long obtuse points at the antero-lateral angles, brown.
Mesonotum, praescutum, median line tawny; a large, dark brown stripe beginning near the cephalic margin, narrowing behind and gradually converging to near the suture. To either side of this, near the middle of the sclerite, begins a broad stripe which runs to the suture; ground color of the sclerite yellow. Scutum


19141 Alexander~New or Li tie-knou'n Neotropical Hcxafomini 41 largely brown, tawny in the middle; scutellum and post-scutum tawny; postnoturn tawny. Pleurae yellowish-tawny; sternum light yellow, Halteres tawny, knobs rather darker. Legs brownish-yellow, scarcely darker at the apices of the segments. Wings: cells C and Sc tinged with yellow, rest of wing greyish; stigma very indis- tinct, rounded.
Venation (see fig. 3.).
Sc rather long, ending just beyond the level of cross-vein r-m; Scz longer and much stronger than Sci which is reduced in size and simulates a cross-vein (as in sonata 0. S.); Rs very long, nearly straight; R2+3 long; cross-vein r oblique, inserted on Ra just beyond the fork. Abdominal segments 1-5, light yellow; 6-7 deep brownish black; hypopygium broken.
Holotype 3. Songo, Bolivia. (Received from Staudinger-Bang-Haas) . Type in author's collection.
Eriocera kaieturensis sp. nov.
Large species (wing 17-21 mm.); head yellow; thoracic dorsum striped; legs with a broad subapical yellow band; wings with an indistinct yellowish band before the cord, stigma distinct.
3, Length, about 19 mm.; wing, 17 mm.; antennae about 4 mm. Hind leg, femur, 11.4 mm.; tibia, 11.5 mm.; tarsus, 7.4 mm. Q, Length, about 25 rnm.; wing, 20.8 mm. Middle leg, femur, 11 mm.; tibia, 10.9 mm.; tarsus, 8.9 mm. Hind leg, femur, 14.3 mm.; tibia, 14.8 mm; tarsus, 8.3 mm. 8,
Rostrum and palpi brown; antennae short, segments 1 and 2 bright orange, remaining segments brown.
Front, vertex and occiput bright orange-yellow. Mesonotal prsescutum light yellowish-brown poJlinose with a broad darker brown median stripe, broadest in front, narrowed to a point near the suture, this broad band including a narrow, dark brown, median line; two broad lateral stripes of the same brown color on either side, beginning behind the pseudo-suture, con- tinuing back across the suture onto the scutal lobes; scutum light yellowish-brown, each lobe brown medially, a continuation of the lateral prsescutal stripes; scutellum light brownish-yellow. Pleurae darker brown dorsally, beneath much paler, yellowish. Halteres, stem dull yellow, knob brown. Legs: coxae and trochanters orange-yellow, the latter with a narrow black line; femora yellow, darkened at the tip and indistinctly and brcadly darker beyond the middle producing a yellow subapical band; tibiae dull yellow; tarsi dull yellow, each segment tipped with brown. Wings: of a pale yellow color, this color rather darker, more greyish, beyond the cord and near the base of the wing; stigma conspicuous, but not dark, brown, occupying the end of cell 1st RI; veins brownish-yellow. Venation as in figure I. Abdominal tergum, segments rich yellowish-brown, darker apically; segments 5 and 6 darker; lateral margin of the tergites dark brownish-black, producing a

Volume 21 table of contents