Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Psyche 2:279-?, 1877.

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pair to the metathorax, and in changing to the imago each pair of spiracles is transferred to that segment to which it fnnction- ally belonged in the larva. The typical number of spiracles in insects is ten pairs, and none are ever present in excess of this number, or which are not homologous with some of these. In Mr. Gissler's article in PSYCHE, vol. 2, p. 240, it is stated that the adult 'Amblychila has seven pairs of stigmata." De- siring to find what had become of the missing spiracles of the larva, I examined some specimens collected in Kansas and kindly presented by Mr. S. W. Williston, of New Haven. Without attempting to find the minute mesothoracic pair, which are not present in the larva, the prothoracic pair and seven ab- dominal pairs were easily discovered, making eight in all. The metathorax of Amblvchila is very much reduced dorsally7 the wings are absent, and no spiracles are apparent on this' seg- ment. The pair under the posterior edge of the prothorax are, as usual, very large. The spiracles of the abdomen dimin- ish in size to the last, which are nevertheless well developed. W. H. Patton.
(Continued from page 286.)
The date of publication, here given in brackets [ 1, marks the time at which the work fras received by the Editor, unless an earlier date of publication is known to him. An asterisk * before a title is the Recorder's certificate of accuracy of quotation. Cor- rections of errors and notices of omissions are solicited. - B: PICKMAN MANN. Nos. 1215 to 1266 are from Can. entom., 1877, v. 9. * 3252. Westcott, Oliver S. Food plants of H. maia. (Can, entoin., 1877, v. 9, 11. 220.)
[See Rec., no. 1191.1
Hemileuca å´ma abundant in swampy localities. Does it not feed on other plants besides Quercus, Salk and Spiraea? [Dec., 1877.2
* 1253. Peck, G: Williams. [Captures of rare lepi- doptera.]
(Can. entom., 1877, v. 9, p. 220.)
3 species of Catocala and larvae of 4 species of Sphingidae captured in Rode, N. J. [Dec., 1677.1
* 1254. Grote, A: Radeliffe. [A "seeming growth."] (Can. entom., 1877, v, 9, p. 220.)
[See Rec., no. 1241.1
Suggests that the "growth" referred to is a pol- len-mass. [Dee., 1877.1


'*' 1255. Bethune, C: James Stewart. A few common wood-boring beetles. (Can. entom., 1877, v. 9, p. 221-226, PI-)
Describes and figures Monoliammus scutellat2~s, CZytus speciosus, Orthosonm cyli?zd?icum, Clytus robiniae, C7~7ysobotJiris femorafa, Saperda canda MonoJicimmus co?;fusor, 01)erea tripunctata ; notes on larvae and habits of these species. [Jan., 1878.1
* 1256. American Entomological Society, PMladelpMu, Pa. Notice of removal.
(Can. entom., 1877, v. 9, p. 226.)
Announcement of the removal of the society to the building of the Academy of Nat,ural Sciences of Philadelphia. [Jan., 1878.1 . * 1257. Grote, A: Radcliffe. A new genus of Tortri- cidae. (Can. entom., 1877, v. 9, p. 227.) Describes Exentera n. g. and E. apriliana n. sp., from N. Y. [Jan., 1878.1
* 1258. Bean, T: Ebenezer. Sexes of Homoptera lunata. (Can. entom., 1877, v. 9, p. 228.)
[See Rec., no. 1230.1 Further observations tend to confirm those pre- viously made. [Jan., 1878.1
* 1259. Cassino, S: E. Naturalists' directory. (Can. entom., 1877, v. 9, p. 228.)
Prospectus of a new edition, to appear about May 1878. [Jan., 1878.1 * 1260. Edwards, W: H: Description of preparatory stages of Neonyinpl~a sosybius.
(Can. entoin., 1877, v. 9,
p. 229-231.)
Describes egg, all stages of larva, and pupa ; compares it with related species. [Jan., 1878.1
* 1261. Chambers, Vactor Tousey. Insects feeding on Gleclitschia.
(Can. entom., 1877, v. 9, p. 231-235.)
Observations on Ilelice pallidodirella (re-named GelecJnci qleditschiaeellfi), .AgniP15e biscolorella, Laverna gleditscJncieella, two Buprestidae and some
Formicidae. [Jitn., 18 78.1
* 1262. Grote, A: Radcliffe. On the genera Nola and Argyropliyes.
(Can. entom., 1877, v. 9, p. 235-238.)
Describes Nola sexmawlci!~~ n. sp.; materially changes the description of the genus Argyrophyes [see Rec., no. 2021, removing it to the Noctuidae, and remarking on its species. [Jan., 1878.1 * 1263. [Saunders, W:] Entomological pins seized for duties.
(Can. entom., 1877, v. 9, p. 238-239.)
The U. S. Treasury Department forbids the importation of pins by pack- age post. [Jan., 1878.1


* 1264. Angus, James. Catocala marmorata. (Can. en- tom., 1877, v. 9, p. 239-240.)
Record of captures of this species in N. Y., N. J., and Ohio. [Jan., 1878.1
* 1265. Bailey, James Spencer. Spliingidae at sugar. (Can. entom., 1877, v. 9, p. 240.)
List of 12 species taken at Center, N. Y. [Jan., 1878.1
* 1266. LSaunders, W:] Donation to Entomological So- ciety of Ontario.
(Can. entom., 1877, v. 9, p. 240.)
A collection of named microlepidoptera presented by V. T. Cl~an~bers. [Jan., 1878.1
* 1267. Canadian entomologist (The). Ed. by William Saunders ; assisted by C. J. S. Betlmne, E. B. Reed, and G. J. Bowles. Vol. 10. London [Ont.], [Entomological Society of Ontario], 1878.
[4] + 244 p., 1 pi., 23 x 15.
Contains the articles cited in the Bibliograpliical record of PSYCHE, no. 1268-1372 ; index, p. 241-244.
* 1268. Edwards,W: H: Notes on Lycaena pseudargi- olus and its larval history.
(Can. entom., 1878, v. 10, p. 1-14,
Habits, food-plants, and description of all stages of larva of L. pseudcir- gioJus; description of egg and of pupa ; seasons and geographical distribu- tion of the various forms of the species ; description and figure of the secretory organs of larvae of Lycaena ; manner in which ants obtain the secretion produced by t,he larvae ; criticism of S. H. Scudder's views on the classification of butterflies [see Trans. Ainer. Entoin. Soc., 1877, v. 6, p. 69-80]. [See Rec., no. 131 1 .] [Feb., 18 78.1 * 1269. Saunders, W: Notes on the larva of Lycaena scudderi.
(Can. entom., 1878, v. 10, p. 14-15.)
Description of the larva, which feeds on Lupinus perennis, and is attended by ants. [Feb., 1878.1 4
* 1270. Worthington, C: Ellis. Miscellaneous niemor- anda.
(Can. entom., 1878, v. 10, p. 15-17.)
Description of larva of h m a obliquata; food-plants or seasons of Hemi- leuca maia, PJiilanyelus acJmzon, Smerinthus excaecalus, S. modestus, Darenima undnlosa, Macrosilo 5-nzciculata, Sphinx chersis, S. qordius, Apatela anwricanu, Ennornos ainiaria ; habits of Erebus odora ; fungous growth on wings of Papilio cisterias.
[Feb., 1878.1
* 1271. Grote, A: Radcliffe. Description of a new Drepanodes.
(Can. entom., 1878, v. 10, p. 17.)
Describes D. fernaldl n. sp., from Me. and Mass. [Feb., 1878.1


* 1272. Grote, A: Radcliffe. A new Hepialus from New York.
(Can. entoin., 1878, v. 10, p. 18.)
Describes H. auratus 11. sp.
[Feb., 1878.1
* 1278. [Saunders, W:] Entomological index to agri- cultural reports. (Can. entom., 1878, v. 10, 11. 18-19.) Notice of Townend Glover's
Miti-i~script notes . . . or Entomological index, to names. &c., in [tlie U. S.] agricultural reports, . . . " from 1854 to 1878. [Feb., 1878.1
* 1274. Grote, A: Radcliffe. Note on the structure of Nephopteryx zimmermaui. (Can. entom., 1878, v. 10, p. 19.) Describes Pinipestis, si new sub-genus.
[Feb., 1878.1
* 1275. Zimmerman, C: Diehl. [Nephopteryx zimmer- inani.]
(Can. entom., 1878, v. 10, 11. 20.)
Food-plants and ravages of the species. [Feb., 1878.1 * 1276. White, F. Buclianan.
[A " seeming growth " on
the eye of I'apilio philenor.]
(Can. entom., 1878, v. 10, 1).
[See Roc., no. 1241, 1254.1
Suggests that the
growth " is the pollinia
of some orchidaceous plant.
[Feb., 1878.1
* 1277. Saunders, W: Observations on the eggs of Clisiocampa sylvatica and americana. (Can. entom., 1878, v. 10, p. 21-23.)
" The larvae of both these species mature early in the fall and hybernate inside the egg, waiting tlie warmth of spring before eating their way out." Many of the eggs are destroyed by aspecies of Trombidi~111-i. [Mar., 1878.1 * 1278. Grote, A: Railcliffe. New Pyralicles. 4. (Can. entom., 1878, v. 10, p. 23-30.)
[See Rec., no. 1086, 1108, 1184. ] Describes Aria oliualis, Botis venali.q, B. trirrnactdcilis, B. fuyc'unaculcills, B. flauicolorali,~, B. stenopfernlls, D. idis, Eurycreon anarlalis, I10111opliysa peremp~cills, H. eripcilis = 10 n. frpp.; remarks upon other species. [Mar., 1878.1
* 1279. [ Saunders, W: ] Obituary notices. (Can. entom., 1878, v. 10, 13. 80-35.)
Brief biographies of Jared P. Kirtland, M.D., LLD., b. 10 Nov. 1793, d. 11 Dee.
1877 ; Andrew Murray, F. L. S., b. 19 Feb. 1812, (1. 10 Jan. 1878; and T: Vernon Wollaston, M. A., F. L. S., b. 18-21 or 1822, d. 4 Jan. 1878; the latter two notices derived mostly from memoirs in The enlomol- ogist, . . . . [Mar., 18 78.1
* 1280. Bean; T: Ebenezer. Northern occurrences of Papilio crespbontes.
(Can. entom., 1878, v. 10, 13. 35-36.
Citation ofseveral records showing the occurrence of this species in W.


Va., Kans., Ill., Wise., Conn., Mich. and Ont., and its feeding on Citrus, Zan tlloxjlum and P telea. [Mar., 18 78.1 * 1281. Worthington, C: Ellis. Notes on Argynnis alcestis Ediv. (Can. entom., 1878, v. 10, 11. 87-38.) Comparison of this species with A. cy~hrodiie ; time of appearance and geographical range of tlie species. [Mar., 1878.1 ^ 1282. Entomological Society of Ontario - London Branch. Annual meeting. (Can. entoin., 1878, v. 10, p. 38.) Election of officers. [Mar., 1878.1
* 1283. [Saunders, W:] Book notices. (Can. entom., 1878, v. 10, 11. 39, 79,139-120, 178-180.) Mere notice of numerous works by A: R. Grotc, V. T. Chambers and S: 11. Scudder; of Field and forest, Jan.-Mar. 1878; Journal of the Cin- cinnati Society of Natural History, no. 1; and Bulletin of the Buffalo Society of ^Natural Sciences, v. 3. pt.5: reviews of Streaker's Lepidoptcra rhopalo- ceres and heteroccres [see Kee., no. 791, pt. 1-1; of Cook's Manual of the apiary, 2nd ed.; of Lintner's Entomological contributions, no. 4; of Glover's Manuscript notes . . . Cotton, etc.; and of Strecker's Butterflies and moths of ^ST. A. [See Kec., no. 9961.
[Mar.-Oct., 1878.1
^ 1284. Riley, C: Valentine. Pieris vernalis and P. pro- toclice.
(Can. entom., 1878, v. 10, p. 39.)
[See Rec., no. 12-12.]
Confirmation of the conclusion that P. vernalis is the spring form of P. protodice.
[Mar., 1878.1
* 1285. Thomas, F. A. W. [Gall literature desired. ] (Can. entoin., 1878, v. 10, p. 40.)
Request for publications on galls, for use in preparing a report on the subject. [Mar., 1878.1
* 1286. Goodell, Lafayette Washington. [Captures of rare lepidoptera.] (Can. entom., 1878, v. 10, p. 40.) Ezibyja quernciiici and Aspilates lintneraria captured at Amherst, Mass. [Mar., 18 78.1
* 1287. Chase, Joseph Edwin. [Melitaea and Deilephila. ] (Can. entoin,, 1878, v. 10, p. 40.)
Occurrence of M. fliaeton, 17. Jiarrisii and abundance of larvae of D. lineuic~ near Holyoke, Mass. [Mar., 18 78.1 * 1288. Bowles, G: J: Samia columbia. (Can. entom., 1878, v. 10, p. 41, pi.)
Colored lithograph of the larva, drawn by Bowles; accompanying note by [W: Saunclers]. [Apr., 1878.1
* 1289. Caulfield, Frank Butler. Notes on the larva of Samia columbia Smith. (Can. entom., 1878, v. 10, p. 41-42.) Larva described and compared with larva of S. cecropia. [Apr., 1878.1


* 1290. Fernald, C: H:
On the early stages of Samia
columbia Smith.
(Can. entom., 1878, v. 10, 13. 43-48.)
Experiments in feeding the larvae with various plants; Prunus and Larix alone gave success.
Egg and all stages of larva desciibed; larva corn- pared with that of S. cecropia.
[Apr., 1878.1
* 1291. Saunders, W: On food plants of Papilio cres- phontes (tlioas),
(Can. entom., 1878, v. 10, p. 48-60.]
Dictamnus added to the list of food-plants ; loca,lities at which P. cres- phonies has been found in Canada.
[Apr., 1878.1
* 1292. Chambers, Vactor Tousey. Tineina. (Can. entoin., 1878, v. 10, p. 50-54.)
Notes on species of Gelechia, Hamadryas. Phaetusa, and Epicorthylis, especially G. soZaniel/a (re-described), G. Jtermcmella and E. inversdla; generic diagnosis of Epicorthylis; G. 4-maculella, re-named G. pravinomin- ella. [Apr., 1878.1
* 1293. Grote, A: Radcliffe. Description of a new Grapholitha. (Can. entom., 1878, v. 10, p. 54-55.) Describes G. ialecma n. sp. [Apr., 1878.1 * 1294. Harvey, Leon Ferdinand. New Noctuae. (Can. entom., 1878, v. 10, p. 55-58, 80.)
Describes Ap-otis hilliana, Polia diff'usilis, Tric71olita fistula, Copable- pharon [type : A blepharon absiclum], Heliopliila amygdalina, C(;rcidri~za subaquila, C. clam, Gruphiphwa rul>rica = 1 n. g., 7 n. spp. [Apr., 1878.1
* 1295. Riley, C: Valentine. Egg-feeding mites. (Can. entom., 1878, v. 10, p. 58-59.)
[See Rec., no. 1277.1
Citation of records of Acari feeding on eggs. [Apr., 1878.1
* 1296. Andrews, W: Valentine. Arctia antholea, Boisd. (Can. entom., 1878, v. 10, p. 59, 98.)
A. antliolea = Eziprepia pudica. [Apr., 1878.1 * 1297. Van Wagenen, Gerrit Hubert. Catocala mar- morata.
(Can. entom., 1878, v. 10, p. 59.)
C. marmorata and C. relicta captured at Eye, Westchester Co., N. Y. [Apr., 1878.1
* 1298. Grote, A: Radcliffe. Samia ~olumbia. (Can. entom., 1878, v. 10, p. 59-60.)
An imago developed in a warm room in February; it has L' the peculiar smell characteristic of [S.] cecropia."
[Apr., 1878.1
* 1299. Earrington, W: Hague. [Melitaea phaeton. ] (Can. entom., 1878, v. 10, p. 60.)
[See Rec., no. 1204.1
Doubts the occurrence of M.phaeton near Ottawa, Ont. [Apr., 1878.1


* 1300. Zimmerman, C: Diehl. [Carpocapsa pornonella eaten by beetles.] (Can. entom., 1878, v. 10, p. 60.) Larvae and pupae of C. pomonella eaten by Tenebr'odes latkollis. [Apr.,
* 1301. Peck, G: Williams. [Papilio crespliontes. ] (Can. entom., 1878, v. 10, p. 60.)
Four specimens captured and others seen in Fairfield Co., Conn., in sum- mer of 1877. [Apr., 1878.1
* 1302. French, G: Hazen. Notes on the larva and chry- salis of Nephelodes violaim (Can. entom., 1878, v. 10, p. 61.) Description of larva and pupa ; food-plants and habits. [May, lSiS.]
* 1303. Bailey, James Spencer. The beating net. (Can. entom., 1878, v. 10, p. 62-63, fig. 2-3.) Description and figure of a beating net invented by T: B. Ashton. [May, 1878.1
*" 1304. Hulst, G: Duryea. Larval and pupal history of Darapsa versicolor Harris. (Can. eiitoni., 1878, v. 10, p. 64-66.)
Description of egg and pupa and all stages of larva; habits of larva. [May, 1878.1
* 1305. Goodell, Lafayette Washington. Notes on the early stages of some moths. (Can. entom., 1878, v. 10, p. 66-67.)
Description of larva of Eulondia obIlni(.ct and of larva and pupa of Euma- ccuict brunnearia, fibyja copataria and Cymatopliora crepuscularia ; food- plants and seasons. [May, ISiS.]
* 1306. Grote, A: Radcliffe. New species of Acopa and Heliothis, and note on Hamadryas.
(Can. entom., 1878, v.
10, p. 67-69.)
Characters of genus Acopa;
describes Acopa perpnilida and PI~lioihis nudialis = 2 11. spp.; proposes the generic name Eucleniensia [type : IIan~adrps ? basseitclla] in place of Hamadryas pro-occupied. [May, lSiS.] * 1307.
Edwards, W: H: Notes on Graptas comma and interrogationis.
(Can. entom., 1878, v. 10, p. 69-74.)
Interrelation of the dimorphic forms Jiarrisii and dryas of G. comma ; in- terrelations of the dimorphic forms jiibricii and umbrosa of G. inferrogationis; results of breeding from eggs laid by each form. [May, 1878.1
* 1308. Chambers, Vactor Tousey. Micro-lepid~pt~era. (Can. entom., 1878, v. 10, p. 74-78.)
Describes larva, larval habits and imago of Exarlema fqigemmaeana n. sp., larva and larval and imaginal habits of Brenthla pavonacella, and


imago of StroVisia alUciliaeella; note on the systematic relations of Brenthia. [May, 1878.1
* 1309. Grote, A: Radcliffe. On a new arctian from Florida.
(Can. entom., 1878, v. 10, 13. 78.)
Describes as new an Euhalisidot:~ from Florida, which may be E. luxa, previously described. [May, 18 78.1
* 1310. Couper, W: En tornological collecting tour. (Can. entom., 1878, v. 10, p. 79.)
Announcement of a proposed tour along the coast and among the islands of the Sl. Lawrence river. [May, 1878.1
* 1311. Edwards, W: H: One word more on 1,. pseud- argiolus.
(Can. entom., 1878, v. 30, p. 80.)
[See Rec., no. 1'268.1
Dirnorpl~ism in Lycaenct pseudargiolus seems to occur only in the males; the larvae feed on Cornus in spring, on Cimicifuga in summer, and on Aetinomeris in fall. [Nay, 18id.I * 1312. Fernald, C: H: Tortricidae. (Can. entom., 1878, v. 10, 11. 81-84:)
Brief review of previous work on American Tortriciilae; directions for preserving specimens; describes Paedisca ~~01~hingto&n~ n. sp. [June,
* 1313. Siewers, C: Godfrey. Notes on larvae, etc. (Can. entom., 1878, v. 10. 11. 81-85.)
Describes larvae of Ccdllinnrplia i~tier~*z~~~io-mrirgincita, found feeding on Eupritoriiini qeratoldes, and larva and imago of Anisotc~ sp., found feeding on Gymnoclcidus ccincidensis ; use of sand and butter-tubs for breeding-cages. [June, 1878.1
* 1314. Hagen, Hermann August. On the natural his- tory of the gall insects.
(Can. entom., 1878, v. 10, p. 85-94.)
Review of Adlcr's " Bcitriige zur Nat~irgeschidite dcr Cynipiden" (Du~itsclie entoin. Zeitschrift, 187 7, v. 21, p. 209-247) and "Lcge-Apparat und Eierlegen der Gall~vespcn (1. c., p. 305-332, pi. 2) with a partial abstract, and with criticisms of a paper by P. Cameron (Scottish naturalist, Apr., 1878, . . . ), "the substance of which [last] is incorporated and fully approved in the President's [J: 0. Westwood's] address to the Entomologi- cal Society of London." [June, 1878.1
[Later, Mr. Cameron (Scott. nat., . . . ) accepted Adler's conclusions, and these were confirmed by Mayr and Rudow. H.A.H.] * 1315. Grote, A: Radcliffe. On Euproserpinus phaeton. (Can. entom., 1878, v. 10, p. 94-97.)
Statement of the misunderstandings which led to a dispute over the name of this species. [June, 1878.1


* 1316. [Saunders, W:] Entomological appointments. (Can. entorn., 1878, v. 10, p. 97.)
Congratulations over the appointment of C: V. Riley to be entomologist in tlie U. S. Department of Agrieulturc. [June, 1878.1 * 1817. Graef, E: L:
On a covering superior to paper for
cork-lined boxes for the cabinet. (Can. entom., 1878, v. 10, p. 97-98.)
Recipe for a white wash to be applied to the cork. [June, 1878.1
* 1318. Andrews, W: Valentine. Erratum, etc. (Can. entom., 1878, v. 10, p. 98.)
[Se? Rec., no. l296.l
Occurrence of Pieris isape and AetJ~iUa baihyZlus near Aslievillc, N. C., at an elevation of 1200 to 1500 nletres; Doryphora 10-linecita not yet found there. [June, 18 78.1 * 1319. Jack, J: G:
[The mode of extrication of silk-
worm moths from their cocoons.] (Can. entoni., 1878, v. 10, 13. 98-99.)
[See Rcc., no. 1042, 1046.1
Actias luna, Telea poZypJiems, and other Bombycidae cut their way out of the cocoons by means of two spines on the subinedian nerve of the fore wings.
[June, 1878.1
* 1320. Gott, B: [Lopliyrus abbotii attacking Pinus strobus.] (Can. entom., 1878, v. 10, p. 99.) Description, habits and ravages of L. abbotit. [June, 18 78.1
* 1321. Bates, James Elwyn. [Dorypliora decemlineata eaten by fowls.]
(Can. entom., 1878, v. 10, p. 100.)
A taste for the larvae and imagos of D. 10-lineata induced in domestic fowls, who aided afterwards in clieekingtlie increase of the pest ; [see Eec. no. 9801 both larvae and iinagos of D. 10-linecilci feed on Solu~~un~ dulca- wa. [June, 1878.1
*l 1322. Saunders, W: The Achemon sphinx. (Can. entoin., 1878, v. 10, 13. 101-103, fig. 4-6.) Describes and figures larva, pupa and imago. [July, 1878.1 -*I 1323. Dodge, G: M: Variations in the wing expanse of Pezotettix.
(Can. entoin., 1878, v. 10, p. 103-105.) The length of the wings varies greatlv, suggesting the former identity of the genera Caloptenus and Pezotettix. [July, 1878.1 * 1324. Edwards, W: H: Description of the preparatory stages of Neonympha eurytris. (Can. entom., 1878, v. 10, 13. 105-108.)
Describes egg, laiva, at all stages, and pupa; habits. [July, 1878.1 1 Record made with the assistance of Mr. E: P. Austin.


*l 1325. Andrews, W: Valentine. Description of a new Bronclielia. (Can. entom., 1878, v. 10, p. 108-109.) Describes B. qravilinearia n. sp. [July, 1878.1

Volume 2 table of contents