Article beginning on page 214.
Psyche 2:214-216, 1877.
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(Continued from page 208. )
The date of publication, here given in brackets [ 1, marks the time at which the
work was received by the Editor, unless an earlier date of publication is known to him An asterisk * before a title is the Recorder's certificate of accuracy of quotation. Cor- rections of errors and notices of omissions are solicited. - B. PICKMAN MANN. Nos. 1071 to 113.5 are from Can. Entom.
* 1071. A: R. GROTE. Descriptions and notes on certain moths. p. 25-29. [Apr., 1876.1
Distinction of the genera Ochria and Gortyna; describes Gortyna ne-
copina, Hadena quaesita, Hypenula, H. opacalis, Oncocnemis saundersiana == 1 n. g., 4 n. spp. ; Heliothis fastidha Streck. = Lygranthoecia meskeana Grote"; Dryoboia caltfornica Behr = Xyloniiges hiemalls ". * 1072. V. T. CHAMBERS. Tineina. p. 30-35. [Apr., 1876.1
Describes Polyliymno fuscostrigella, Gracilaria rholfoliella, G. inornutella, 0. sauzalitoeella, G. behrewella,
G. basqueella, G. sassafi'asella, Lymetia gracilella = 8 n. spp.
* 1073. L. F. HARVEY. New Californian and Texan moths. p. 35-38 [April], p. 52-56. [May, 1876.1 Describes Arsilonche album, Jaspidra viridaia, Agrotis aequalis, A. saris, A. choris, A. sierras, A. recula, A. pyrophiloides, Badena dunbari, B. cliloro- stigma, Perigea niveirena, Gortyna oblipa, Caradrina flavimaculatn, Graphiphora pulchella,
Calynmia calami, Lithopliane oregonensis, L. car- bomria, Thalpochares elegantula =I8 n. spp.; gives the synonymy of the species of Arsilonche; Orgyia leucostigma captured in Buffalo, N. Y., 21 December.
* 1074. F. B, CAULFIELD. Addenda to lists of diurnal Lepidoptera, Spliingidae and Zygaenidae occurring on the island of Montreal, P. Q, p. 38-39. [Apr., 1876.1 Adds 6 species [see Rec., nos. 476 and 5331. * 1075. V. T. CHAMBERS. Correpsondence [sic]. p. 39-40. [Apr., 1876.1
Re-describes his method of denuding the wings of Microlepidoptera. [See Can. Entom., v. 4, p. 41-42.]
* 1076. W: V. ANDREWS. Entomological notes. p. 40. [Apr., 1876.1
Capture of half-grown larvae of Ceratomia quadricornis of a brown color [see Rec., no. 10951.
Method of destroying Dorypltora 10-l'meata. * 1077. W: H. EDWARDS. Notes on entomological no- menclature.
Part I. p. 41-52. [May, 1876.1
Examination of the claims put forward in Scudder's Historical sketch
. . . [see Rec., no. 7161 that the so-called generic names proposed for Lepidoptera by Hiibner are to be accepted as valid in modern nomenclature; opposing these claims. Treats especially of Hiibner's Tentamen. [See Rec., no. 1085.1
* 1078.
A: R. GROTE. On genera and the law of priority. p. 56-58. [May, 1876.1
Upholds the advantage of applying distinct generic names to distinguish groups showing slight differences of structure, over making generic names have a wide ~ignificat~ion, inasmuch as the former method allows a more ready comparison of representative faunae. * 1079. VINCENT CLEMENTI. Entomological notes from the county of Peterboro, Ont. p. 59-60. [May, 18761. Times at which various Lepidoptera and Coleoptera were caught; injur- ies by Pieris rapae, Haltica striolaia, Doryphwa 10-lineata and Nematus ventricosus, and means against them.
* 1080. S: H. SOUUDIIR. The relationship of the early spring blues. p. 61-66. [May, 18761.
Puts forward, to incite investigation, the hypothesis that there is but a single species of Cyaniris in North America, which species is dimorphic and polygoneutic; seasons at which the several forms appear. * 1081. G: NORMAN. Captures of Noctuidae near Orillia, in the province of Ontario, Canada. p. 67-72. [May, 1876.1 Mentions in list and text 7 species to be added to his list of captures .
at St. Catharines [see Rec., no 4481, and 152 species captured near Orillia, with dates and statement of abundance. [For descriptions of the new species, see Rec., no. 345, 504, 509, 513, 514, 523,524,531,888.1 [" Palms" are the flowers of Salix.]
* 1082. W: SAUNDERS. Notes on Catocalas. p. 72-75. [May, 1876.1
Describes larva and imago of Catacala craiaegi n. sp., and larva of the closely allied C. polyganm, besides three varieties of the latter larva. ^ 1083, C: P. WHITNEY. Notes on Lepidoptera. p. 75- 77. [May, 1876.1
The sexes of Thyreus abbotii are not distinguished by the color of the larvae [see Rec., no 10881; describes Lerema loammi 11. sp., from Florida. * 1084. FK: B. CAULFIELD. On Platysamia columbia Smith. p. 77-80 [May], 95-98. [June, 1876.1 Argues that P. columbia is a distinct species, and not a hybrid nor a variety [see Rec., no. 21 61; notes on the cohabitation of distinct species. [The name of the author is printed Caulfeild several times in v. 8 and 9, but elsewhere it is Caulfield.]
Can. Entom., v. 8.
* 1085. W: H. EDWARDS. Notes on entomological no- menclature. Part 11. p. 81-94, 113-119. [June, 1876.1 [For part I, see Rec., no. 1077.1
Treats especially of Hiibner's Ver-
zeichniss bekannter schmetterlinge, to show that the names used in that work have no claim to recognition in nomenclature. * 1086. A: R. GKOTE. New Pyralids. p. 98-99. [June, 1876.1
Describes Boiis sexmaculalis and B. penitalis from Kans., B. erectalis from N. Y., and B. con2munis from N. Y. to Ala. = 4 n. sp. * 1087. A : R. 'GROTE.
On Copidryas gloveri (G. & R.).
p. 99-100. [Jnne, 1876.1
Describes the male of the species formerly called Euschirrhopterus gloueri, and makes it the type of the new genus Copidryas. * 1088. A: R. GROTE. Larvae of Thyreus abbotii. p. 100. [June, 18-76.]
Confirms the statement [see Rec., no. 10831 that the sexes of the larvae of Thyreus abbotii are not distinguished by color. * 1089. G: M. DODGE. Notes on the variation in color of Oedipoda corallipes and Oedipoda cine ta. p. 101-102. [June, 1876.1
Describes several varieties of 0. corallips and one variety of 0. cincta, which latter is named 0. cincta var. umbrator n. var. * 1090. V. T. CHAMBERS. Tineina. p. 103-106. [June, 1876.1
Describes A dela (Nematais?) trz~asciella, A. fasciella, A. jammeusella = 3 n. sp. from Cal. ; describes Semele argentinofella, Tinea iniifaforellu, 7'. croceoverticella, T. tlioracestrigella = 4 n. sp. from Ky. ; places Tinea argentistrigella in the genus Semele; states that the name T. eunitariella in Can. Entom., v. 5, p. 85, should be T. coenzitariella. * 1091. A: R. GROTE. On Homoptera and allied forms. p. 107-109. [JU-.e, 1876.1
Points out some of the differences between the species of Homoptera ; describes H. unilineata and Ypsia unabripennis from Canada å´== 2 n. sp. * 1092. L. F. HARVEY. Notes on Litodonta, with re- marks on Oncocnemis. p. 109-110. [June, 1876.1 Describes the variations of Litodonta 7~ydromeli, and names L. fusca, n. sp. ; geographical distribution of the genus Oncocnemis. No. 67 was issued Jan. 10, 1879.
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