Article beginning on page 188.
Psyche 2:188-189, 1877.
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the ovipositor, and that the final act of copulation is effected by the sense of touch.
C. E. Webster.
Eristalis tenax Linn. in America.
Baron Osten Sacken, in his Catalogue of Syrphidae (Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci.), records the capture of & specimen of this fine fly, so common in Europe, in his room at Cambridge, Nov. 1875. Dr. Hagen has lately called my attention to the species, having taken several specimens the present autumn in Cam- bridge. During the past few weeks I have taken many speci- mens of both sexes in Boston and Beverly, and Mr. S. Hen- shaw has done the same in this vicinity. I have also in my collection two females and a male from Beverly, taken in Octo- ber 1875, and among the Diptera collected in Georgia by Mr. H. I<. Morrison is a somewhat soiled
female, which seems to
belong to the same species. We must therefore regard E. tenax as fairly settled in America.
The species may be recog~iy.ed from its large size, 15-16 mm. in length, wing 13 mm. long.
Face grayish yellow, the
cheeks and a broad median stripe black ; forehead and occiput black with a grayish spot and hairs between. Antennas dark brown. Eyes with two darker stripes, connected above and below. Thorax clothed with dull tawny hair, a faint trace of pattern showing through. Scutellun~ brownish yellow, trans- parent. Abdomen black, sparsely clothed with fine yellowish white hair. Second segment with two triangular, more or less distinct, ferruginous spots. Third segment in the male with a faint trace of similar marking.
The segments are margined
with a row of short jellow hairs. Wings clear, somewhat em- browned on the forward margin, and sometimes slightly clouded on the disk. Legs black, knees and anterior metatarsi yellow ; -
hind tibiae much curved and strongly ciliated. Edward Burqeas.
[It is remarkable how rapidly E. ienax has spread over this part of the country.
The specimen taken by Baron Osten Sacken, mentioned above, is preserved in the collection of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, and bears date of 5 Nov. 1875.
There are also in the same collection two specimens of this species taken by Baron Osten Sacken, labelled Newport, JL I., 22 Oct., and 20 Nov. 1876. 1 have in my collection, besides many taken this season, a male taken 3 Nov. 1876, at Cambridge, Mass., and other collectors have also taken specimens. G. D.]
A new species of the Hymeno-
pterous genus Calvptus (Braconiclae) parasitic on Magdalis olpa belonging to the Coleopterous family Curculionicliie : CALYPTUS MAGDALIS Cresson.-<S 9. Shiningbblck ; base of antennse, palpi, tegulas, and legs, yellowish-testaceous; face and sides of thorax thinly pubescent; metathorax rugose; wings hyaline, faintly dusky at tips, stigma and nervures black, the lather yellowish at base; tip3 of tarsi and sometimes the posterior tibise behind, fuscous; abdomen polished, depressed, first segment longitudinally aciculated; ovipositor of the female as long as tlie abdomen. Length 3.5-5 mm.
Hab.-Massachusetts. (Mr. Samuel Henshaw.) E. T. Cresson.
A new species of the Hymenopterous genus Diomom (Chalcididae), hatched from the nest of Crabro stirpicola Pack., in the stems of the black raspberry :
Bright metallic green, varied with
shades of blue; antennae black, base of scape testaceous; thorax confluently punctured; wings hhyaline, faintly dusky at tips; legs green or blue, tibise fuscous or black, base whitish, as is also base of tarsi, posterior femora with a short tooth beneath near tip; abdomen smooth, polished, green changing to brilliant blue or purple in certain lights; ovipositor rather longer than abdomen. Length 5 nm.
Hub.-New Baltimore, Greene Co., New York. (Rev. J. L. Zabriskie.).
E. T. Cresson.
A CARDINAL GRASSHOPPER. Last autumn Dr. Joseph Leidy of Phila- delphia, sent me a specimen of Phylloptera rotundifolia Sciidd., taken 29 . Aug., on Sharp Mt., Schuylkill Co., Penn., which was of a vermillion hue. At first I supposed the color was due to the use of the cyanide bottle in .
killing the insect, but it seems that Dr. Leidy was attracted by the color and kept the I'hylloptera alive in a jar for nineteen days, during which it ate morning glory (Convolvulus) leaves, drank drops of water and laid eggs loosely in the jar.
The insect differs in no respect from ordinary speci- mens of this species excepting in color, the entife body even to the ovipos- itor (which is usually brown in the normally green specimens) being of a uniform hue, which after drying has become somewhat embrowned. Samuel H. Scudder.
PRIONUS PROLIFIC. In July 1877, I examined the abdomen of a female Prionus laticollis, and found therein 332 eggs ; in August 1878, I found in another female 597 well-formed eggs, besides some soft bodies which may have been undeveloped eggs. B. Pickman Mann.
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